Aoba Office

Chapter 368 No. 056-Electrical Abnormality (4)

"I heard a noise, just a rustling noise."

"That's right."

"Mushroom, what do you want to say?"

"That's what I heard. There's nothing wrong with the equipment, but there's this constant noise in the recording. Listen to this again."

click! click! click!

"...The air conditioner in the room is turned on, but it's still low temperature, and the lights..."

"Is this the original content of the audio?"


"Yeah. Did you hear any noise?"


"What about this?"

click! click! click!

"...The air conditioner in the room is turned on..."

swish swish...

"It's still low temperature..."


"And the lights..."

swish swish...


"Hiss, do you need to adjust it so loudly?"

"I heard noises. In other words, this is not a supernatural phenomenon?"

"No. It's just that my hearing is better than yours, and I can hear the sound at normal volume. But for you, I either have to isolate that track or turn the volume to the maximum so that you can hear it."

"What's that noise?"

"The sound of electricity."

"Current? Machine current?"

"Yes. Some old electrical appliances should be obvious, and you can clearly hear this current sound. As I said just now, there is no problem with our equipment, and this sound should not appear. I also listened to other audios. When this woman appeared There will be the sound of electricity, but there will be no sound when she is not around. Are you using the same device?"

"Yeah, the same recorder."

"When something goes wrong in her family, does she make such noises?"

"That's what I want to say next."

Audio file 05620090811(1)G.wav.

"...No problem? Are you sure? But I often encounter...ding-buzzing...ah! Here it comes! Look..."

click! click!



"...often encountered... ding——"


"The sound of electricity here has a peak."

"I didn't hear anything."

"That's because you have poor hearing. The volume of the current sound keeps rising, reaching two peaks when the microwave oven and the door lock are moving. I singled out this track..."

click! click! click……

"Well, that's it. But the noise in this video is louder than the last one."

"The office has restricted that thing?"

"It's possible."

"What do you think this is?"

"I don't know. All I heard was the sound of electricity. The rest is your job."

On August 16, 2009, the client visited. Audio file 05620090816.wav.

"Miss Jin..."

"I know who it is! I know who it is!!"

"You mean, do you know who caused you to be in the situation before you appeared?"

"Yes! I know who it is! It's Shi Yuan! Shi Yuan is a habitual offender! I found out clearly that he was competing for a study abroad spot in the university. There were two candidates, and the other suddenly withdrew! He came to apply for our company This is also the case. HR didn't take a fancy to him at first, but among the five people who applied, one was arrested for a car accident on the first day of work and had to be investigated. The business was busy at the time, so HR selected two more people to fill in. Among them There is him! He, it must be him! He must have done something!"

"Ms. Jin, please calm down. Where did you get this news?"

"I heard about it from the company. I don't know who the source is. It may be from HR. Shi Yuan wanted to kick me out using the same method."

"Where is Mr. Zhang Rendong? Is there anything going on with him?"

"Him? I don't know. He has been very low-key recently. He used to show off everywhere and treat his colleagues and subordinates like slaves, but now he is shrinking. He is the least competitive among the three of us, and also... the most high."

"Why do you say the highest?"

"He has more seniority than the two of us, and has a good relationship with the higher-ups. He doesn't treat the people below him as human beings, but his performance has improved. I don't know if the big leaders above will..."

"Besides these two people, Miss Jin, can you think of any other possibilities?"


"This is at work, in life, and emotionally. Do you have anyone who hates or hates you?"


"Miss Jin?"

"I...I...had a boyfriend before...he wouldn't, he's very good, he wouldn't do that..."

"Can you tell me about him?"

"...It can't be him."

"Ms. Jin, we need to consider various possibilities. Sometimes, as the party involved, you may not notice..."

"It can't be him! Ari is very good, he is a very good person, there is no way he can harm me!"

"Maybe it wasn't his intention, nor was he doing anything on his own initiative. Miss Jin, what happened between you and him?"

"... We... He was originally my colleague. We joined the company together and fell in love not long after. But our company prohibits office romance... This is an unspoken rule. The company regulations are almost like laws. They stipulate financial matters. You cannot have this kind of relationship with your boss or deputy, and it is not prohibited for other employees. But if you are found out, even if you are in different departments and there is no overlap in work, you will have no chance of promotion or salary increase. If one does a particularly good job, then the other will definitely If you want to be suppressed and thrown into a corner. If you are both excellent, the company will assign one person, promote him, and separate people. We have been secretly in love for two years, and we are too tired, so we decided to have one person change jobs. I am very I couldn't bear to part with it... I happened to be on the rise... so he took the initiative to change jobs. In fact, his job was not suitable for job-hopping... He had a non-compete restriction, which meant that he would be delayed for two years. My position did not... but I... We have a very good relationship and have always had a good relationship. We have never quarreled or blushed, and we have a tacit understanding in every aspect. Last year, we met each other’s parents and decided to get married this year. The leader, originally the news said that he When I retire and re-employ, I think he will work for another three to five years. I will get married and have children this year. When I return to the company, although I will be idle for a year, I will have time to recover. When he retires, I will still have a great chance. But suddenly... …Suddenly like this…”

"The wedding is cancelled?"

"No, I didn't cancel it right away, it's just that I hesitated... The child will definitely not be able to do it. I can't take maternity leave at this time. If I get married... the company will have concerns... When you get married, people always think that you want to have a baby. When the time comes, your maternity leave will be over. Please, what should I do about work? I... I am very troubled... I was particularly bothered during that time. When I went to accompany his mother, I listened to the old man talking about the child, and I couldn't help it... I was too impulsive... Her mother was originally He had a problem with me because he changed jobs... We didn't tell the old man, and we even lied and said it was only after he left his job. But... the list of our three candidates was revealed by HR at that time. . My friend in HR told me the news that their director had concerns about me and Shi Yuan. My gender, Shi Yuan’s single status... To be stable, it must be Zhang Rendong. I decided at that time that this year Not getting married. He... I didn't expect this... maybe it was what his mother said, or maybe it was me repeating it again and again... We broke up, we broke up..."

"What's his name? Do you have his contact information?"

"No! We have broken up, and he will not do that! Don't go looking for him! It must be Shi Yuan, it must be Shi Yuan!"

"Please calm down, Miss Jin. As I said before, we need to consider various possibilities. He may not have intentionally harmed you, but some unintentional behaviors may also cause the current situation. Miss Jin, you want to solve it this problem……"

"I've been doing well recently. Your amulet worked, and I haven't encountered those problems recently."

"This is good news."

"... If you want to check, check other things first... If all other paths fail..."

"If you decide..."

"Yes, I decided so."

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