Aoba Office

Chapter 480 The girl in the painting (3)

The police didn't come in. What they probably saw was the revolving door that suddenly turned again.

Wei Xiaozhong was dragged to join the team of bird-faced girls.

The crystal lamps and sculpture horses in the hall did not react, as if they had turned into real dead objects.

I felt a strange atmosphere.

The girls entered the stairwell and filed down. There were different footsteps because they were wearing different shoes. And their dragged bodies collided on the stairs. I saw Liu Xiangqian and Yuan Kang.

The team advanced in an orderly manner and entered the underground parking lot.

The stairwell door is a two-way sliding door. The door was opened, and rubble from the underground parking lot rolled down into the stairwell. The girls climbed up the rubble with dexterity, and the originally neat team became disorderly.

I took this opportunity to search for the real person Xuan Qing, but I didn't see any body buried under the stone.

In the middle of the parking lot, there is a girl with an eagle face. She looked even weirder. In addition to her face, her exposed skin also had feathers. After the pile of rubble, several more girls walked out. They also had raptor faces and feathers on their skin. They looked more like bird monsters than mutated people.

They howled.

The bird-faced girls seemed to obey the command, spread out, and were busy among the rubble.

I was stunned.

They seemed to be digging.

The slender and tender fingers were scratched by the gravel, and the bird's beak pecked through the large stones.

Yuan Zhiyi and others were thrown at the feet of those bird monsters.

Yuan Zhiyi was so frightened that he lost consciousness.

Rego's situation was even worse. He probably knew more than anyone else and knew what was wrong here.

I floated around those bird monsters, but they didn't notice my presence. I tried to find the guy I'd found in the parking lot earlier.

In the direction I remembered, I saw a bird-faced girl dig him out.

He is still alive!

I was a little surprised, and suddenly I realized that this person was not Zhenren Xuan Qing. Judging from his clothes and equipment, I guessed he was from the rescue team.

He was dragged to the bird monster.

Yuan Kang's expression changed, and some of his scarred bodies also changed their expressions. They stared greedily at the living man.

My heart shuddered.

A gust of wind blew by, and Yuan Kang, who was closest to the man, had his lungs pierced by an eagle's beak.

Yuan Kang fell to the ground softly without even making a cry.

The sharp eagle eyes glanced around, and other bird monsters also surrounded these ghosts. An owl-faced monster dragged the living man aside.

Several more people were dug out and placed side by side.

I don't know what they are going to do, so I can only stand still.

At least, the current situation is not the worst. They are also the only...things that can rescue people the fastest.


A loud gasp made me turn my head sharply.

The bird monsters also turned their heads, some even rotated 180 degrees.

My heart slowly relaxed.

Being dragged away by several bird-faced girls, the one who screamed ouch ouch was none other than Master Xuan Qing!

He's still alive and doesn't look too injured, which is great news.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Master Xuan Qing's eyes did not move around flexibly, but I felt that he had a clear view of everything happening around him, and he also understood in his heart what was going on here.

The bird monsters gathered together as if to welcome Master Xuan Qing.

The bird-faced girls let go of their hands and allowed Master Xuan Qing to stand up. He also slowly dusted himself off and straightened his hair and beard.

I felt the sight.

Not a hotel, but Xuan Qingzhen. He seemed to see me.

My heart tightened.

What to do now?

Is Master Xuan Qing hinting at something to me?

Should we deal with these monsters or find the porcelain bowl?

By the way, where is that porcelain bowl now?

There were so many questions popping up in my head.

One of the bird monsters with the largest head and beak stood up and said humanly: "We can trade."

I was surprised that the monster said such words, and in a flash, I felt that it was reasonable. They just want to occupy human bodies and kill people for fun, so there is no need for them to go to such trouble.

Master Xuan Qing was very calm and calm, "What do you want?"

"Four people. Our father, his lover, and two suitable bodies." The bird monster said bluntly.

I was really surprised this time.

Father? Lover?

How is this going?

Master Xuan Qing raised his hand slightly, pinched his fingers, and moved his lips.

The monsters didn't bother him. There was a bird-faced girl in the distance who continued to look for the victims.

Master Xuan Qing suddenly put down his hand, "Since it is a transaction, can I also make a request?"

"We will let you all go and dig out the things under the ground as you wish. And these, we can also let them go." The bird monster said, pointing to the broken ghosts. The ghosts had different expressions.

Master Xuan Qing seemed to be thinking, he raised his eyes slightly, and his eyes seemed to be looking at me.

"I need something, and you have to prepare it for me before I can fulfill your request." Master Xuan Qing said.

"Go ahead." The bird monster nodded.

"Then listen carefully: hair, placenta, door panel, mirror, sand." Master Xuan Qing spoke slowly about five things, and then added faster, "The hair must be born in the same year, month and day as your father. A human hair, pulled out by the roots, requires a total of..."

The monsters listened quietly, their bird faces looking serious.

But I didn't continue to listen.

Hair, placenta, door panels, mirrors, grains of sand...




An idea flashed in my mind.

I couldn’t figure out what reincarnation meant, but I understood the last two words. I'm afraid Master Xuan Qing won't be able to deal with these monsters now, so I can only find a way.

I have to kill them before they take shape...

As soon as this idea came to my mind, I looked at the monsters.

Gotta change someone!

My dreams need to be changed!

There are too many of them now. We have to go back to the beginning, when their father created them...!

I felt dizzy and my surroundings changed.

I was no longer floating in a ruined parking lot, but now standing in a hospital room.

There is a painting hanging on the wall in front of me. The painting is of rolling grasslands, with blue sky and white clouds corresponding to the green grass and white sheep. I moved my body and turned around to see the hospital bed. Lying on the hospital bed was an old man with gray hair and wrinkles on his skin. He was wearing a ventilator and had many tubes inserted into his body. The vital signs displayed by the instruments next to him were very weak. Beside his bed sat a girl, dressed like a shepherdess, but her face was that of a falcon, and the backs of her hands were covered with feathers, like a bird wearing a shepherdess's clothes.

The monster stared at the old man with an expression that could be described as sad.

My heart skipped a beat.

Is this the old man? Their father? Just kill him... No, I don't want to kill him like this, I want to kill him in the past...

Good night everyone~

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