Aoba Office

Chapter 605 Commitment

This voice certainly didn't belong to that crooked old guy from Gu Mo.

The voice belonged to Ye Qing.

I trembled and my heart beat faster. fantasies actually affect my hearing and my mobile phone...

No, it's possible that I'm still in a dream after all.

The personal pages of Gu Junze and Chen Jia are also fake, right?

In fact, the two of them are not dead.

That's all the stuff of dreams.

Why dream about them dying?

"Lin Qi." Another voice came from the phone.

I came back to my senses and laughed "haha" twice.

How can I wake up?

Or, don’t wake up on purpose?

Just waiting like this, waiting for this dream to scare me awake?

"Did you hear me?" Ye Qing's voice became a little darker.

"What... do you want? My body?" I asked in a low voice.

Here it comes again, here again to steal my body.

"But Liu Miao and Wu Ling haven't been rescued yet, right? Where are they? Are they about to show up?" I raised my head and looked around.

My head stopped spinning. Those cats and human faces were gone, and I didn’t see the good representatives Liu Miao and Wu Ling.


A shout came from the phone.

I was excited and looked at my phone in a daze.


I heard Ye Qing exhale heavily.

"Okay, it's okay. Don't think too much and don't use your abilities recently." Ye Qing said quickly.

I still can't react.

However, the call was hung up.

A beeping busy tone sounded, indicating that the other party hung up the phone. Then the call interface flashed and returned to the address book interface.

There are no new call records in the mobile phone records.

I held my phone and looked at it for a long time, hesitating and hesitating, and then the alarm rang.

I subconsciously pressed the alarm, looked at my phone, and then at the room.

I shook my head slowly and no longer felt dizzy.

Is... is it okay?

I'm not sure.

It seems to be better...I don't feel uncomfortable anymore.

I gritted my teeth and opened the browser.

The homepages of Gu Junze and Chen Jia are still in black and white. What I saw before was not fake or a dream.

So, where is Ye Qing's phone number?

I started to hesitate again, and by the time I came to my senses, I was in a daze for half an hour.

There was the sound of parents getting up from outside.

I changed my clothes in a hurry, left the bedroom, and took a cautious look at the kitchen.

Mom was serving porridge. She turned around and saw me, and was startled, "Why don't you make any sound?"

Not a dummy.

I twitched my lips and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

I washed my face and brushed my teeth. When I came out, there was already a plate of porridge on the table.

Mom stared at my face for a while.

I felt creepy and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Did you not sleep well? You have heavy dark circles under your eyes these days." Mom asked with concern.

"Yeah, not bad." I hesitated.

"Don't stay up all night just because you're young. Your health is the most important thing. Don't mess around." Mom muttered quietly, as usual.

My sister came out of the room, yawned, said good morning to us, and went into the bathroom.

I ate a bowl of porridge with a sigh, "Okay, I'm going to work."

"Yeah." Mom waved her hand.

My sister came out of the toilet and casually said "Bye".

A normal morning, no different from usual.

Moreover, nightmares wouldn’t have such long life scenes, right?

It's time for someone to scare me.

I pressed my heart, went down the stairs, breathed in the fresh morning air, and saw people coming and going in the community, and my heart really calmed down.

However, my doubts did not disappear.

I thought about it all the way to the station and finally made the call.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Gu Mo's lazy voice made me relax.

"I had serious side effects this morning. I wanted to call you." I said.

"Oh. Are you used to it now? Not bad." Gu Mo said with an indifferent attitude.

"I remember dialing the number, but the person who answered the phone was not you." I ignored his attitude and continued.

Gu Mo said "ha", "You called me in your dream? If you want to talk about your nightmare, go talk to your children."

"It's Ye Qing." I said.

Gu Mo was silent.

"What I heard was Ye Qing's voice. He said something, warned me not to use my abilities, and hung up the phone. The call history didn't show it. Then I suddenly felt better. When he spoke, I seemed to be okay. Yes." I recalled it.

If I really wasn't dreaming at that time, then maybe it would be all thanks to Ye Qing that I no longer have dizziness or headaches.

"Yes, I understand." Gu Mo said coldly.

I couldn't wait to ask him: "Did Ye Qing do something?"

"Maybe. You should ask him." Gu Mo said.

I noticed that Gu Mo's tone was not right, "What's wrong? What's the problem with this?"

"What problem do you think it is?" Gu Mo asked back.

"I just don't know, so I'm asking you. If I knew, what would I do to you?" I became impatient.

"Little brother, you just need to remember one thing. Be obedient and don't talk so much nonsense." Gu Mo said calmly.

An unknown fire suddenly burst out in my heart.

"Oh... give me your cell phone."

Nangong Yao suddenly said on the other end of the phone.

Gu Mo curled his lips, probably threw the phone to Nangong Yao, and stomped away.

I knew there was a new person on the other end of the phone, so I suppressed the anger in my heart and waited for Nangong Yao to speak.

"Is that Lynch?"


"What did you just say to Gu Mo?" Although Nangong Yao had excellent "sight", he obviously couldn't "see" the conversation between me and Gu Mo.

I recounted the situation firmly.

Nangong Yao was silent.

"What's going on?" I walked behind the bus stop sign and paced irritably.

"I was a little curious before. Your ability is unparalleled to some extent, but the side effects on you are very small." Nangong Yao did not answer directly, but said slowly, "Now, I have some The eyebrows are clear."

I was stunned and had a guess in my mind, "You mean..."

"You should do as Ye Qing said. Don't take the initiative to use your abilities recently. What happened last time probably did a lot of damage to Ye Qing. He can't take good care of you now." Nangong Yao continued, "Try not to do it again. It puts a burden on him.”

This time I was silent.

"There's no need to put so much pressure on him. This is actually quite normal for him. If it weren't for the changes in that different space, Ye Qing should be able to fully bear the side effects of your ability. Is this considered a reward, or a thank you gift?" Nangong Yao Changed to a relaxed tone.

I can't take it easy.

I have experienced the effects of the side effects the hard way.

Even if Ye Qing bears it for me, it's not exactly the same feeling, but it's at least equivalent pain, right?

"For Ye Qing, this is something he is used to. He has already borne part of the side effects of the four of us." Nangong Yao added, "Now it's just a little more..."

My heart moved, "What's wrong with Fatty and the others..."

"Maybe. I'm not sure about this." Nangong Yao didn't seem to take this matter seriously.

But I can't let it go.

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked.

The ghosts in the novel seem to need some training. Big ghosts eat small ghosts, or simply kill living people. I can't accept the latter, but if Ye Qing needs ghosts... uh... there should be some way, right?

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