Aoba Office

Chapter 39 Weakness

The thin man and I were on the same channel, and he wordlessly asked the question in my mind: "Don't you think there's something wrong with that dress being kept perfect even if it's not well preserved?"

Chen Xiaoqiu glanced at the thin man and said, "The clothes are of good quality and workmanship. This is normal."

The thin man and I looked at each other, and then looked at the dazed expressions of the fat man and Guo Yujie, feeling very helpless.

I opened the file, pointed to one of the lines, and said, "This clothes was burned by Qingye's people. If, as you said, they are the same clothes, then there is a problem."

Chen Xiaoqiu read the file carefully and said calmly: "There are two possibilities. One is that the people in the office lied and they did not burn the clothes; the other is that I made a mistake in my judgment and the two clothes may have come from the same person. The same style of work by his hand, but not the same one.”

I knew right away that Chen Xiaoqiu did not believe in ghosts and gods. She said this without any hesitation. Even though she knew that the name of this firm contained the word "supernatural", she had never thought that there were supernatural events in the world. . There is nothing wrong with Chen Xiaoqiu's explanation. It makes sense. I am speechless.

The thin man didn't know if he was in conflict with Chen Xiaoqiu, and he was no longer afraid of ghosts. He asked sharply: "What happened to the students who wore these clothes?"

Chen Xiaoqiu shook his head, "The student who was going to perform before had a car accident, and I don't know about the person before that."

"If they all die inexplicably, does that mean there's something wrong with the clothes?" The thin man continued to ask.

"What do you mean?" Chen Xiaoqiu squeezed a small knot between his eyebrows.

"Don't pretend to be stupid. Isn't this obvious? The clothes that were burned by a supernatural agency suddenly appeared again, and the people who wanted to wear these clothes are dead. What else can it mean?" The thin man was very excited.

"I have just talked about the issue of whether to burn or not. If the people who wore these clothes are really dead, it may be that the clothes contain some kind of fatal germs." Chen Xiaoqiu used science to explain.

The thin man was also defeated.

"Then let's check." Guo Yujie said, "Whether there is a problem or a germ, it is very dangerous. If everyone who wears these clothes dies, Xiaoqiu, don't wear these clothes."

Chen Xiaoqiu did not object to this, "I will ask the people in the drama club."

After finishing this topic, we continued working, and today we sorted out 3 pairs of Ye Qing and Liu Miao.

The thin man and the fat man called several people and were able to find the person immediately. As soon as they called, they knew it was not from Qingye. This kind of screening was much easier than finding 10 pairs of people. In the blink of an eye, 20 people were identified. All were denied.

"Do you think they might have lied to us?" The thin man hung up the phone and said, touching his chin.

"Why did you lie to us? Demolition is a good thing." Fatty said.

"But what if they committed crimes here and became fugitives?" The thin man used his imagination.

"Have you seen any wanted criminals named Ye Qing or Liu Miao in that system?"

The old leader was very capable and temporarily opened a backdoor for us from the Public Security Bureau, allowing us to use the public security system to check this list. If Ye Qing or Liu Miao really become wanted criminals, there must be records in the public security system. Now that we were halfway through and still hadn't found anyone, the thin man couldn't sit still.

The thin man shook his head, "The criminal may not be wanted! Maybe he has committed a crime but hasn't been discovered by the police yet?"

"If you think that way, there will be no end." Fatty said, "They might not be human in the first place, but ghosts."

The thin man looked horrified, "Don't talk nonsense! Hurry up!"

The fat man has a good temper and says "bah bah bah" obediently.

"Could it be that the way we find people is wrong? What if these two people didn't meet through normal channels in reality?" The thin man raised another possibility.

"Then you can only check one by one." I replied, with the emphasis on "you".

The thin man looked desperate and lay down on the table.

I don't think so in either case. Listening to the audio, Ye Qing and Liu Miao don't seem like people who would commit crimes. If they were really such people, they must be the best among them. They would live openly in a criminal environment without any pressure at all. The two knew each other through other channels, and they would definitely meet in reality. We're just afraid that if they meet, we won't be able to tell any clues just from the public security system. In the early years, the Internet was not developed enough and various databases had not yet been built. Real-name authentication was not required for mobile phone numbers, and real-name authentication was not required for many means of transportation. For those who rented houses or stayed in small hotels, they did not need to register information online. In that case, it is difficult to grasp a person's whereabouts.

"Didn't you tell me before? You have done what you are supposed to do, and then it will be enough to be able to explain it to the outside world." I encouraged the thin man.

The thin man sighed.

Having said that, it is really boring to work hard for several days just to "accept the explanation".

Chen Xiaoqiu turned a deaf ear to our conversation and was still diligently screening the personal information.

I originally just glanced at her casually, but this time, I seemed to see something on her shoulder, and I couldn't help but look over attentively.

"Brother Qi, what are you looking at?" The thin man sat up from the table and turned to look at Chen Xiaoqiu.

Chen Xiaoqiu reacted this time and stopped what he was doing.

"Oh, it's nothing." I replied blankly.

The things on Chen Xiaoqiu's shoulders were gone.

Is it my imagination? still……

My thoughts stopped abruptly and I turned to look at the computer screen, but I kept getting distracted.

In the next few days, even the silly elder sister Guo Yujie felt that something was wrong with Chen Xiaoqiu. Chen Xiaoqiu lost weight almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, his eyes were dim and lifeless. But Chen Xiaoqiu herself was unaware. When we asked her tactfully, she looked confused. The old leader came to visit several times and found no problems with our work, so he had to leave with a distressed look on his face. He then frequently called Chen Xiaoqiu to talk to her and do her ideological work, but it was of no use.

The four of us were silent, feeling empty in our hearts, as if we had witnessed something terrible happening, and we didn’t want to believe it, couldn’t deny it, and were powerless to stop it.

One day, people in the office had lunch together as usual.

Chen Xiaoqiu's appetite decreased a lot and she chewed the rice slowly. Her cell phone suddenly rang.

There was a young girl's voice on the other end of the phone, and she was crying, so that everyone at the table could hear her.

"Cousin! Cousin, I, I killed you! That Ma Yibing who suffered a thousand knives hid it from me! I wonder why a college with so many acting department girls can't find anyone to play this role! That woman Zhang Shanmei likes it the most I'm so pushy that I actually refused this play! They all knew it, but they didn't tell me! It's too much! Cousin, wuwu... Cousin, come with me to worship the Bodhisattva! Don't be afraid, I will burn those clothes today !You’ll be fine!”

The four of us all changed our expressions, only to hear a faint male voice coming from the other end of the phone.

"Li Ruolan, where did you hide your clothes?"

"Burn it! I burned that damn thing! Let me tell you Ma Yibing, if something happens to my cousin, I will not only burn the clothes, I will also burn you!" Chen Xiaoqiu's cousin pointed on the other end of the phone Call.

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