Aoba Office

Chapter 377 Love Tree (5)

I just read the archives yesterday, and I still remember Jin Haifeng’s name. There are no photos of Jin Haifeng in the file, but from her voice, she should have been a capable woman. When the incident was resolved, she mustered up the courage and determination to get back together with her boyfriend and call Qingye's people to tell them the good news. , the joy and happiness from the heart infected me.

This morning, I had more hope and confidence in the future because of her incident.

In a blink of an eye...

"Is that you? Are you that Jin Haifeng?" I asked again and again, somewhat at a loss.

There was a glimmer of hope in Jin Haifeng's eyes, "It's me. Are you from Qingye?"

My heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Why is Jin Haifeng here? coincide? I do not think so. I had the worst premonition in my mind.

"Sir, please wait a moment, I want to register her." The policeman interrupted.

I nodded stiffly, my thinking became slow, and my whole body seemed to be just instinctive.

I didn’t listen at all to the exchange between Jin Haifeng and the police.

The thin man and Chen Xiaoqiu came over and didn't ask me anything. One just looked at me worriedly, and the other looked at Jin Haifeng thoughtfully.

After talking to the police, Jin Haifeng said to me, "Let's find a quiet place to talk."

I nodded.

"Then I'll stay here with them." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

I still nodded.

The thin man and I followed Jin Haifeng.

There is no quiet place in the emergency room of the hospital. We left the building and went to the parking area at the back for non-motorized vehicles, so that we could get rid of the crowds.

"Why are you here?" I asked almost impatiently. After asking this question, I opened my mouth and couldn't speak anymore. I still have a question in my mind, but I dare not ask it.

Jin Haifeng said expressionlessly, "I lost control."

My body trembled.

The thin man asked in shock: "What do you mean? The car exploded, could it be..." His words stopped abruptly and he looked around.

There are few people here, but they are not completely deserted.

After the thin man shut up vigilantly, he glared at Jin Haifeng angrily and asked: "What on earth is going on with you? Are you crazy? You just said you lost control, and you even explained it? There are so many people lying inside!"

Jin Haifeng's cheeks twitched and she clenched her hands into fists, "I know, of course I know! If I could restrain myself, I wouldn't...Arui...Arui is dead..." Her eyes were dry. , but when he said this, he seemed to be mourning.


"Your husband... just because of this..." My voice was hoarse.

It's not that I can't understand Jin Haifeng's sudden outburst of emotions, but so many people were killed or injured because of her. Fatty is still lying in the emergency room with his life and death uncertain!

I couldn't help but think: Why did Qingye's people try to persuade her? Why did Ye Qing say that? Let this woman hide in the old forest of Senshan Mountain and never come out for the rest of her life, then things like today will not happen!

I couldn't help but feel resentment towards the woman in front of me, towards Aoba's people...

If the fat man really does this...

"He must have died because of you, a crazy woman!" the thin man said harshly.

Jin Haifeng opened his red eyes, "He was murdered."

"Then you go find the murderer to take revenge!"

"The murderer is inside his body!" Jin Haifeng raised his voice.

It felt like I had been pricked with a needle.

The thin man lost his voice.

"I don't know what happened. Just when I was in the office, I suddenly felt dizzy and my head was dizzy for a while. I lost control at that time, and the computers in the office crashed. I restrained myself..." Jin Haifeng tried his best Said, "I restrained myself! As you told me a few years ago, I restrained myself, but... I wanted to go home and leave those electrical appliances, but as soon as I left the office, I saw Ari. He held With flowers, he was standing downstairs in the office waiting for me. When he saw me, he threw the flowers in my face and insulted me desperately... He was not scolding me... he was scolding another woman, saying that he was finally liberated. I no longer have to hang out with her and pretend to be happy. At that moment... I knew that Ari was dead... Ari's body was taken over by him, and he was already dead..."

