Aoba Office

Chapter 367 No. 056-Electrical Abnormality (3)

"Thank you for your answer. Do you remember when these things happened? When did they start? What time period do they usually occur?"

"When did it start... hiss - almost, three months? April or May, I can't remember exactly. I heard it more at night. She might have gone crazy during the day, but during the day..."

"I'm not crazy!"

"You woman really should go to the hospital for a check-up. Aren't you crazy? You are making such a fuss in the middle of the night..."

"Sir, we are handling this matter. You just need to answer our questions. We believe that Miss Jin's problem will be solved."

"Are you from the hospital?"

"We are employed by Miss Kim."


"Didn't you hear any special noises during the day?"

"I didn't notice it, maybe there was, and I didn't notice it either. The residents here are all office workers, and few people are at home during the day."

"What about on the weekend?"

"I work three shifts, and I don't have weekly breaks. I don't always have weekends off."

"Hmm. Can you think of anything else related?"

"No, just... um..."


"Oh, nothing."

"Hey, little brother."

"Well, do you know anything else?"

"I suspect that this woman suffered from mental problems after falling out of love. Has she never told you about her falling out of love?"

"It's true that I haven't mentioned it before. Let's leave our contact information and arrange a place to meet later to talk about this matter."

"Ah, I actually don't know much about this..."

"Please help me and think about it carefully."

" guys are really willing to spend money. How much did she give you?"

"Haha, not much."

"I'm not crazy..."

"We know, Miss Jin, we believe you have encountered something supernatural."

"Can it be solved? Can it really be solved?"

"We will try our best."

"You can't guarantee that either?"

"We don't have a clue yet. Miss Jin, did you do anything special before this series of things happened?"

"Something special?"

"Have you ever worshiped any gods, eaten strange things, or come into contact with some weird people?"

"No, I don't believe this, and I haven't done anything before."

"Then did you offend anyone?"

"Do you think this is man-made? Someone deliberately harmed me?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."


"Do you have anyone chosen?"

"...Yes, there are two. One of the leaders of our company is retiring and the seat is vacant. The other two and I are competing for this position. If someone wants to harm me... Three months ago, it happened to be the time when the news came out !”

"Oh. So did they encounter anything?"

"I have no idea……"

“Can you tell us their names and contact information?”

"You have to look for it directly..."

"Of course not. This is different from your neighbors. We will not go to them in the name of the firm, nor will we tell them that we are employed by you. You can rest assured about this."

"Huh... okay. Then I... what should I do now?"

"You can try our firm's amulet first."

"Is this...useful?"

"For ordinary supernatural problems, the amulet is enough to suppress them."


On August 11, 2009, the client’s neighbor Pan Qiujun was contacted. Audio file 05620090811(2).wav.

"Is this Mr. Pan Qiujun?"

"Yeah. It doesn't have to be so formal. I just saw something."

"What did you see?"

"There was a man. One night, a man came to her. He knocked on the door for a long time and talked a lot... He must have been drunk."

"What did you say?"


"You weren't the only one who heard that that day, right?"

"Oh... yes, it's not just me, other people should have heard it too. At eight o'clock in the evening, most of them came back. She didn't seem to come back. The man finally left by himself."

"So, what did he say?"

"I just asked her why... She must have offended my mother, and my future mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were very unhappy. The man drank too much, and his words were vague, that's about it. He also said that they wanted to break up. , don’t think about getting married or anything. Oh, and I also mentioned the necklace, which seemed to be given by his mother, as a meeting gift, I guess, and told her to throw it into the toilet. That’s pretty cool, she speaks very harshly, and it’s impossible to get back together.”

"Have you seen that man before?"

"I'm not sure... I saw a man walking her home once, just under the building. I don't know if it's the same one."

"Can you think of anything else?"

"It's gone this time. That's all I know. We don't have much contact with her at ordinary times. I don't even know what her name is."

"Then have you heard of anything similar happening in the building?"

"Huh? What?"

"Except for Miss Jin, has anyone else had any electrical malfunctions that disturbed people at night?"

"No. The fault... the signal is not good, nothing else. Do you think there is nothing wrong with that woman?"

"We just have to consider all aspects."

On August 12, 2009, an investigation was conducted into the International Youth Building, and no case records were found. Residents moved frequently, property maintenance registrations were few, and no residents were found to have frequent electrical failures. Audio file 05620090812.wav.

"...For young people like you, living here is the most suitable place for you. In a single apartment, you can feel comfortable alone. There are security guards around the clock, access control, and cameras. There is absolutely no problem with safety. But there is no one at home for a long time. There’s no need to worry about being broken into.”

"How is the sound insulation? Will the neighbors be noisy?"

"No, no, there are all office workers here. From 9 to 5, everyone has the same schedule. Moreover, the building materials here are very soundproof, so the normal activities of the neighbors will not affect you. If someone makes noise and disturbs the residents, you You can contact our property management and security, and we will handle it right away. There is also a police duty booth here, so you can be on call if anything happens, which is very convenient."

"But I heard that people often move in and out here, and they don't live long."

"This is not a problem with our house. You young people should understand that nowadays people are jumping from job to job. Today you work in this unit, and tomorrow you work in that unit. Then you must change your living place frequently. Our house is very good. of."

"...The sound insulation effect is okay, nothing particularly noisy. Oh, I remember when I first moved here more than a year ago, there was a family who often sang in the middle of the night, which was annoying. Later I heard that someone called the police several times and complained to the property management. I just moved away. It’s pretty good in this regard.”

"I see that the electrical appliances in the house are all ready-made. How do they use them? Are they all good?"

"Okay. They are all good. If you need repairs, you can go directly to the property management company, and the fees are quite reasonable. When you check out, there must be damage and the deposit will be withheld. The property management people will check it. You can also check it when you move in. , basically no problem.”

"thank you."

"Which one are you going to rent? Is there a house that has become vacant recently?"

"We are still in the consideration stage."

On August 13, 2009, the client’s colleague Shi Yuan was investigated. He was male, born on September 21, 1981. His parents were still alive, he had no brothers and sisters, and he and his parents had no records of involvement in the case. No abnormalities were found in his personal resume. Attached: A photocopy of Shi Yuan’s personal file.

The investigation client’s colleague Zhang Rendong is male, born on March 15, 1976. His parents are still alive, he is married, he has one son, he has no brothers and sisters, there is no record of involvement in the case in his family, and no abnormalities were found in his personal resume. Attached: A photocopy of Zhang Rendong’s personal file.

August 14, 2009, audio file analysis. Audio file 05620090811G.wav.

"What's wrong?"

"Alas...I can't help it this time."

"what happened?"

"Listen to this."



"Mushroom, stop being so pretentious. What do you want us to hear? Can you just fast forward?"


"What did you just hear?"

Thanks for the tips from Staring in the Wormhole, Ma Jixingye, Ouyang Feng, Zipo Fengling, Zimo Yingrao, Yi Zhiyuan, and Book Friends 160225170817200~Thank you all~

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