Aoba Office

Chapter 405 No. 002 - Sharing the same bed (3)

"This method treats the symptoms but not the root cause. We can't confirm whether the amulet will work on the ghost. If it is convenient, we still hope to see the ghost with our own eyes at night."

"My family members are all here. They will definitely not be happy if you spend the night. In other words, you are my colleagues, and my house is only so small..."

"In that case, let's see if the amulet can work first. If you agree later, you can stay at the office overnight."

"Oh...that's okay..."

February 18, 2001, audio file analysis. Audio file audio file 00220010217G.wav.

"...When I wake up and open my eyes, I can see the quilt bulging like this..."

"I didn't hear any strange noises. It was just this guy talking."

"Let's take a look at his home."


Audio file 00220010217(1)G.wav.

"...That's great! In this way, that ghost won't appear again...."

"Still not. There is no sound from this man's home."

On February 19, 2001, the client visited. Audio file 00220010219.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao. How was last night?"

"It doesn't doesn't work at all...he comes's her, it's a woman! I feel, feel...her hair...her hair falls on my face, looking from above I...she looked at me all night...I didn't dare to open my eyes..."

"In other words, haven't you seen what she looks like?"

"No, I don't dare...I really don't dare..."

"Did you notice any of her characteristics?"

"Characteristics? Long hair... it should be curly hair, very soft, with a scent... ah..."

"What did you think of?"

"I...I dreamed about it on New Year's Eve...I also dreamed about it before! I dreamed about this woman!"

"Can you tell me more about it?"

"I had a dream last year about a woman. That woman... uh..."

"Is it an erotic dream?"


"Have you seen that woman in reality?"

"I don't know, I didn't see the face. I just remember her... She had a good figure, long curly hair, and a scent. I felt it... and a voice, and the voice was nice... That's it, just This is it... just a normal... erotic dream..."

"But you dreamed about it a lot."

"I... I thought it was my subconscious, it was the type I liked... Actually, it wasn't many times... I don't remember... When I wake up in the morning, sometimes I forget... But I remember it two or three times. New Year's Eve... ...On New Year's Eve... I remember that the dream that day was the last. It didn't end immediately. It... continued for a while... we seemed to be talking..."

"Have you mentioned marriage, cohabitation, etc.?"

"I don't know...I forgot when I woke up in the morning. Just remember, remember..."

"When did you first dream about her?"

"I forgot... last year, I just remember it was last year..."

"There is always an opportunity for you to dream about that female ghost. Please recall it carefully."


"What was your original favorite type?"


"You didn't originally like women with long curly hair like this, right?"

"No, no, I like straight hair...Ah, ah! I remember it! That day, when I went to the mall to buy something, I saw an advertisement on a counter. That's the smell! That counter They sell perfume, that’s what it smells like!”

"Which mall? What brand of perfume?"

"I don't remember the brand... Holiday Mall, it's a counter on the first floor of Holiday Mall."

"We will start investigating from this aspect."

"Then I...I..."

"If it comes from your dream, perhaps external forces cannot stop the ghost."


"Please recall it carefully, Mr. Xiao. What did that female ghost say to you, and what did you say to that female ghost."

"I...I really...can't remember..."

"This is about your safety."

"I know, I know, I was thinking..."

On February 19, 2001, we investigated the perfume counters on the first floor of Holiday Mall and confirmed that there were five counters selling perfume products. Attached: photos and basic information of five perfume counters.

On February 20, 2001, five perfume counters were investigated to confirm the identities of their spokespersons and advertising models. Attached: A list.

On February 20, 2001, the client visited. Audio file 00220010220.wav.

"Mr. Xiao, you..."

"You are right..."


"She was in my dream... She was in my dream... I was sleeping on the sofa last night, and she came... I originally planned to watch TV until dawn, but halfway through, I felt like I There is someone next to me... There is someone sitting next to me, right next to me, her thigh is against my thigh, and her head is leaning on my shoulder... Her hair... her hair is right here... I... I don't dare to move... I didn't dare to move... The TV was still playing, and it was showing a midnight movie, a boring black and white old movie. She... She hummed softly... It was a song from the movie, humming along with the movie... Later, later it played It's over, there's no program anymore, it just turned into a round picture with many colors. She was still humming... humming other things... I could feel her rubbing my shoulder, and her breathing... I sat there all night. In the morning, my mother pushed me... I was covered with a quilt and the TV was turned off. My mother said I fell asleep in the middle of the night. She got up and saw it and turned it off for me. She didn't watch it. When it came to the female ghost... I didn't even feel her coming, and I didn't see the TV turn off... It was like a dream, I was dreaming at night..."

"Mr. Xiao..."

"Is there something wrong with my brain? Either I encounter a ghost or I keep having nightmares? Were those nightmares before?"

"Mr. Xiao..."

"I went to the hospital for a checkup. I registered in the morning to see a psychiatric patient. I also went to three hospitals and saw three doctors. They talked about a lot of things, about life pressure and mental stress, and they gave me prescriptions. I took medicine, a sleeping pill. I don’t know if it will work...I’m so scared! If I take it and fall asleep, won’t I dream about her again? But maybe, after taking the medicine, I won’t be able to sleep when I fall asleep. Are you dreaming?"

"Mr. Xiao..."

"What you said about Yin Qi and what the hell you said last time is true? Are you lying to me? As long as I take medicine and sleep soundly... like the deep sleep and light sleep the doctor said, I won't be able to sleep. Are you dreaming?"

"Mr. Xiao."


"We investigated the perfume counter you mentioned. This is a photo of the counter. These are the spokespersons and models of these brands that we found. Take a look and see if any of them look familiar to you."


"Mr. Xiao?"

"This is it, this is what I dreamed of! This is this woman! I remembered it! I remembered it!! We chatted on New Year's Eve and talked about a lot, so I said it. If I am with you, if Live together...I...ah..."

"This is Yifang's model. If this is the case, we will investigate her."

"I might just be dreaming..."

"You can get treatment. If your doctor's treatment helps, that's good news."


On February 21, 2001, an investigation was conducted into the model Lin Yanfei of Yi Fang Shui. She was born on April 19, 1975 and died on August 23, 2000. The cause of death was sudden death due to drug overdose. It was confirmed that he was at a private party at the time of death and had excessive sexual behavior. The body has been collected by his family and buried in Kaiyuan Township. Attached: Photocopy of police file.

Thanks to Dongfeng 26d and TeeMoMax for the tip~

Still owe more updates..._(:3」∠)_

Ni Meng, don’t tease the author like this. It’s very tiring for the author to always be unable to pay off his debts~━┳━━┳━

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