Aoba Office

Chapter 611 Number 010-After School (5)

"I don't know, I...what is something special? What is something special?"

"Have you ever been in contact with a dead person? Seen a death scene? Or attended a funeral?"

"No, no."

"Have you ever come into contact with old objects that are old?"

"No, probably not."

"Have you ever offended anyone?"


"Some supernatural events are caused by humans. Have you offended anyone recently? Or has the person who hated you passed away recently?"

"No, none. There should be no such thing."

"It seems like it's more likely that there's something wrong with your body."


"Mr. Li, it's not that you have become a lunatic. As I said before, it may be because of fatigue or some diseases that you have auditory hallucinations and hallucinations. We think it is best for you to go Go to the hospital for an examination to rule out this possibility. In addition, if you still have doubts, we will also investigate Bihai Primary School where you work to see if similar things have happened in the school before. You have not asked other teachers during your time at school ?"

"No...I'm afraid..."

"I understand. If you are still worried, we can accompany you to the hospital for examination."

"Oh. Then...then I'll trouble you."

March 18, 2002, audio file analysis. Audio file 01020020317G.wav.

"...The screams of children are either screams or screams made while playing..."


"There's still no sound. Is there something wrong with this guy's brain?"

"Not necessarily. Let's see again."

On March 18, 2002, an investigation was conducted into Bihai Primary School and it was confirmed that the school had no records in the public security system and that no deaths of students or teachers had ever occurred within the school.

On March 20, 2002, he accompanied the client to the hospital for a physical examination.

On March 21, 2002, an investigation was conducted into Bihai Primary School and it was confirmed that there were no abnormal deaths of students and teachers at the school during their studies and employment.

On March 22, 2002, the client's physical examination report was obtained. The client was in good health and had not been diagnosed with any disease. It was recommended that the client go to a psychiatric department for examination, but was refused.

On March 23, 2002, the client visited. Audio file 01020020323.wav.

"Mr. Li, please have some tea. Are you okay?"


"Today is the weekend, right? You didn't go to school, right?"

"I, I didn't go to school, not to the school where I work. I suddenly remembered that I had a substitute teacher..."

"Have you opened any interest classes outside?"

"It's my dad. My dad is also engaged in art. He is now an art teacher at the Primary School Affiliated to Minqing University. He holds interest classes at the school on weekends and teaches sketching, ink painting and the like. Last month, at the beginning of last month, I When I was in school, I took over a class for him. The teachers from their school were attending a meeting, and I went to help take over the class."

"Did you end up in your current situation after that?"

"It seems, it seems like that's it. I don't know...I..."

"Mr. Li, with all due respect, you seem to be very concerned about your mental condition. Do you have any special experience in this regard?"


"Mr. Li?"

" mother, my mother, she..."

"Is your mother mentally ill?"

"I don't know...she just...she was called crazy when I was a child. She was a little difficult to get along with, her temper was up and down, and she couldn't work for a long time. aunt was the same. My aunt committed suicide several times. Once, they committed suicide by turning on the gas, and almost killed the whole family...I was very afraid...Am I starting to...they started to act abnormally a few years after they got married, a few years after they got married and had children. I don't know if I..."

"Mr. Li, mental illness has been studied to a certain extent abroad. There are various treatment plans and drugs for different mental illnesses. It is not a good thing to hide the disease and avoid treatment."


"The substitute teaching you mentioned before is also a clue."


"We'll look into it. Minkyung University Affiliated Elementary School, right?"


"As far as you know, have there been any incidents at that school?"

"I don't know... it should be, right? My dad has been a teacher there for many years, and I haven't heard him say anything about it."

"Yes. We will continue to investigate. I hope you can also actively seek a doctor for a mental examination."


On March 24, 2002, an investigation of the Minkyung University Affiliated Primary School found no cases or other deaths in the school.

On March 25, 2002, Zhang Manqin, a retired teacher from Bihai Primary School, was contacted. Audio file 01020020325.wav.

"Hello, Teacher Zhang."

"Hey, I haven't been a teacher for many years."


"It feels so good to see young people like you now. When I retired, many young people were unwilling to be teachers. Even boys were unwilling to be teachers."

"Yes. According to our investigation, you have been a teacher at Bihai Primary School since its establishment?"

"Yeah, it's been many years. Alas..."

“You can say you have witnessed the history of Bihai Elementary School.”

"This is really... I am also very proud, very proud. In the early days, we were all suffering, and the whole country was suffering. We had to tighten our belts to get by, and the teaching environment... Well, that can't be called a teaching environment. . It’s fine now, life is getting better..."

"Teacher Zhang, do you have any memorable experiences? Is there anything particularly strange about the school, the students and the teachers?"

"What? Very strange?"

"Yes. We want something innovative, whatever it is, just something special."

"It's so special... When you asked me like this, I couldn't think of anything at once. Speaking of it now, you young people haven't experienced those days, so you may find them interesting, but people of our generation are all the same. Everyone wants to have more To eat a piece of meat, you have to work very hard and live very hard..."

“Are there any ghost stories about school that are spread like today’s students?”


"It's very popular among students nowadays. There are locked classrooms in schools, and the lights in the classrooms are turned off inexplicably..."

"Oh, children today...we didn't have this kind of thing back then. The classrooms were in tatters, and they couldn't be locked..."

"Is there nothing similar in Bihai Primary School?"

"No. The subject of your report is quite special."

"Yes. In fact, we started from folk customs. There are many ghost myths in folk customs, which all reflect the humanistic atmosphere of the society at that time. There are many such stories in the countryside and fields, and there are many similar academic discussions. The same is true in schools. Such stories are widespread, but there are relatively few relevant professional discussions.”

"Well, this angle is really innovative."

"Teacher Zhang, have you thought of anything?"

"What you said just now... We used to have a saying among teachers, not students. It was also a rumor. It was said that there was a female teacher - the teacher's social status was still very high at that time - who was raped by the city leaders. Please go and teach his son a foreign language class. The female teacher came back from studying abroad and drank foreign ink. She was a high-level intellectual at that time. Of course, she was not a teacher in our elementary school. But our school and other schools are saying , after she taught the leader’s son, the child was naughty and injured the female teacher’s face, and then the female teacher committed suicide.”

There are only two updates left. _(:3 ∠)_

Good night everyone~

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