Aoba Office

Chapter 570 Number 092 - Black Mist (6)

"It's very noisy, it's very noisy at night... That sound... is the wind chimes, those wooden wind chimes are ringing, the sound is messy, it keeps ringing, it's so scary... Now, I've only heard that once, and I still feel scary After that, when someone died in the village, I would go home directly instead of staying in the village. That voice, how can I put it... Anyway, it made people feel very uncomfortable. "

"What about the cessation of sound?"

"Just all of a sudden! Really all of a sudden, the sound disappeared! There was no sound at all! I still couldn't react, but I heard the noise outside, which was the sound of opening the door, so I went out. At that time, everyone on the street was The doors were all opened and they were collecting wind chimes. I followed suit. This matter... Although everyone believes in science now, it really cannot be explained by science. There is no sound of wind outside, only the sound of wind chimes. And those wind chimes, When I was collecting it, I saw that all the ropes were twisted together and it was a mess.”

"Is this the only strange thing in the village?"

"It's the only one, nothing else."

"Do you know the Cao family who once lived here?"

"Cao? Ah...that Mr. Cao? Has he moved to your Minqing City?"

"Yes, we have interviewed him before, and that's why we are interested in this village. There is a lot of talk here."


"What impression do you have of him?"

"No, it doesn't exist anymore. Before I came here to work as a secretary, their family moved away and the house was empty. But..."

"But what?"

"People here probably hate their home."

"Do you know why?"

"I don't know. When I first came here, didn't I want to get to know the people here so that I can do my work? At that time, I also inquired and found out that their house was vacant, so I asked about the neighbors. They said it was that I didn't want to talk about them and hated them. I didn't ask anything. Mr. Cao came here some time ago, but he was not very popular. He didn't stay in his hometown, but stayed in a hotel in the town. Yes. He drove here and then back. I saw people in the village looking at him with strange eyes. Well...this..."

"What do you remember?"

"That's the attitude... They also had the same attitude towards my previous secretary and village chief."

"You mean they also hated your former officials?"

"It's not that I hate it, I hate it a little bit. Anyway, the attitude is very fierce. They..."

"Secretary Zheng, if you have anything to say, you can tell us directly. We will protect the interviewees. In addition to you, we will also interview many people here. Even if news reports about land acquisition are not published, we will send the manuscripts to all interviewees. , we will also indicate who provided the interview information. As for what we are talking about now... If you follow online news, you should understand that unless you are willing to cooperate with us to release the information in a step-by-step manner, the revelations will not be disclosed If the person’s true identity is unknown, there will be no introduction to the person being interviewed.”

"This matter... you came here and went through such a big circle, is this actually the reason for it, right?"

"What do you mean?"


"Secretary Zheng, if you don't cooperate, it will be difficult for us. We don't care about the authenticity of the news. What matters is that there is a topic. Some things do not need to be true or evidence to enter the Internet. It all depends on the planners and writers. Talent.”


"What were you talking about before?"

"It's the factory. Have you seen the factory over here?"

"Well, I saw that production seems to have been suspended. Is it because of land acquisition?"

"No. Production has been discontinued for a long time."

"what is the reason?"

"The boss is dead."

"Are you saying that the owner of the factory died? No one will inherit it?"

"If everyone dies, there will be no one to inherit."


"I'm not sure if they are all dead. There is a brick kiln factory here. The first boss died, and the second boss took office. Within two years, he also died. This is what I know. Some other small factories, I don’t know if the boss is dead or has run away. We also had a headache during the land acquisition, what to do with these factories, how to contact the property rights holders, etc.”

"Have all the factories stopped production?"

"Yes, everything has stopped and is empty."

"Then what do you think the reason is?"

"I don't know. It's possible... I just doubt it. It's very evil. Maybe it's a curse or something..."

"Do you think it's some kind of method that science can't explain? Is there any concrete evidence?"

"Where's the evidence for this?"

"Didn't the family members of those deceased reveal anything?"

"Well... I know one person, as I just mentioned, the first boss died, and the second one also died within two years. The first one was from the village. He was originally from the village. He lived in the village most of the time. Before his death, he couldn't sleep well. He couldn't sleep all night long. You could tell that he was getting thinner and thinner, so thin that he didn't look human at all. Go to the hospital. , taking medicine, it doesn’t work, and then the person dies.”

"After his death, did the village hang up wind chimes according to tradition?"

"No. He didn't die in the village, he died in the hospital and was buried in the cemetery."

"What else did you want to say before?"

"It's these haven't seen them now. These factories are not up to standard. There are many, and they are not very formal. At first, people in the village didn't know about it, and there were complaints, but..."

"In other words, there is pollution?"

"Yes. It's quite serious. Now that it's closed, it's not much better. To be honest, the eldest brother doesn't laugh at the second brother. Many people in the village don't understand environmental protection and so on. You see, some people won't listen no matter what they say. , they even burn straw. And the cats, dogs, and livestock they raise are not very good at preventing epidemics. But everyone is used to this, so they don’t take it seriously. Factories are a new thing. Everyone is very scared.”

"Did the villagers boycott the factory before it stopped production? That's why you suspect that the death of the factory owner has anything to do with them?"

"Yeah. Their attitude is very obvious..."

"Did your former official also pass away?"

"...Yes... He passed away suddenly, and I will take over..."

"Is this why the Cao family is hated by the villagers?"

"Well, I have found out something. It was the first factory here. It was opened by Mr. Cao's father. It was a small factory, but within two years, it was closed and resold. So maybe …”

"Have you ever thought about the means they used to curse these people?"

"No, how could I have thought of this? I am very polite to all of them now, and I am also afraid of death!"

"In this case……"

"Wow ah ah ah ah -"


"Old lady! Old lady!"

"Mother-in-law! Wuwuwuwu..."

"what's up?"

Da da da da…

"what happened?"

"Grandma Wang passed away."

"Hiss—Grandma Wang is gone? Why did she leave so suddenly?"

"Who is Granny Wang?"

"He is the oldest person here. He is over a hundred years old. He is very healthy. He still walks and sings every day. Why did he leave?"

Da da da……

"Is she the old lady who keeps the cat?"


"A Xing left yesterday. Grandma Wang sent A Xing away just yesterday..."

"Boss, look outside..."

"This place has changed..."

"What has changed? What's wrong? What's in the sky?"

"It's nothing. Let's go there quickly. Secretary Zheng wants to take a look, right?"


Da da da……



"She's from the Wang family, why, why is your mother-in-law just..."


"Did they do something?"

"Is it them?!"

"What did you do to Granny Wang?"

"We just chatted with this old lady for a few words yesterday. When we left, she was fine..."


"This... boss?"


"Ah, ha! Why are there so many people? Why are you all crying?"

Good night everyone~

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