Aoba Office

Chapter 393 Soul Calling (5)

Encountering such a dream twice in a row, I felt that the ghost I encountered in the Central Hospital was probably not Yang Yang's ghost, nor Chang Ying's.

Is it that female ghost? But the female ghost should not be in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants...

No, that’s not right. The girl I saw in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants was not the female ghost. She looked completely different. She may also be a victim.

I rubbed my forehead, wondering what these continuous dreams meant. The most troublesome thing is that I can't move in the dream. I haven't felt this way for a long time. I was thinking about whether I should go to Qingye Supernatural Agency to take a nap and have a dream under the influence of Ye Qing's amplification. The environment there is a bit bad. Can I just spend one night there, or should I go there with a pillow and quilt? My thoughts gradually dispersed, and then I thought of Ye Qing's warning, and I became hesitant.

The dreams bother me, but the work still needs to be done.

The four of them could only sympathize with my troubles, brainstorm together, and come up with various guesses, but they couldn't really help me with anything.

The thin man was still a little emotional: "Brother Qi, if you don't go well at night, it goes very well during the day. The stores we visited recently are all very easy to talk to."

The fat man added: "When God closes a door, he will always open a window."

"You're right."

The two sang together.

I was about to speak when my cell phone rang.

The caller was Qian Lan.

I signaled the two men to shut up. When they saw Qian Lan's name, they both stopped talking.

"Hey, Aunt Qian..."



"Some of my niece's classmates...died!" Qian Lan said at the end with a sharp voice.

I was just stunned when I heard that.

Both the fat man and the thin man heard Qian Lan shouting "die", and their faces were as dull as mine.

"You said they are dead? How many are dead? Why are they dead?" I came to my senses and asked quickly.

"They all died suddenly, died suddenly... one after another, they died one by one..." Qian Lan was very frightened, her voice was trembling, "There were seven or eight in her class, and there were seven or eight in other classes." There are a few more, a dozen people in total!”

"More than a dozen people died suddenly...didn't it make the news?" I was a little skeptical.

Qian Lan's voice sounded like he was in a very wrong mental state. If what she said is true, her fear is easy to understand, but if she had this mental state first and then called me, that might not be the case. I still remember how nervous Qian Lan looked that day. She suspected that something was wrong with her niece, but neither Fatty nor I saw anything with our yin and yang eyes, and the master she hired didn't see the reason either.

"No, not yet, it's almost here... Everyone in their school feels something is wrong and can't hide it anymore..." Qian Lan said quietly, as if giving a death notice.

"Aunt Qian, please calm down first. Have the police investigated? Is there any infectious disease?" I said calmly.

Places like schools are prone to infectious disease outbreaks. There are not many such things like the death of a dozen students in a school at once, but I have the impression that there is such social news.

"No, it's not an infectious disease, it's sudden death. The heart suddenly stopped. It stopped for a long time. Even if you send him to the hospital, he can't be rescued!" Qian Lan said with certainty.

I was completely stunned, "Cardiac arrest? Sudden death?"

Such a way to die...

My heart beats faster.

This didn't feel good, so I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"Isn't it strange? Isn't this strange? There is definitely something wrong with this... There is something wrong with this... My niece must... There must be something! But they are all dead, and my niece doesn't tell them, and other students don't know either... "Qian Lan was very flustered.

"Aunt Qian, we really didn't see anything last time. And your niece didn't die suddenly like this... I think this needs to be investigated by the police. Maybe it really is a new type of disease." I said bravely, I comforted Qian Lan several more times and confirmed with her repeatedly that I didn't see anything that day, so I hung up the phone.

The fat man asked: "What's going on?"

I told the story.

The thin man's eyes widened, "Isn't that just like what you dreamed about, Brother Qi..."

"Yeah, it's very similar." I'm not sure, but it seems that this can explain some things.

But there is another question that always bothers me.

Whose ghost did I see before I started dreaming? Yang Yang and Chang Ying are both in the Central Hospital?

After getting off work, Chen Xiaoqiu heard me talk about this matter and said she would ask her brother-in-law.

When I got home and watched the news while eating, I saw what Qian Lan mentioned. The media's views are similar to mine. They all suspect it is a new type of virus, and some seriously talk about students being overloaded with academic work, leading to sudden death from overwork.

My parents sighed when they saw her, and told my sister earnestly, "It doesn't matter if you get into an ordinary university."

My sister smiled and said, "How is that the same? There are so many opportunities in good universities! And the feeling of studying in school is also different." She went on and on, talking about the characteristics of several famous schools in China.

My parents listened patiently and chimed in from time to time.

I watched the news absentmindedly.

At around eight o'clock, Chen Xiaoqiu sent a message to the group of six of us - Xue Jingyue was also brought in. I originally wanted to bring Gu Mo in, but Guo Yujie asked Chen Xiaoqiu to bring Chen Yihan in as well. Both refused.

"Photos of the deceased. Take a look."

The thin man posted pictures wildly, feeling all kinds of inexplicable grief.

I was speechless and pulled up the chat, only to see the two deleted photos.

The ID photos of the two girls are a bit dull and ugly, but I still have an impression of those two faces.

"Fast food restaurant?" Fatty has already sent a new message.

The thin man hurriedly asked: "What fast food restaurant?" Obviously he didn't intend to see the photo of the deceased.

"They were the two girls we met at the fast food restaurant that day. They also came to ask Brother Qi if he had seen Wu Changhuhun. Do you remember that?" Fatty replied.

Guo Yujie also sent a message: "How could it be them?!"

Chen Xiaoqiu replied: "During the police investigation, they told what happened. Qin Weiwei told the school that her family was going to summon the soul of her grandmother. Her classmates were curious and decided to go and have a look together. Qin Weiwei is Qian Lan’s niece.”

My hands trembled.

"Are all the people who came to see me dead?" The fat man asked the question I wanted to ask.

"No, there are still two left, these two girls. After they realized that the people who died were the people who went to Qian Lan's house that day, they went a little crazy." Chen Xiaoqiu replied.

"I would be crazy too." The thin man made a crazy expression.

"They went to watch the fun, Qian Lan and the others didn't notice?" I wondered.

"They actually didn't take it seriously. It was supposed to be live broadcast for them by Qin Weiwei, but the network signal was interrupted, so they walked around the community."

"Have you been tricked in this way?" The thin man found it unbelievable.

"Maybe it was because they were too close. They went to the door of the room and heard no sound."

"This is too deadly!" The thin man continued to express his expression.

"What should we do now?" Guo Yujie asked.

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