Aoba Office

Chapter 481 My Lover (1)

I couldn't control my confused mood.

Because I saw the signature on the oil painting on the wall, which was faint and scrawled, but after seeing the sign on the hospital bed, I matched it up.

Zhuge Wen, this old man is called Zhuge Wen, and the signature on the painting is Zhuge.

Maybe he was just a painter, who just created those paintings and painted beautiful works.

Just like the essence of "games", they are just entertainment works created by companies, planners and programmers. They do not want to use games to kill people.

Zhuge Wen may have been unintentional and innocent.

But his works, indeed, turned into monsters.

I was at a loss for a moment.

Zhuge Wen's vital signs were weakening.

Even if I don't understand medicine, I can tell that there is something wrong with Zhuge Wen's body when I see that the indexes indicating heartbeat and blood pressure are completely lower than normal values.

Didi, didi, didi...

The machine knew Zhuge Wen's situation better than I did and sounded an alarm.

The bird monster sitting next to the bed stood up, panicking.

Is Zhuge Wen going to die?

If he is going to die, will these monsters disappear or continue to exist?

I was thinking wildly and couldn't make a decision.

Zhuge Wen is different from Chu Run, Xiao Tianci, and Lu Manning. He is still a living person, he may be an innocent living person...

The bird monster made a shrill cry.

The doctors and nurses rushed in, seemingly unable to see the bird monster, and concentrated on rescuing Zhuge Wen.

I felt a sudden yin energy.

In the blink of an eye, I saw Zhuge Wen's ghost sitting up. He disembodied, sat up, got out of bed, and walked past doctors and nurses.

My heart tightened.

The bird monster seemed to have seen Zhuge Wen's ghost and hurriedly tried to block his way.

Zhuge Wen looked dull, avoided the bird monster, and continued walking out. If the bird monster blocks him again, he will just circle around stupidly like the AI ​​in a computer game.

The bird monster stretched out its feathered hand to push Zhuge Wen, trying to push him back into his body.

Zhuge Wen's ghost suddenly became transparent.

And as time goes by, he becomes more and more transparent.

The bird monster withdrew its hand, like a pitiful little animal, and looked at Zhuge Wen in panic.

Without any obstruction, Zhuge Wen avoided the bird monster and continued forward.

I thought of the videos in Qingye's archives and of Director Zhou.

At this moment, Zhuge Wen was like a ghost who was going to report to the underworld after a normal death.

There is no ghost to lead the way, but Zhuge Wen should be going to the underworld to report, and then...


Master Xuan Qing talked about reincarnation!

"...The current time is 11:38 on January 24, 2023..."

The doctors and nurses stopped the rescue operations and were about to declare Zhuge Wen's death.

At 11 noon on January 24, 2023, the day I entered the dreamland, more than ten minutes before Master Xuan Qing entered the hotel to destroy the formation.

I suddenly looked at Zhuge Wen who was walking out.


Zhuge Wen died at this time and soon went to reincarnation. Therefore, Master Xuan Qing has no choice! He had no way to fulfill the requirements of those bird monsters, and he had no way to find Zhuge Wen's ghost!

If I miss this opportunity, can I dream of Zhuge Wen again and change the real predicament? No matter what happens, at least I will let Zhuge Wen survive for a while longer than Master Xuan Qing can solve the porcelain bowl...

Gritting my teeth, I put aside many thoughts and rushed towards Zhuge Wen.

I grabbed Zhuge Wen's body with my hands and was about to reverse his time when the sound of an eagle chirped from behind me.

I was startled and turned around to see the bird monster rushing towards me fiercely.


I was shocked.

It moved so fast that I had no time to dodge!

Just when the beak was about to pierce my body, I felt the surrounding scenery change again.

The fresh wind, the warm sunshine, and the chirping of birds are pleasant to the ear, and they are no longer the kind of sounds that contain murderous intent.

