Aoba Office

Chapter 404 No. 002 - Sharing the same bed (2)

"So, did you do anything special before these things happened?"

"What? Something about hitting evil? I didn't do it. It was the Chinese New Year at that time, and I didn't do anything. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't have a chance."

"From the things that appear, can you roughly guess the identity of the ghost? For example, gender, approximate age, what kind of job he may be engaged in, whether he has children..."

"I don't know...things...things are nothing special, just common things found in every home."

"You mentioned books, wallets, and clothes. What were those like?"

"I don't know... I didn't even look at them. As soon as I touched those things, I pushed them off the bed. Once they fell, they disappeared after a while."

"You haven't done anything special, so have you placed anything on your bed before?"

"No, nothing. Really nothing. There are only four of us at home, and there is nothing on my bed."

"Please recall carefully. It happened on the night of the first day of the new year. What was on the bed that night?"

"The pillows and quilts are all old. This kind of thing has never happened before. Apart from these... there is a book, a novel, but I bought it two years ago. I have read it before, and nothing like this has ever happened. kind of thing."

"In this case, we can't find any clues from you for the time being. If it's convenient, can we go to your house and have a look?"

"Yes, yes, you can go now!"

On February 17, 2001, he went to the client's residence. Audio file 00220010217(1).wav.

"Right here."


"Come in. My parents and brother are not here today. That's the room where I sleep."


Da, da, da, da...

"How, how is it?"



"There is nothing in the room, but this bed..."

"How is it? Is it a problem with the bed?"

"The yin energy is very strong. There must be a ghost in the bed."

Bang! Bang!

"Really...really? What should I do?"

"That ghost isn't here now."

"What should I do? I'm not here now. What should I do?"

"If possible, we need to wait until night to see the situation. That ghost always appears at night, and we can only eliminate it at night."

"But me, my family..."

"Does your family believe in evil spirits and ghosts?"

"I don't believe it. I didn't believe it before either..."

"If that's the case, you can choose to get a different bed."


"It's still early, it's still time to find the same bed to change. This kind of canopy bed is very common, I should be able to buy the same bed soon."

"That's great! This way, that ghost won't appear again."

"I can only say that the probability of not showing up is very high. It's not yet certain why he pestered you."

"I really can't remember...I probably didn't do anything..."

On February 17, 2001, the bed was replaced for the client. Problem bunk bed moved to office.

On February 18, 2001, there were no abnormalities in the bed in question.

On February 18, 2001, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 200102180631.mp3.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao..."

"He's still here...he's here again...he's here again..."

"Did the same thing happen to you last night?"

"He was lying next to me and... he touched me... he touched me..."

"Can I meet you now?"


On February 18, 2001, the client visited. Audio file 00220010218.wav.

"Mr. Xiao, please have some tea."


"Where were you touched, Mr. Xiao?"



"Yes...I felt and saw that he was there. He was touching my hair...not touching my head, but raising his hand and touching my hair...very lightly...but...goosebumps appeared on my scalp and skin. .It feels so scary..."

"You said you saw it?"

"Yes. I saw... I was lying on my back. In the middle of the night, I felt something, wind... I woke up and saw my hand... He was lying next to me, with his head next to the pillow, facing me, Touching my hair..."

"Can you tell if that's a man or a woman?"

"I don't know, I don't know... I just kept my eyes open all night, frozen... He was next to me... I don't know how long... He touched for a while and put down his hand, but he was still there. ...He is always beside me...He is looking at me, looking at me..."

"Did he do anything else?"

"No, no more...what else do you want to do? Do you want to kill me?!"

"Please calm down, Mr. Xiao. Do you remember when he left?"

"I don't know, I don't know! I was so stiff that I didn't know at all! My brother was shocked when he saw me in the morning and asked me what happened...I...I was pushed by him and I felt I can move..."

"What did you do after we changed the bed yesterday?"

"No, nothing, really nothing..."

"Mr. Xiao, we can't solve the problem for you like this. If you can't make a judgment, can you tell us everything you did during the day on the first day of the new year?"

"The first day of the new year is New Year greetings to my grandparents. I had dinner at home in the morning, made a New Year greeting call, and took a bus to their house."

"Did you say anything special on the phone? Did you mention the bed or your home?"

"No, it's just like Gong Xi Fa Cai. There's nothing weird about it."

"So, what happened on the way?"

"No, nothing."

"Which line are you taking? Which station is going to which station? Did you say anything on the way?"

"Road 641, from Tianshan Road to Aiguo Road. I talked to my family on the way. I can't remember it now... I haven't talked to strangers."

"Okay. What did you do at your grandparents' house?"

"I wanted to pay New Year's greetings, and then I played mahjong with them for two rounds. When my uncles came, I gave up my seat to them and watched TV with my brother in the room. Later, other cousins ​​came, as well as my nephew. A few. They were playing while we were little, and we were watching TV.”

"Did you say anything while playing mahjong and watching TV?"

"No, just a normal family chat, nothing was said."

"What are you watching on TV?"

"The movie, that New Year's film a few years ago, seems to be called "New Year's Eve"."

"Yeah. What about after that?"

"Then for lunch, my aunt cooked it, and the food was just chicken, duck, and fish. In the afternoon, I continued to watch TV, which was also a New Year movie. I really don't remember anything special."

"What about on the way home?"

"It's still Route 641, it doesn't matter. I haven't talked to strangers either. Our family chatted, and we didn't say anything about our relatives. I really, really don't think I said anything strange."

"After that, you got home with your family?"

"That's right. I went home, didn't talk anymore, took a shower and went to bed. I felt something was wrong that night. During the day, I really didn't do anything."

"You didn't do anything the night before either?"

"No, huh... really not... not at all..."

"If that's the case, our office sells amulets. You can try them to see if they have any effect."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier if you had such a thing?!"

Just three updates today. The author needs to get some blood back...

Good night everyone~

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