Aoba Office

Chapter 593 No. 051-Love Curse (1)

I felt like I had really been picking up corpses all night, and I was exhausted when I woke up in the morning.

The fear of yesterday was gone, replaced by exhaustion, even more exhausting than using real power.

This kind of mental fatigue made me forget my fear. When I took the bus to work in the morning, I no longer felt so worried.

But, I’m really tired.

And my instinct became to look for my own body.

Looking at the long queue of vehicles outside the car window, I subconsciously searched for my own body, and my eyes almost fell out of my head from exhaustion.

When the thin man saw me, he continued to look astonished like yesterday, "Brother Qi, are you having another nightmare?"

I slumped in the chair and didn't even want to talk today.

"I think you really need to see a psychiatrist." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

I moved my fingers.

"Please help me look for it. What kind of expert database is there? Do they also have experts in this field?" The thin man said whimsically.

"Let me tell my brother-in-law. In fact, what happened last time was that a psychiatrist came and provided psychological counseling for those people." Chen Xiaoqiu said, "He refused to see you capable people."

"Ah? What should we do?" Guo Yujie asked hurriedly.

"You didn't ask for this last time. This time, let my uncle talk to him." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

I listened to their conversation, but was too tired to react.

Fatty saw me like this, so he said something to Xue Jingyue when he got off work, and drove me back.

My mother said distressedly: "Don't work too hard. If you can't do it, just ask for leave."

"It's okay." I shook my head.

Of course I couldn't tell my family my true situation, I could only fool around like this.

When I returned to my room, I lay down on the bed, but I didn't want to sleep.

I was obviously very tired, and my body was clamoring for sleep, but my mind told me to choose to wake up.

I caught a glimpse of Aoba's files on the bookshelf and stared at them for a long time.

I got up from the bed and pulled out a file.

If I watch the incident again, will I still have related nightmares?

I hesitated for a moment and opened the file.


Incident number 051

Event name: Love Curse

Client: Liu Shengxuan

Sex: Male

Age: 17

Occupation: student

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room XXX, No. XXX, Gonghe Road, Minqing City

Contact number: 183XXXXXXXX


On October 3, 2008, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 05120081003.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Liu."

"Ah, no, no need to call me sir...I..."

"Okay, classmate Liu, is it okay to call you this?"


"Please tell me what happened to you? What problem do you need us to help you solve?"

"Yes, it's like's not popular in our school, it's just the girls. They say that there is a method on the Internet. After using it, the person they like can like them and be very good to them. That thing is called 'Only for your lover' became popular abroad first. It became popular abroad, and when it was translated, many people on the Internet said it was successful, and the person they had a crush on came to confess their love."


"I...I tried...I tried once. I just followed the steps on the Internet and tried once. I didn't expect...I didn't expect...I just gave it a try. If I succeeded, I would be confessed. Then Is it good? Just like that..."

"What are the specific steps?"

"You need to know the other person's name, birthday, and a piece of their hair, and then your own name, birthday, and hair. The hair is wrapped in paper with the name and birthday written on it, and the two paper packages are put together and then burned. You have to burn it in front of the moon at night and recite incantations."

"What's the content of the spell?"

"It's just one sentence, 'Moon God, please turn so-and-so into a lover that only belongs to me.' Repeat this three times."

"Moon God?"

"This is a translation. That one is from a foreign country and is a foreign name, which is very difficult to pronounce. The person who translated it online means the moon. Just say Moon God."

"It sounds like this method is a bit childish."

"Yeah! I'm just having fun! I'm really just..."

"So, what happened after you completed this ritual?"

"She, she confessed to me..."

"Is this a good thing?"

"No, it's not! She confessed her love and then started dating me. We went home together after school. She was very good, very good in every way. We chatted on the phone, but we just couldn't finish talking. During the summer vacation, we We often go together, either I go to her house or she comes to my house to play. started...after school started, I went to her classroom to look for her last week, and her classmates said...her classmates said, there is no such person …”

"no such person?"

"Yes, they all said that there is no such person in their class. I don't know, I, I asked many people. She was originally in the top ten of the grade. She had very good grades, was good-looking, very popular, and the teacher also liked her. She Really, really exists! But they all said that there is no such person. They asked me if I was confused or if I had the wrong person... I, I called her, she answered, she was there Yes. I saw her coming out of the toilet and she said hello to me, but the people around... the people around..."

"Can't people around see her?"

"I can't see... they can't see... I asked, I asked people... but I can't see... everyone... only I see... only me..."

"Can you contact her now?"

"I, I haven't...she called me for several days, but I didn't dare to answer it. She sent a text message asking what happened, and I...I didn't know how to reply. I saw her when I was in school that day, She was waiting for me at the intersection. I... I lowered my head and walked over. I didn't dare... I didn't know what to do. I didn't dare to tell others. "

"I understand. Could you please call her now so we can meet her?"

"Meet... her... in case... I don't know, I really don't know if she is real or fake now. Maybe she was fake from the beginning. I, I may be mentally ill, I..."

"Classmate Liu, please calm down. Let us judge the specific situation, okay? Let us meet her first."

"I...okay...but, I, I don't dare...I..."

"Can we do it for you?"

"Huh? Okay, okay."

"Hello, is this Chen Jia?"




"There seems to be something wrong with this phone number, Classmate Liu... Classmate Liu?"

"You...can't you hear me?"

"Is there a voice on the other end of the phone?"

"Yes, she is...she..."

"Please wait a moment."

"This phone number?"

"Yeah. Come on."



"Your friend came to us and wanted to solve some problems. Where are you now? Is it convenient to come out and meet now?"



"Oh? You mean, you are downstairs in Building 6 of Gongnong Village 6?"


"You stalked your friend?"


"Then please come up now. Our office is on the sixth floor."



"It seems there is something wrong."


"She's following me? She's been following me?! Is there something wrong with her? There's something wrong with her!"

"Classmate Liu, please calm down."

"I, no, I...ah! She, she's here...she..."

"Classmate Liu!"

"Should I open the door?"

"open it."

"No! Don't let her in-"

Click! squeak--

This chapter is late...

But I’m asking for tickets in May~~~

There are cups every month, so please vote early and don’t waste it again at the end of the month~( ̄▽ ̄“)

In addition, there is a 515 Fan Festival at Qidian. There are many activities. You can actively participate~

Good night everyone~

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