Aoba Office

Chapter 40 Drama Club

Chen Xiaoqiu opened his mouth and just called "Lan Lan" when his hand loosened and his phone fell to the ground. His whole body shook, he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

Guo Yujie rushed up and hugged Chen Xiaoqiu's limp body.

Both the thin man and the fat man were stunned.

"Go and notify the old leader!" I shouted to the two of them, then took out my mobile phone and dialed 120.

Chen Xiaoqiu was sent to the hospital. It was found that he was overworked and needed to recuperate.

Chen Xiaoqiu's mother hurried over and saw Chen Xiaoqiu lying on the hospital bed, her eyes became red.

The old leader felt very guilty and apologized to Chen's mother, "I didn't think much of Xiao Chen. Old Chen entrusted me to take care of her, but I let her...sigh..."

The three of me and the thin man also rushed to apologize and comfort Chen's mother.

"Don't say that, it's our Xiaoqiu who is very competitive. I have also advised her that she has been like this since she was a child." Mother Chen complained.

Chen's father works for the central government and is not in his hometown in Minqing City. Because the elderly on both sides lived here and did not want to move to the capital, Chen Xiaoqiu also took the university entrance examination in Minqing City, so Chen's mother stayed. Before the four old people got the news, Chen's mother called Chen's father to inform him, but no one else said anything.

But after a while, there was a noise outside the ward.

A young girl with bun hair stumbled in, her makeup was stained from tears, and she was holding a young man on her hand. The young man looked embarrassed and had a clear palm mark on his face, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Cousin!" The girl rushed to Chen Xiaoqiu's bedside and burst into tears.

Only then did we know that this girl was Chen Xiaoqiu's cousin. Then it's not hard to guess who the young man she grabbed was.

The thin man and the other three stared at Ma Yibing with unkind eyes.

Chen's mother hurriedly pulled over Chen Xiaoqiu's cousin, "Lan Lan, why are you here? Stop crying. Your cousin is fine, she's just tired. Don't think too much about it, it has nothing to do with your drama."

"Why doesn't it matter! It's just because of the drama!" Lan Lan glared at Ma Yibing fiercely.

Ma Yibing shrank.

I saw that Mrs. Chen and the old leader were confused. The old leader’s eyes were shining brightly, and he felt something was wrong, so he winked at the thin man and the three of them.

The thin man rushed to Ma Yibing's side, stretched out his hand and hooked Ma Yibing's shoulder like a gangster. Ma Yibing was tall and handsome, but now he had his chest bowed and his head lowered, and he had no energy at all. Being attracted by a skinny man who was half a head shorter than him, he became submissive.

"Chen Xiaoqiu is resting, so don't make any noise in the ward." I said.

Guo Yujie pulled Lan Lan and said, "Sister, please stop crying. Wipe your tears and let's sit outside."

The fat man echoed a few words, and then explained to Chen's mother: "When Chen Xiaoqiu fainted, she was on the phone with her cousin. The little girl was very anxious at that time."

The old leader looked at me.

I nodded to the old leader and followed the two people out, leaving the fat man in the ward.

A few of us found a deserted corridor. I don't know what room in the hospital there is. The door is closed and there is no sign. Although the corridor is bright, it is eerily quiet.

The thin man pushed Ma Yibing against the wall, folded his arms and said in a conspiratorial tone: "Your name is Ma Yibing, right? From the drama club? Come on, tell us what's wrong with that kimono."

Ma Yibing hit the wall and took in a breath of pain. He had nowhere to run if he wanted to retreat.

Lan Lan was still crying. When she heard what the thin man said, she wanted to scold Ma Yibing, but I stopped her.

"Cousin Lan Lan, please don't rush to say it yet. Come one by one." I advised.

Lan Lan glanced at me and said, "Who are you cousins?"

"Her colleague. This happened just a few days after she came to our place. We can't just sit idly by and ignore it." I explained.

Lan Lan's eyes wandered on the faces of mine and the thin man's, then she looked us up and down and curled her lips, "I'm telling you, there's no chance for you. People chasing my cousin can line up from here all the way to the capital. How many elite talents..."

"Okay, okay, who's interested in your cousin?" The thin man interrupted impatiently, turning to look at Ma Yibing, "You kid, don't even think about fooling us. I'll leave it at that. If you want to say something nonsense, I’m hiding it. I’ll give you a call and ask your local police station to come to your school every three days to invite you to tea. Do you believe it?”

This is pure bullshit, skinny guy. He had to be willing to risk everything and report a false police report. Otherwise, with his "ability" at the police station, he could at most ask Xiao Gu for a little help. The police station where Xiaogu is located cannot control Minqing Drama Academy. However, this method of tormenting people is simple and effective. Even if Ma Yibing did not commit any crime and was found by the police at school all day long, he would not be able to bear the burden of walking around.

Ma Yibing was obviously not the innocent young man in the ivory tower. He was frightened by the thin man and said tremblingly: "What do you want to ask?"

"That kimono! Tell me everything you know!" said the thin man.

"I actually don't know much about the kimono..." Ma Yibing spoke hesitantly.

The thin man sneered, nodded his horse, turned around and left.

Ma Yibing quickly grabbed the thin man and said, "No, um, big brother, big brother, that's not what I meant. To be honest, I really don't know."

"Then what do you know?" I asked.

"I knew there was something wrong with the clothes. It's not necessarily the clothes that were wrong." Ma Yibing scratched his head and sighed, "Do you know the play we rehearsed? It was an old play of our drama club, and the drama club just The first play when it was founded was this one, and it has been performed for more than 20 years, almost every time."

Ma Yibing introduced us to their drama club. They are a student club within the Minqing Drama Academy. They recruit members not only from the acting department, but also from other departments who are interested in dialogue drama. Because there have been several stars, the number of members is very large now, but only those who can actually perform on stage There weren't many people. Rehearsing a play is not an easy task. Except for geniuses like Chen Xiaoqiu, others need more or less two or three months to rehearse. This refers to the situation where there are no accidents and full concentration. The members of the drama club are all students, and they are all students of the drama school. Some people may be selected by the crew halfway through the performance and make their debut, and some of them voluntarily quit due to academic reasons. Basically, one academic year can The successful production of a play has already made the drama club president feel very relieved.

Ma Yibing is the current president of the drama club. After taking over the drama club, it happened to be the turn of the play "Big Family" this school year, and he began to prepare for it.

"Big Family" is an old play of the drama club. The stage, props, and costumes are all ready-made, so he has been busy looking for actors. The first thing to find is of course the powerful members of the drama club. There were no problems on the boys' side, and the casting went smoothly, but on the girls' side, there was a role for Suzuna Maeda that no one was willing to accept. Ma Yibing didn't think much about it at the time. He had heard before that the brothers and sisters who had rehearsed "Big Family" in the previous years also had headaches for this role. Only the role of Suzuna Maeda often required bowing and kneeling during rehearsals. It's very hard, and many people are not happy about it.

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