Aoba Office

Chapter 376 Love Tree (4)

After Xue Jingyue finished saying this, she couldn't say any more. All I could hear was her erratic breathing. Screams, sirens and cries also came from the phone.

"Where are you? Where are you!" I yelled, my heart beating so fast that it almost burst through my chest.


"Miss, are you injured?"

"Get out of the way! There's someone seriously injured here!"

The voice on the phone became disjointed again. It should be that the ambulance had arrived.

"Which hospital? Which hospital are you going to?" I asked hurriedly.

"Doctor, how is he? Will he..."

Xue Jingyue's voice became distant, and the call was hung up immediately.

"Fuck!" I couldn't help but curse.

"What's wrong? Who's in trouble?" Guo Yujie asked uneasily.

"It's Fatty. It must be a big deal. I heard there was a lot of chaos over there." I searched online.

Chen Xiaoqiu also took out his mobile phone and made a call.

I haven't seen any news on the Internet yet, so I can only look at Chen Xiaoqiu.

"Chu Yuanguang is injured and should be there." Chen Xiaoqiu said, "Okay, I understand. Hmm."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xiaoqiu greeted us directly, "My brother-in-law received an alarm over there. There was a car explosion on Zhonghua Road."

"Are you kidding?" The thin man was shocked.

I'm surprised too.

I thought the fat man’s accident was related to the love tree.

"Terrorist attack?" Guo Yujie asked.

"Not sure yet. However, multiple cars exploded." Chen Xiaoqiu opened the door of her car.

I said, "I'll drive it."

Although I didn’t buy a car, I did get my driver’s license and spent a lot of time driving a bus in the first two years. In terms of overall driving skills, I don’t know who is better than Chen Xiaoqiu, but the driving speed is definitely faster than Chen Xiaoqiu.

Chen Xiaoqiu was kind enough and handed me the car keys.

All four of us got in the car.

"Everyone has been sent to the Central Hospital." Chen Xiaoqiu said while fastening his seat belt.

I stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel, and drove out of the unit.

It happened to be the evening rush hour, and today was a holiday, so the roads were very congested.

Chen Xiaoqiu screened routes on the car's navigation system, but there was heavy traffic on almost every road.

The thin man shouted from the back seat: "Turn left ahead, there is a shopping mall. Let's park the car there and take the subway there."

I glanced at Chen Xiaoqiu.

Chen Xiaoqiu nodded in agreement.

Guo Yujie said: "Yue Yue's mobile phone has not been connected, and no one has answered or forwarded the message."

I was distraught. Fortunately, there was a traffic jam at the moment, otherwise I don't know if something would have happened if the speed had increased.

The car was thrown into the parking lot, and the four of us ran towards the subway station. News about the explosion was already playing on the TV screens in the subway station.

I was terrified when I saw the smoke-filled scene.

"Is the fat man going to be okay..." Guo Yujie was worried, her eyes were red.

There was a huge crowd on the subway, and the four of us were crowded together. We couldn't care less about feeling uncomfortable, we were all worried about the fat man.

I have already driven a distance before, and it only takes seven or eight stops on the subway to get to the Central Hospital in half an hour. It was fast enough, but I still felt like time was passing slowly. Xue Jingyue's call still didn't come.

When we arrived at the Central Hospital, the hospital was overcrowded.

The nurse at the front desk heard that we were family members of the injured in the car explosion, and sympathetically pointed us in the direction of the emergency room.

My lungs hurt from running. When I heard the crying in the emergency room, the pain in my heart exceeded the discomfort in my lungs.

The thin man grabbed a nurse, "Chu Yuanguang and Xue Jingyue! How are Chu Yuanguang and Xue Jingyue now?"

The nurse said: "The list is with the police. You go there first to find the person and confirm that the person is with us..."

"She's called and got into the ambulance. She must be here with you!" The thin man interrupted rudely.

