Aoba Office

Chapter 392 Soul Calling (4)

All I could see was a narrow flight of stairs. The handrails were rusty, dusty, and cobwebbed. There are small white and red advertisements on the dark walls and steps. Someone was walking in front and all I could see was his legs. Looking at the suit pants, I guessed that this person must be a man.

The footsteps of the two people echoed in the corridor.

When I reached the middle of the two floors and turned the corner, I saw the appearance of the man. He still has that kind face, but for a moment people can't remember who he is.

His eyes shifted and he saw an abandoned bicycle in the corridor. It was old and dirty, with a bunch of small advertisements and garbage stuffed in the basket. Those colorful advertising papers were stained with sticky stains, I don’t know what they were, it was disgusting.

The heartbeat was a little disordered, and the body moved, carefully avoiding the bicycle and continuing upward.

I wanted to separate from the object of possession this time, but just like Yang Yang at that time, I couldn't move at all.

I started to doubt my current situation.

Did you encounter dreams twice in a row?

Speaking of which, Yang Yang died suddenly after encountering the ghost. How could she have any time to dream?

Is that a revolving door before death?

Something seems not quite right.

I was thinking about what I wanted to discover from the fixed vision, but it was just the stairs and legs that kept repeating.

I don’t know which floor this is, but I only saw two households on one floor, and no room number was written on it. The electric meter was placed between two houses. The iron box was covered with dust and the small glass window was blurry. You could barely see the numbers on the electric meter inside. There is still no floor or room number written on it.

The doors on both sides are a bit old, not new security doors. Each household has an iron door and a wooden door. The styles are different, but it is basically certain that they are products of the same era.

Gongnong Liu Village is an old community. Some residents have renovated their houses, while others have not. There are also these old-fashioned doors.

The lights here are not voice-activated, there is a switch installed on the wall. This proves that it is not the problem of the residents. Perhaps the dream itself occurred in the past.

The pace of the man I possessed did not change, but his heartbeat was slightly faster. However, the man in front obviously slowed down, gasped, and his footsteps became heavier.

I began to recall what the man looked like, trying to remember where I had seen him.

Having the experience of dreaming about Yang Yang, I spent some time comparing this man's face with Chang Facai's old face, and recalled Chang Ying's appearance to confirm his identity.

This should be Chang Facai's eldest brother.

Then the one I am possessing now should be Chang Ying.

Why Changying?

I had more doubts.

Chang Ying's footsteps suddenly stopped.

An extra pair of feet appeared in my field of vision. Those feet were standing on the stairs of the upper floor. Chang Ying turned her head slightly. After seeing those feet, she looked awkwardly at the narrow stairs and at the dirty garbage piled on the platform above.

What was there was not abandoned bicycles, but things like racks and flower pots, as well as vegetable baskets, plastic buckets, broken pots and other garbage. Compared with the bicycle that can be seen clearly at a glance, there seems to be more unknown things hidden here. Chang Ying seemed to be able to hear the rustling sounds of insects or mice in those flower pots and broken pots.

The man in front had already walked up without stopping.

The woman on the upper floor was also going down, and she didn't stop.

Chang Ying fell into a dilemma.

This kind of embarrassment is quite hypocritical. It comes from the little girl's mind. She doesn't want to touch dirty new clothes and hates disgusting and dirty garbage.

Her heartbeat accelerated, as if she was disgusted with the garbage, but the heartbeat was abnormally fast.

Thump thump thump thump…

Dozens of times faster than her slow climb upstairs, the beating of her heart was transmitted to her limbs along with her blood vessels.

Da da……

The woman's high heels walked over the last two steps and stood at the corner of the stairs.

Chang Ying saw that the woman had stopped standing still, and her father had already passed by and went up the stairs. Chang Ying hurriedly walked a few steps, and when she reached the corner, she was about to pass by the woman. When she looked up, she saw the woman's face.

My heartbeat is slower than Chang Ying's, but also faster than usual. When I saw the woman's face, my heart skipped a beat, and my fast-beating heart skipped a beat.

The woman grinned at Chang Ying.

Chang Ying was stunned, and was about to smile with the same kindness. As soon as the muscles in her cheeks started to move, her heart stopped and she stared at the woman in horror with her eyes wide open.


Blood spurted out from the woman's severed neck, blurring Chang Ying's vision.

My eyes were also blood red. The smell of blood that Chang Ying smelled was transmitted to my brain.

"Ah!" Chang Ying screamed and retreated subconsciously.

I suddenly felt weightless.

Pain comes.

His vision blurred by blood kept shaking and changing, and his head, hands, and back were hit one after another.

"Yingying!" The man stood on a high place, looked down in surprise, turned around and was about to go downstairs.

It seems that because he hit the woman, the woman's arms flew out, her stomach split open, and her internal organs poured out. Her body immediately flew down the stairs.

Chang Ying's father ran quickly, his figure blocking the woman, but in an instant, the woman penetrated his body and hit Chang Ying, sticking closely to her.

Chang Ying's mind went blank, only panic remained in her heart, and she lay paralyzed on the ground motionless.

The two of them were face to face and body to body. The woman's cold body and hot blood made Chang Ying start to shiver unconsciously.

My field of vision was occupied by the woman's eyes. Those eyes were very dark, and there was a strange red in the black.

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul.

From those eyes, I felt nothing but malice.

Unlike the malice I felt at Aoba Supernatural Agency, which had a creepy and eerie feeling inside, this woman gave me the feeling of an ordinary evil ghost.

Her hand caressed Chang Ying's cheek, followed her jaw, and touched her neck.

Chang Ying's father had already gone downstairs, squatted beside Chang Ying, and asked in a panic how she was doing.

Chang Ying couldn't make a sound at all. Her heartbeat had not yet recovered, and her body seemed to be restrained. Not only could she not move, she could not even look away.

Chang Ying's father picked her up and hurried downstairs.

The blood, internal organs, and cold female body were stripped away, but the feeling that remained on her body still made Chang Ying unable to move.

Her heartbeat never recovered.

Chang Ying's father carried her downstairs. Chang Ying's face was raised and she was still looking at the woman on the stairs.

The woman slowly got up from the ground. Her head, which was tilted back 180 degrees, seemed to be pulled by something, and returned to its normal position. The wound on her neck healed, and no scars were visible. She is also recovering from other injuries. But I don’t know what happens next. The stairs blocked Chang Ying's view and mine.

The vision continues to shake and the scenery changes.

Chang Ying's heart never beat again. Her eyes never closed for a moment. During the doctor's rescue process, Chang Ying's vital signs completely disappeared.

I felt nothing but nothingness, and the shadowless lights in the operating room turned into weak morning sunlight.

Thanks to Polar Traveler, I Gaze in the Wormhole, Ouyang Feng, Dongfeng 26d, Moon Night Yiyi, Xiaobai 361, People Who Love Novels, Fish Bone Thorn, Round Waisted Thin Man, and Fallen Starlight for their rewards~Thank you all~

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