Aoba Office

Chapter 495 No. 076-Girls Dormitory (10)

"Hello, Miss Xu." It was Wu Ling who spoke.

The girl asked in panic: "Who are you? When did you come in?"

"Miss Xu, you are dead. You fell downstairs in the cafeteria because the glass window fell. Do you still remember?" Wu Ling asked.

The girl's face was blank for a moment, then became distorted, and her body began to tremble. There were blood stains and wounds on her body, and there were bloody scars on her young face, which looked shocking.

"Am I dead... am I dead? Now, what am I now?" The girl said to herself, looking at her body.

"Miss Xu, you shouldn't stay here." Wu Ling said.

"No! What are you going to do? I don't want to die! I don't want to die yet!" The girl shouted excitedly, her voice was hysterical, almost piercing people's eardrums.

"Miss Xu, it's time for you to leave." Wu Ling's tone did not change.

The girl yelled and stepped back, trying to escape, but suddenly stopped.

Da, da, da, da...

There were footsteps outside. It's impossible to tell where the sound came from just from the video.

The girl who was about to escape became frightened, closed her mouth tightly, climbed onto the upper bunk bed, turned her back to the outside, and curled up.

"Is it the one Chai Ying heard? It wasn't at night." Liu Miao looked at the sky outside, then turned back, "Is it influenced by the boss?"

The camera turned, and Aoba's three people opened the door and came to the corridor.

At the end of the corridor, a woman walked over. Her steps were not fast. As she walked, she turned her head from side to side, as if she was checking the bedroom doors on both sides. Noticing Aoba and the others, she stopped and stared at the end with an expressionless face.

This woman is a bit older, in her thirties or forties, and she is not dressed like a student. There was a large pool of blood on her stomach, as if there was a wound there, but it was impossible to see clearly what the wound looked like. There is a mole on the corner of her lip, her slightly curly short hair is dyed brown, and her eyebrows look serious and unsmiling.

The woman started to walk again, walking towards the camera step by step, her eyes also widened in the frame. The camera deliberately zoomed in, giving a close-up, capturing her strange pupils.

There is a symbol in those eyes, which is very similar to the symbol under the mold. To be precise, it is the complete version of that symbol. Without the cover of the mold, it looks particularly clear. The meaningless shapes composed of triangles, crosses and circles look like a child's graffiti, but because of the location they appear, it makes people look creepy.

The woman slowly raised her hand, as if she wanted to catch the three of them.

Ye Qing took a step forward and without any hesitation, punched the woman's body.

The woman's body began to crumble, turning into powder and dissipating into the hallway.

"Ah!" shouted from outside the screen.

The camera turned half a circle and captured the girl hiding behind the door. She collapsed on the ground and found that after the camera turned around, she was trembling and her screams stopped suddenly.

"Do you know what happened to the ghost just now?" Wu Ling asked.

The girl nodded tremblingly, "I know, I've seen her in the past few days. She's the dormitory manager, she should be the previous dormitory manager! The clothes she's wearing are the dormitory manager's uniform!"

"Do you know what she's doing?"

"She is patrolling, I don't know... We, our dormitory is not patrolled, and there is no lights out time, only access control time. I don't know her! I have never seen her before. But she... I saw her last time She..." The girl's face gradually became more horrified, "It was a few days ago. I died... and I saw her after I died... No one else could see her, only me saw it, only me... I talked to them, but they didn't respond... She stared at me, walked over, and turned to look at me... Go to bed, as long as you go to bed, everything will be fine... She looked at me for a while, and then left..." The girl started to cry.

"Miss Xu, you should leave." Wu Ling brought up this topic again.

The girl shook her head, raised her eyes, and suddenly shouted in fear, "I'm leaving right now! Don't come over! Don't come over!" She seemed to be too frightened, and her figure shook for a moment, slowly became transparent, and gradually disappeared.

The video ends here.

On June 13, 2013, the list of dormitory administrators and employees of Minqing Foreign Studies University was found, and the identity of the ghost that day was confirmed to be Yang Yanan. He died on November 4, 2007. He was the dormitory administrator of Building 9 before his death. The cause of death was a car accident. The incident took place outside the school. According to school records, Yang Yanan once reported theft by students in the dormitory, and two students were given major demerits, named Zhang Shuangyan and Luo Huiting.

On June 14, 2013, Zhang Shuangyan was contacted. Audio file 07620130614.wav.

"Hello, Miss Zhang."

"Hello. Well, what did you say you wanted to interview?"

"It's about your college life. We found out that you were demerited by the school during your college years, is that right?"

"You want to ask this? I don't really want to talk about it..."

"Miss Zhang, please don't mind. We have no idea about your behavior. Our magazine does not pay attention to education and social news. Do you still remember Miss Yang Yanan, the dormitory manager who reported you at that time?"

"Huh... remember. She was the one who made the matter big. I just borrowed a watch from my classmate. Because I had to take an exam, I couldn't find my watch. Later, the watch was really lost. I didn't know why. Lost it somewhere, or was stolen. I apologized to her, but she didn't care anymore. I even invited her to dinner, and neither of us said anything. Later, when I came back after the summer vacation, she asked me to compensate and gave it back to me. I looked at the invoice. She didn't know before that the watch cost more than 10,000 yuan. I couldn't afford that much money at once, and my family didn't have that much money. I wrote her an IOU and agreed to pay her back after the job was agreed. We were both juniors that year, and I had found a good job. I could pay back the money in one year. I don’t know where the woman heard about this, and she said something to my classmate in a weird way. My classmate I had to pay it back right away, otherwise after graduation, she would go back to her hometown and be so far away, and I don’t know if she would be found. I really had no money, and neither did my family. She called the police, which caused me to record a demerit. , the job I originally found was also lost.”

"You were not the only one who was demerited at that time, there was also Miss Luo Huiting. What is her condition?"

"I didn't know her before, and I didn't have much contact with this person. She seemed to have started the new semester and came to school wearing a new watch. It happened to be the same model, so people said it was stolen. She couldn't get the invoice. She said the watch was a gift from a relative at home. I don’t know how she got it later, but it became a conspiracy between me and her. She paid me to lend the watch out and then pretended to have lost it. I didn’t even say a word to her. !”

"Did you take revenge on Miss Yang Yanan later?"


"Ms. Zhang, have you tampered with the bathroom mirror on the first floor of the dormitory?"

"I...I just couldn't be angry...she was just a dormitory, and I couldn't do anything...At that time, a girl happened to accidentally break the mirror. I saw a book that introduced ancient civilizations and what kind of curses there were. Symbols...I will secretly draw them..."

"You also deliberately painted the mold on it to cover it up?"

"It's not a cover-up. If there is mold stains, someone must take care of it. The symbol won't stay long. I just want to vent. ...What on earth are you going to interview? Why are you asking about this?"

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