I saw the woods and the birds flying out of the woods.

There are several wooden shelves in the open space in front of them, with bird feeding troughs inserted on them. The birds landed on the shelf and pecked at the feed. They are different in size and appearance and are not the same type of bird.

Some were so brave that they flew directly towards me, stopped on my legs, and rubbed against my clothes.

A hand touched the bird's head, and the bird chirped happily.

The hands were old, wrinkled, had ugly protruding veins, and the knuckles were slightly deformed.

I realized that these were not my hands, nor my body.

I floated up and saw Zhuge Wen.

Zhuge Wen was wearing work clothes, and his wide jeans were frayed with white edges. He was sitting in a rocking chair, teasing the birds, with a kind and gentle face, completely different from the dying old man I had seen before.

Behind him is a small wooden house. It looks to be old, not big, and has a very ordinary shape. It doesn't look like a beautifully decorated holiday villa.

The cry of a bird of prey came from behind the house.

The birds flew up in fright and fled in all directions.

Zhuge Wen saw the birds flying away, then slowly stood up and entered the cabin.

I drifted in and saw a room full of oil paintings. The paintings were piled on the floor and unframed. As for the content of the painting, apart from the quiet scene, another thing that remains unchanged is the back of the girl in the painting. The girls in different clothes always have their backs to the frame, with no faces shown.

Zhuge Wen walked through the living room, entered the kitchen at the back, and went out through the back door.

Behind the cabin is a large yard with wooden frames and rabbits, chickens and ducks.

The cry of the eagle made these little animals frightened and hid in their nests.

Zhuge Wen bent down and pulled out a jumping white rabbit from a rabbit nest.

A black shadow fell from the sky and landed on the wooden shelf. It was an eagle, full of energy and energy, exuding a powerful aura.

Zhuge Wen smiled and threw the rabbit in his hand to the eagle.

The rabbit twisted its body in the air, and before it could hit the ground, it was caught by the passing eagle. The eagle's claws pierced into the rabbit's body, and drops of blood spread all over the floor.

The eagle landed on the ground, stepped on the struggling rabbit, and used its sharp beak to peck open the rabbit's skin and feast on it.

Zhuge Wen looked on with a smile, as if he was watching his little grandson eating with relish. He stood for a while, then sat down on a deck chair in the yard and looked at the hawk, then at the sky and the trees.

After the eagle finished eating a whole rabbit, flapped its wings and landed on the armrest of the lounge chair, Zhuge Wen reached out and touched the eagle's head, just like he was petting the cute little bird just now.

"Little bird...little lark..." Zhuge Wen muttered to himself.

The eagle eyes stared at Zhuge Wen, as if listening to his words.

I looked around and saw no bird monster or bird-faced girl. At this time, haven’t those things appeared yet? Should it be now... I looked at Zhuge Wen hesitantly.

The scenery in the field of vision seems to be covered with a veil, and it is like the water surface blown by the breeze.

After a few seconds, everything returned to clarity.

I stood indoors again, with the drawing board in front of me.

A broad, strong hand holds the brush and paints the canvas.

I moved my body and saw the young Zhuge Wen, who looked like he was in his thirties or forties, but the expression between his eyebrows and eyes was more pathological, stubborn and crazy than the old man.

There are also many completed paintings around, but instead of a quiet scene and the girl's back, there is an outline of a girl, only an outline, no face.

"Ah!" Zhuge Wen suddenly threw away the brush in his hand and pushed the drawing board to the ground.

"Nightingale... lark... skylark... no, no..." He held his head and groaned in pain.

Thanks to Darlanian, Reserve Grain 04, Ulassis, Literary I Want to Smoke a Cigarette, Zhou Kuajiao, Star Marks That Night, Fish Bone Thorn, Singularity of the Universe, Book Friends 161214095734630, Listening to the Elms by the Window, I fantasize about rewards from Bilibili and Cup~Thank you everyone~

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