Aoba Office

Chapter 571 Number 092 - Black Mist (7)

"Grandma Wang!"


"what happened?"

"Isn't this good for my mother-in-law? Why are you saying nonsense that my mother-in-law is dead!"

"No, just suddenly..."

"Did you fall asleep, snore, and then suddenly stop breathing?"

"It's possible, it's possible..."

"It's okay."

"You... why are you here again?"

"We have something we want to interview about this village."

"You should leave quickly, you are not welcome here."

"Juan'er, it's okay."


"You guys sit down. Juan'er, I'm fine. You can go and do your business."

"Grandma, do you know your current situation?"

"Yeah. Star Cluster."


"You little thing, why are you still here?"



"Can I ask for your name?"

"Wang Ting, Wang Yang's Wang, Courtyard's Court. Are you in this business?"


"When I saw you yesterday, I felt like you were traveling together. You are here probably because of the Cao family's child, right?"



"...This cat was originally raised by my youngest daughter-in-law. When she was pregnant, her in-laws were afraid that there would be some problem, so she sent it to me, and I have been raising it ever since."

"Meow meow~"


"So, it doesn't count as a person from our village."

"what do you mean……"

"The Cao family is from our village. This is written in the earliest genealogy."

"Deed of betrayal? Is it the genealogy of the high-ranking official named Cao?"

"Yes. My ancestors were originally servants of that official, and they have been servants for generations. In modern times, this is no longer the case. The Cao family has also dispersed, and those who are still left behind are all Side branches that didn’t matter in the first place. Those direct descendants and side branches in ancient times, do you understand?”


"That's it. But there are names in the genealogy, that is, people from the Cao family, people from here. According to the rules here, weddings and funerals are done. There are no rules left for weddings, but funerals still have to be done. Follow the rules. You have also seen that when someone dies here, everyone in the village must hang wind chimes at the door to show the way to the person who has left. If there is no guide, there is no way to go to the underworld and be reincarnated. Throughout the ages, this place has been That’s right. I’m the only person in this village who can make that kind of wind chimes.”

"What happened to Mr. Cao Andong and the factory owner who died one after another?"

"Well, it's a long story. Back then, Xiao Cao, the father you call Cao Andong, went to work outside, made money, and built the first factory in the village. It was all good. When it came to Lao Cao, when his parents died suddenly, something went wrong. People in the village didn't understand at that time. In fact, there was something wrong with the things made in the factory. Lao Cao and his wife just ate it. That thing died suddenly. When Xiao Cao found out about this, he didn't tell us anything. He closed the factory and never returned to the village. He sold the factory to a stranger, and that man was not a good person either. Something. That chimney, you saw it when you came here, right?"


"At that time, the smoke coming out of the chimney was black. The sky in the whole village was dark. It was not as dark as it is now, it was really dark, black that ordinary people could see. The villagers said, I tried it, but it didn’t work. There are still people who are confused and think that as long as they make money, it doesn’t matter whether the sky is blue or dark. They have been arguing like this for several years... I... I didn’t expect them to do that... The first time the boss of the factory died Yes, someone from them gave the wind chimes to the boss. After the funeral, all the wind chimes in the village were picked, and the people who left... found there..."

"In other words, they used wind chimes to lure the ghosts to the factory owner?"

"Yes. Alas... I found out. I made all those wind chimes. I found out about this and asked them to take the wind chimes back. They couldn't do this kind of thing again. They agreed to me, but when another factory opened, Get up...just like this one after another..."

"In Mr. Cao's situation, he was haunted by the dead in the village? There doesn't seem to be such a wind chime around him."

"He is not. He is not haunted by ghosts, but by anger. This place is no longer good. The feng shui is no longer good. He is from the Cao family. The names of their ancestors are written on the genealogy of the ancestral hall. His Fate and luck are connected with this village. So, he can't survive."

"Is there a way to solve this matter? Is the genealogy still there?"

"No more. During the war, everything in the ancestral hall and the temple was gone. I am the only old woman here who still remembers these things."


"If you want to save him, I have no good way to tell you. Probably when he dies, all the land here will be expropriated. Or if all the land here is expropriated, he will die. People always live on the land. Yes, no matter how you move, the roots are always in the same place and cannot move away. If the land is gone, the roots will be gone and it will die. If the tree dies, the land will have to be plowed again and things will need to be replanted. It’s not the land it used to be.”

"Thank you. Your situation..."

"Haha, you are interested. I know your situation, you can do your own thing. This old woman, I am just going to survive for a while, and she should die with the land here."


"Be good, Xingtuan, grandma will go with you then..."

On September 7, 2015, I received a call from Cao Andong. Telephone recording 201509070343.mp3.


"Ha...ha...ha...gudu...I, it's me..."

"Hello, Mr. Cao, what happened?"

"I just, I just almost, almost died... ha..."

"Did you dream again?"

"It's not just a dream! There is something real! I couldn't breathe. When I woke up from the dream, I saw something on the lamp above my head...that kind of ceiling lamp...that is, inside the lampshade. thing!"

"What is it?"

"Wind chimes...the kind of wind chimes from my hometown..."

"You mean, your ceiling lamp has that kind of wooden wind chime inside the lampshade?"

"Yes, that's the kind...I don't know how they were let in! No one has come in, no outsiders have come in! I asked my wife, and she said she didn't know. And in the morning, during the day At that time, no, not at night, when the lights were turned on, there was nothing inside. Now I..."



"Mr. Cao, please burn that wind chime as soon as possible!"

"What...what did you just say? Signal..."

Rustling... rustling...

Jingle Bell--

"Wait a moment. It's so late, who's calling..."

"Mr. Cao!"

"Hey, ah? My parents? Are you kidding me? What do you mean by falling to death? It's so late at night..."

"Meow meow……"

"Why is there a cat meowing at home? Lao Cao..."

"Mr. Cao! No, he can't hear it. It should be..."

"Hey, ahhhh!"

"Who are you! How did you get in?!"

"You are... you are the one..."

"Old Cao, who are they?"

"Don't come here, don't come here!"

"Ah! What are you doing!"



On September 7, 2015, we went to Ancestral Village. Video file 09220150907.avi.

The picture shows a dark village with no street lights and a gloomy sky with no moonlight or starlight. Only the outlines of the houses in the village and the hills in the distance can be seen vaguely.

The range illuminated by the car lights was limited, and soon, the light of a flashlight appeared in the picture.

There was deathly silence in the village.

"This place...has lost all its popularity and negative energy." Liu Miao sighed with emotion.

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