Aoba Office

Chapter 604 Outbreak

The first message on Gu Junze's homepage has changed.

It was probably his family who sent the message announcing his death.

In fact, he has been dead for several days, but today, his family posted a message on their social account.

Many people under that message asked what happened.

Obviously, Gu Junze's death was sudden, not a long-term illness, and his relatives and friends had not been notified one by one.

I checked Chen Jia’s social account. He should know something, right? After he died, he still tried his best to revive. Gu Junze renewed his relationship. Gu Junze was about to die...

I looked at the redirected page and suddenly thought of a question.

Because Chen Jia liked Gu Junze, she turned into a ghost after her death. She spent a long time occupying the body of a living person and was resurrected. Will Gu Junze's death be like this? These two guys won't be like Tianyi Zhenren, who always find ways to survive and become old monsters, right?

The page jump is completed.

There were no updates on Chen Jia's homepage, but his first message almost exploded.

I was a little confused, so I reordered the comments by time, and then I saw the content that scared me.

It was a comment in a foreign language, but the content was very simple. It pointed out a fact bloody: "You killed Gu Junze!"

Comments exploded. At first, many people were asking Chen Jia why Gu Junze didn't answer the phone or reply to messages. Later, some people asked him how Gu Junze died. After that comment appeared, a lot of people started clamoring, asking what happened. .

Love killing?

Was it a love killing?

Gu Junze and Chen Jia had a fight, and then Chen Jia killed him?

This is the best result I think.

If that's the case, the matter should end like this, right?

I don't know whether I should call Gumo or the others and tell them about this.

I refreshed their homepage a few times, hoping someone could provide more information.

However, ten minutes later, I saw that Chen Jia’s homepage also turned black and white. After a few seconds, a message was updated on his homepage.

Chen Jia is dead.

I was completely at a loss.

A bloody drama about killing someone after a love affair and then committing suicide?

If these two people die, then everything is over, right?

I hesitated for a long time, and when no more messages were refreshed, I turned off my phone.

It was still early, but I couldn't sleep after that.

I lay stiffly on the bed, changing positions occasionally, but still couldn't fall asleep.

It wasn't until dawn that I got up stiffly.

I looked at my phone and opened the web page again.

There were many comments on the two people's social accounts, and someone posted a link.

After I clicked on it, I entered a foreign website.

My thinking is a little slow now, and I can't understand those words at all.

Fortunately, the browser has a translation function.

The level of browser translation is very good. Although the wording is a bit strange, it can make people understand the full text.

This is an investigation report released by a foreign police station, indicating that a recent murder case in the community under their jurisdiction has been identified. The murderer and the victim were in a marriage relationship, and they had an argument due to emotional conflicts, which eventually led to the murder. The murderer confessed to his crime during the police investigation. While in custody, also this morning, the killer was found dead. According to the preliminary autopsy, the murderer's cause of death was sudden death. The detailed cause of death needs to wait for further autopsy to determine.

Although the report did not mention the lives of the murderer and the victim, it was about Gu Junze and Chen Jia.

It seems that this is indeed not a supernatural event.

But I'm still flustered.

The nightmare from before resurfaced in my mind.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of my unfounded doubts about Ye Qing.

But my sleep-deprived head was dizzy after being shaken like this.

I held my head and endured the dizziness.

When I got out of bed and stood up, I felt dizzy again, my legs went weak and I fell back onto the bed.

I gasped.

My head started to hurt.

It's not like I've never stayed up late before. I've had nightmares before, but never like this.

My head hurt, and I felt as if my body was soaked in water, swaying with the waves.

Nausea, nausea, general weakness...

Is this the side effect of Nangong Yao's ability?

It's so uncomfortable.

I closed my eyes and pressed my head.

But it wasn't darkness before my eyes, I could still see my bedroom.

The bedroom wall is wallpapered with a light-colored texture that is very homely.

The textures magnified before my eyes, forming faces.

A woman's face, without eyes or mouth, is just skin.

Many women's faces.

It's the female ghost in that village who was skinned!

My breathing became rapid.

With the world spinning, I turned to face the window.

There was a black cat squatting outside the window, staring at me.

I wanted to go backwards, feeling soft under my feet.

I guessed a cat...

No, I guessed it was the cat's body.

The cat's body was covered in scars, as if it had been abused.

No no no no……

These are all commissions handled by Aoba, and they are things I have seen in the files.

not real!

I'm lying in bed with my eyes closed, there's no way I can see right now!

They're all side effects, they're just...


I heard a familiar voice.

I opened my eyes.

I was literally lying on my bed, and there was someone standing next to it.

I rolled my eyes with some difficulty.

The figure of the man was translucent, and I could only see his legs. His upper body was penetrated by the light and could not be seen at all.

"Ye Qing..." I screamed.

"Is it time to give your body to me?" Ye Qing put his hands in his pockets and said to me casually.

"No...impossible!" I jumped up from the bed.

Suddenly, Ye Qing's figure disappeared.

The whole room was spinning around me.

Even if I squeeze my eyes shut, I can feel the room spinning.

Ye Qing's voice also revolved around me.

"Give me your body...Give me your body...Give me..."

I covered my ears and tried my best to tell myself it was an illusion, but I still felt uncomfortable.

It was like someone had put their hands inside my head and was playing with my brain.

My senses were completely confused.


I opened my eyes and saw the phone falling in front of me.

I tapped the screen of my phone tremblingly.

But who to call?

They can't save me. Gumo? Can they still be believed?

No, no, these are all side effects. Ye Qing didn' least he didn't want to take my body away now.

I endured the uncomfortable feeling and dialed the phone with difficulty.

"Gu Mo... I..." I just made a sound when I heard rustling noise on the other end of the phone.

"Lin Qi." A cold voice came from the phone.

I was completely stunned.

As usual, please give me a monthly ticket~

It’s still a double monthly ticket, it’s the last few days, hurry up and vote~

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