"Right now, those with serious injuries are in first aid, and those with minor injuries are in the two rooms here. You can ask the police. If there is no one in the two rooms here, they are in first aid." The nurse said, "I have to bandage people here. "

Chen Xiaoqiu pulled the thin man away and apologized to the nurse.

"Over there!" I found Xue Jingyue in the crowd.

Xue Jingyue was sitting in front of the emergency room, her head lowered. I didn't really notice her at first. A family member next to me was crying and screaming. Someone helped me and bumped into her, and I saw her face.

The four of us squeezed through the crowd and stood in front of Xue Jingyue.

"Xue Jingyue!"


Xue Jingyue looked at us absentmindedly.

There were large blood stains on her body, she was in a mess, there was a lot of dust, and her clothes were torn.

As soon as she saw us, tears fell from Xue Jingyue's red eyes.

"Are you okay?" I restrained myself and asked her first.

Xue Jingyue shook her head vigorously.

"Where's the fat man?" the thin man asked anxiously.

Xue Jingyue's body began to tremble, "It's all my fault, it's my fault..."

"What's going on?" I asked.

"He protected me...and he protected me...I hurt him. It must be because of me that he..." Xue Jingyue was shaking so hard that her whole body seemed to be twitching.

Guo Yujie quickly grabbed her shoulders, "Yueyue, are you okay? What's wrong with you?"

Chen Xiaoqiu decisively went to call the nurse.

I have mixed feelings.

Others may only think that Xue Jingyue's words mean that the fat man was injured to protect her, but I know that she said this because of her strange "luck". She always has bad luck and good luck. Injuring the lover you like and dying yourself should be the same situation.

"How is Fatty's injury?" I asked, "Did the doctor say anything?"

Xue Jingyue said: "The stomach...he hurt the abdomen, and I saw...the intestines..."

I was stunned.

He was disemboweled, was he seriously injured?

Not to mention Xue Jingyue, the three of us also began to tremble uncontrollably.

"How could this have happened..." Guo Yujie muttered to herself in a panic.

Chen Xiaoqiu dragged a nurse over. After seeing our situation, he guessed something, "Chu Yuanguang is seriously injured?"

I nodded slowly.

As soon as the nurse saw the people in our circle, she went directly to ask Xue Jingyue: "Miss, are you okay? Has anyone checked you just now? Where is the wound?"

"No, I'm not injured..." Xue Jingyue looked at the blood on her body, "It's all his blood... It's all his..."

The nurse sighed and looked at us, "Are you her family members?"

"It's a friend." Chen Xiaoqiu replied calmly.

"If she really can't do it, give her a sedative." The nurse suggested.

"I don't want it! I want to wait for him to come out!" Xue Jingyue shouted.

The nurse sighed again, told us to keep an eye on Xue Jingyue, and turned around to leave.

I looked at the door of the emergency room and felt that time was getting longer again. The noisy sounds around me all faded away, leaving only a buzzing sound that drilled into my eardrums like an electric drill.

In that voice, a name overwhelmed the vague background sounds.

"Golden sea maple, the sea of ​​the ocean, the maple of the maple tree, right?"

I turned my head sharply.

On a row of metal seats on the other side, a middle-aged woman sat expressionlessly. Without looking at the policeman standing in front of her, she answered softly: "Yes."

"ID number." The police asked again.

I couldn't help but walked over and bumped into the policeman, staring directly at this strange middle-aged woman.

"Sir, what's the matter with you? Do you know her?" the policeman asked.

The middle-aged woman remained indifferent.

"Qingye..." I started.

The middle-aged woman was shocked and raised her head. Her eyes were lifeless.

"You went to Qingye Office in 2009, right? Later, when we got married, we invited them." I looked into the woman's eyes, breathing became difficult, "Jin Haifeng, you... why are you here?" "

Fifth update!

It’s relatively early today~

Did everyone go out for Valentine's Day? XD

I was very excited while coding. The ultimate lasts longer than I expected. I’ll continue tomorrow~

Good night everyone~

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