Aoba Office

Chapter 494 No. 076-Girls Dormitory (9)

The traces were like simple shapes made of lines, similar to signs like trademarks and badges.

Wu Ling reached out and wiped the mildew stain, but there was no change at all.

Liu Miao also reached out and touched it, "Is it painted on?"

"Probably he wants to cover up this symbol." Ye Qing said.

"It's a curse." Wu Ling made a judgment. "It's not the curse symbol here. In the symbolic language of another ancient nation, it represents a curse."

"What's the result of the curse?" Ye Qing asked.

"When the body dies, the soul will never have peace." Wu Ling replied.

"Are all female students today so cruel?" Liu Miao clicked her tongue.

"Looking at the fading condition of this mildew stain, it should not have been painted recently," Wu Ling said.

"How to crack this?" Liu Miao asked.

"Got to check."

"The curse is here, and the person who wants to curse it should often use the mirror here." Liu Miao said.

The camera panned to the bathroom.

“It’s possible for all the students in the building.”

"Look at other places." Ye Qing walked out of the toilet first.

On the other side of the dormitory duty room is the staircase. The stairs are wide enough for three people to walk abreast.

There are advertising boxes at the corners of each floor.

There are also traces of Yin Qi remaining on the stairs, which are also not very strong, just light, like mist.

Aoba's three people patiently walked through the dormitories on each floor. Although they did not enter the dormitory, the camera captured every door. There are traces of Yin Qi remaining on the door, and again, they are not very heavy.

Those doors have been decorated by students. Some have painting skills and are very good at painting. Some have celebrity heads or decorations. Others have written slogans and hung signs saying "Reject flyers", which is also interesting.

But no matter what, there was no one in the dormitory. There was only the footsteps of Aoba and the other three, and there was a gloomy atmosphere. The atmosphere shown in the video was not pleasant.

By the time we reached the sixth floor, the gloom became heavier, as if the fog had thickened.

Liu Miao took out the key.

They entered dormitory 6013.

On the door of dormitory 6013, prayers were written with colored pens, "Don't fail the exam", "Full grade points", "Get a boyfriend"...

But when I opened the door and saw the heavy gloom in the room, the traces of blood on the ground, traces of police inspections, and the rubbish left behind after hurriedly cleaning up, my heart sank.

The balcony door was open and the wind was blowing in.

Girls' T-shirts hung on the balcony, swaying in the wind, and the hangers hit the clothes drying pole.

The camera stopped at the location of the body marked on the ground, and then moved to other places.

"Run away." Liu Miao sighed.

Ye Qing walked to the balcony and seemed to be looking into the distance.

"It's a little different." Wu Ling said.

"Well, it's not a ghost." Ye Qing turned around.

"Who do you think it is?"

The camera focused on Ye Qing.

"Shen Qing." Ye Qing replied casually.

The other two people had no objections.

"The third one should be Yu Fang." Ye Qing continued.

"How did you get in?"

A girl's voice.

The camera turned 180 degrees and captured the door of the dormitory. A girl was standing at the door of the dormitory, looking at the camera in surprise.

The girl looks young and beautiful, with a high ponytail, a T-shirt and shorts, a pair of canvas shoes on her feet, and a backpack on her back. She wears many colors, all of which are bright.

"Chai Ying brought you in? Where is she?" The girl leaned back, turned her head left and right, and looked at both ends of the corridor, "Strange, where are the others?"

"Miss Yu Fang." Wu Ling spoke.

"Huh?" The girl looked at the camera again, with a confused look on her face.

"You are dead and now you are a ghost." Wu Ling said.

The girl's face was more confused, "What?"

The camera moved slightly, and it seemed that Wu Ling had moved out of the way.

The girl's eyes moved downwards, and an ugly smile appeared on her face, "What is that? That one on the ground...who is playing a prank in front of my cabinet? What is that painted on? The white lines on corpses in detective movies?"

"This is the location of your body at that time." Wu Ling replied.

The girl's expression became hollow, "My could I...I just went to take the exam, and when I came back..." Her expression became painful, and she grabbed her hair.

"Did Miss Yu see the murderous ghost at that time?" Wu Ling asked.

Big tears fell from the girl's eyes. She slowly squatted down and hugged her knees.

"Miss Yu, are you okay?"

"I'm dead, can I still be okay?" the girl yelled, crying sadly.

"Do you still remember the process of your death?" Wu Ling asked cruelly.

The girl touched her neck with a look of fear.

There was a mark on her neck, a black mark, and blood flowed down, staining her clothes red.

"Have you seen that ghost?" Wu Ling asked again.

The girl trembled, "Look...I saw...inside the suitcase...her head, stretched into the was so dark, but I saw...yes..." Her eyes suddenly widened, "yes Shen Qing, it’s Shen Qing! Ah!”

The girl in the camera was at a loss, ", amulet, my amulet..." She opened her collar, touched her pockets, and put her backpack in front of her. She reached into her backpack, but it suddenly disappeared. She twitched nervously in the air.

The camera shook.

Wu Ling appeared in the camera, walked towards the girl, held her hands, "Miss Yu, your relics should have been taken away by your parents."

The girl's eyes were confused.

"At that time, you put the amulet in your backpack. You returned to the dormitory and put the backpack aside."

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes again, "I just...just took it off for a while..."

"Miss Yu, you are already a ghost. You should pass away and cannot stay here." Wu Ling said.

The girl burst into tears, "I...I'm just like this...Is there nothing I can do?"

Wu Ling shook his head.

"Why did this happen to me... I wasn't the one who killed Shen Qing, I didn't do anything... Why did Shen Qing find me..."

No one from Qingye answered her question.

The video has been edited here, the light in the room has changed, and the girl has disappeared.

There were very light water stains on Wu Ling's shoulders. Soon, the water stains disappeared, as if the different shades of clothes just now were just because of the wrinkles of light and shadow.

"Let's go and check out the other dormitories." Ye Qing took the lead in leaving dormitory 6013.

The door closed, isolating the bloody dormitory.

Liu Miao took out a set of keys with labels on them. Ye Qing found the corresponding key and opened the door one by one.

The dormitory behind the door was empty, with most of the bedding on the bed taken away and everything on the table cleared away.

There is Yin energy in these rooms, which is heavier than other places in the dormitory building and lighter than 6013. The level between the other dormitories and 6013 is the cabinet in one dormitory. There is nothing in the cabinet, but the residual Yin Qi can be seen.

The camera shot inside the dormitory. After moving around, it captured a desk for the second time.

There was a person in a place that was empty before.

The girl with curly hair was reciting books. She seemed to hear something, turned around, and jumped up in surprise and fear.

There are only two updates today. _(:3 ∠)_

Good night everyone~

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