Blood oozed from Jin Haifeng's mouth. He didn't know whether it was because he bit his tongue or because he was so angry that his blood surged up.

I felt my voice coming from far away: "Did you buy the leaves of the love tree?"

Jin Haifeng's eyes were a little frightening, "Is it that leaf? Is it because of that leaf?"

"Yes." I answered in the affirmative.

It would have been impossible for me to answer like this before, but I have never been as clear-minded as I am now. It was like I suddenly had a sixth sense, an intuition, a premonition... whatever you want to call it, it was that kind of thing that made me believe in it.

The thin man said tremblingly: "Four hundred pieces were sold..."

"You have not been replaced...your husband has been replaced..." I murmured.

"You can do anything, right? Can Ari be saved?" Jin Haifeng grabbed my arm, "No, no... I hurt him, the explosion hit him... his body..." Jin Haifeng Feng was a little incoherent.

"The people in Qingye disappeared five years ago." I whispered to Jin Haifeng.

Jin Haifeng opened his eyes wide in shock.

"I just saw the files they left behind." I continued.

Jin Haifeng let go of his hand in despair.

The cell phone rings.

I didn't move, and the ringing soon stopped, and the thin man's cell phone rang.

"It's Chen Xiaoqiu." The thin man answered the phone, "Hey, what... is it true?! That's great... ah... I know, um, I know."

I looked at the thin man expectantly.

"The fat man has finished his surgery. He is not out of danger yet, but he is much better." The thin man forced a smile and said, "He has been transferred to the intensive care unit."

I couldn't care about Jin Haifeng anymore and ran back with the thin man.

As he turned the corner, he caught a glimpse of Jin Haifeng standing there from the corner of his eye. I looked at that sculptural gray figure and it became difficult to breathe.

Family members are not allowed in the intensive care unit. The conditions of the Central Hospital are not bad. We can at least take a look through the large glass windows.

Among the two rows of hospital beds, it was easy to find Fatty, the biggest guy.

When Slim Man and I arrived, Guo Yujie and Xue Jingyue were holding their heads and crying. Chen Xiaoqiu stood aside and waved when he saw the two of us.

"How is it? How about the fat man?" the thin man asked eagerly.

"The wound has been sutured. It is very large and deep, and the large intestine is also injured. Next we will see if there is infection and then the healing situation." Chen Xiaoqiu replied, "The doctor didn't tell us specifically. We are not His family members. Chu Yuanguang’s parents..." Chen Xiaoqiu looked at me.

Only then did I remember that we hadn’t contacted Fatty’s parents yet.

"Didn't the police contact me?" the thin man asked.

"It's not too late. I see it's very busy down there." Chen Xiaoqiu said, "The deceased, injured and witnesses have not been fully registered."

Jin Haifeng destroyed seven or eight cars during the rush hour, triggering various chain reactions. The tragedy of the scene is self-evident.

I called the fat man’s parents, and I couldn’t help but choke up as I listened to the fat man’s mother’s frantic and anxious inquiries on the other end of the phone.

We can't stay at the door of the intensive care unit all the time. The nurse came over soon to chase people away. The entrance to the intensive care unit soon became as noisy as the emergency room. The cries and screams of family members could not be heard. Several nurses, doctors, police and security guards worked together to dissuade them, and finally maintained order.

The thin man and I waited at the entrance of the hospital for the fat man's parents to arrive. We helped the two of them, whose eyes were red from crying, to the intensive care unit. I couldn't help myself again.

For the rest of the day, we basically stayed with the couple. Whether it’s Jin Haifeng or the love tree, I don’t have the time to think about it. But I didn’t think about it, Jin Haifeng came looking for him himself.

Thanks to Eighty-nine Percent, Yu Sui, Book Friends 20170215133943346, Smile Drops Stones, Falling into the Dust, Juesheng, Crying Crow Night Moon, Fish Bone Thorns, and Ghosts Everywhere~Thank you everyone~

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