Aoba Office

Chapter 342 No. 015-Urinary Tract Infection (4)

"This... I seem to have seen it somewhere. There is an inference that the Yunzhou princess actually died of uremia... That day at the princess mansion, a child in the tour group said, "Isn't the princess... The bad-hearted princess in the fairy tale... As for that child, I heard from other tourists that when they were free to move around, they couldn't find the toilet for a while. The child couldn't hold it in, so he solved it behind a tree..."

"You suspect that the child offended the princess and the entire tour group was cursed?"

"It's very possible. If you think about the way those people's so weird, isn't it? It's either a strange disease or something evil. I didn't tell the police about this, but it's really possible. .”

"Yeah. What about the third day after that?"

"Oh... I was still in Yunbei on the third day. I was in Yunbei during the day. I climbed Cangyun Mountain, had lunch at a restaurant on the mountainside, and went down the mountain in the afternoon. During this time, the tour groups were separated. Some people climbed the mountain, and some took the cableway. Cangyun Mountain is divided into three sections. The first section goes to the restaurant on the mountainside, and everyone goes together. Then if someone is willing, they can continue climbing, and if they are not willing, they can stay in the rest area of ​​the restaurant. In the second section, everyone We went up, but some people didn’t go up in the third section. I accompanied the whole journey. Except for the third section, I accompanied the tourists in the first two sections. In the third section, everyone took the cable car up together. If we divide it into batches, it will be better with the patient. There was no response. After coming down the mountain, we took a bus to Jin County and visited the Chu Family Ancestral Hall there. We had no free activities there. We stayed in a nearby hotel at night. We set off again on the fourth day and went to Jincheng nearby. The fourth day's itinerary was relatively easy. I walked along the snack street, then went to the local wildlife park, saw the ancient city, had a meal in the ancient city at noon, went boating in the Sacred Heart Lake in the afternoon, and bought specialties in the pedestrian street. Go back to the hotel in the evening and have dinner at the hotel. This trip has a lot of free activities, and I don’t know what each tourist did.”

"Nothing special happened in the past two days?"


"What about the last day?"

"On the last day during the day, we took a bamboo raft along the Minglu River. We saw the mountain scenery on both sides of the river, went fishing, took photos, and then ate specialties at the scenic spots there. In the afternoon, we went to the jade mine in Yunfang... That's all for consumption. ...Some people bought some jade things, and some were empty-handed. They were there basically all afternoon. It’s not like there’s nothing to do. You can experience mining. It’s just in an area and you can play with a small hoe. There is also a teahouse next to it. There were opera singers and local folk performances, which were quite unique. Well... on the last night, after dinner, I went to watch the performance. The modern dance, "Open the Sky", was watched by not only the tour group, but also many audiences. . Then we took an overnight bus to the beach airport on the south coast of Yunzhou. We didn’t go to the beach, so we watched the sunrise at the airport, and then we flew back to Minqing together.”

"Did anything happen during that all-night drive that day?"

"No, it went pretty smoothly. We didn't encounter anything. We also arrived at the airport early and waited in the parking lot for a while."

"We learned from a tourist before that all the tourists in the car fell asleep at that time, and you and the driver also fell asleep?"

"The driver and I took a nap when we arrived at the parking lot. I saw them all sleeping, so I didn't wake them up."

"In other words, you and the driver were awake throughout the night?"

"Of course!"

"Did you and the driver participate in the dinner and show that night?"

"No. You need to buy a ticket for the performance. The driver and I definitely didn't watch it. Dinner too..."

"What happened to dinner?"

"Dinner was the last meal of the day. Their group meal was very good. The driver and I had a separate table to eat. We ate late and went to get the tickets for the performance first and there were some formalities to go through. The two of us were waiting They went to the show and had a quick bite to eat.”

"You also ate at the same restaurant?"

"Of course we don't have this. We ate at the small restaurant next to the theater."

"Did anything unpleasant happen during the entire trip?"

"Ah? Well... the two kids had a fight... and then a tourist caught a cold during the trip, and I took him to the hospital. If it happens again, it'll be nothing."

"The only possible reason you can think of for the death of those tourists is the Princess Mansion?"

"Yeah. Apart from this, there's nothing... uh..."

"What else did you think of?"

"That's when I climbed Cangyun Mountain that day... There are some legends about Cangyun Mountain in the local area, such as immortals and so on. There is also a mountain god shrine on the highest peak, which is considered a small attraction. The local tradition is to reach the top of the mountain and see the shrine. You have to worship, and if there is incense, you should also put a stick of incense. There are people selling incense and candles at the shrine. If someone is willing, just burn a stick. If not, just worship. In addition to me, there were six people at the top of the mountain. The tourists, a couple, and the other four are all young people whom I have not met before. They are young people and do not want to worship this kind of thing... The mountain god shrine doesn't look very good either..."

"Similar to what happened at the Princess Mansion, do you think they offended the mountain god, so they got into trouble?"

"No one can say for sure about this kind of thing... It will always be better if we pay our respects... The locals also have some objections to us if we don't pay our respects. However, they are not the only ones who don't... Hey, who is this? To make it clear..."

"During those few days, did any members of the tour group do anything else that you thought was offensive?"

"It's gone...probably...just these two pieces. Others...none of them include carvings, littering, etc. The quality of this group is pretty good."

"If you remember anything else, please feel free to contact us."

"Okay. So what about today, that..."

"This is the rest of the reward."

Rustling, rustling...

"Haha, thanks."

September 15, 2002, audio file analysis. Audio file 01520020903G.wav.

"Mushroom, your efficiency is too low."

"It's not my fault. I decomposed the sound for a long time before decomposing a piece of content."

"Put it out and listen."


"... rustle... rustle..."


"I didn't seem to hear anything but murmurs."

"I heard."

"what sound?"

"That sound of gurgling."

"Can you put it in a way we can understand?"

"Idiot, have you ever cooked?"


"Then go ahead. This sound is just like the squeaking sound of raw meat, minced meat, squeezing and squeezing when cooking."

"What kind of sound is this?"

"Is it the voice inside Wu Wenfang's body?"

"I don't know. It was so soft that I almost missed it. I had a hard time picking out the audio."

"You mean, there is something pinching Wu Wenfang's internal organs?"

"The sound is similar to that, but if you want to pinch the internal organs... when you eat raw meat, the sound of chewing is almost the same."

"What the hell is that?"

"If you ask me, I don't know either."

On September 15, 2002, the client was contacted. Telephone recording 200209151329.mp3.

"Hello, Miss Wu."

"Hello... did you... find anything?"

"We thought of a possibility. During those few days of travel, Miss Wu, do you remember that any member of the tour group did anything inappropriate? Or, in other words, something that violated local taboos?"

"Inappropriate... There was a child urinating everywhere in the scenic spot. That's all I remember. But he... that's nothing, right? He's a child, and he was behind a tree, on a piece of grass over there..."

"Other than that, don't you have any other impressions?"

"No...well, there was...a man, who looked like he was in his twenties. He didn't seem to be having a good time. There were several shopping attractions, and people were pestering him to sell things. He seemed to have done it himself. Business, tell us, those things cost a few yuan. Normally, the most sinister ones only sell for a few dozen. When it comes to scenic spots, they sell for a few hundred yuan, and some gimmicks are used. Some even threaten... He... is pretty Flamboyant..."

"In other words, it is possible that he offended someone during those days?"

"Maybe... but that's okay, right? We can't stay at one attraction for long, and what happened happened to so many of us... He's not in the hospital, and he's not in the hospital now."

"What are the results of the hospital's examination?"

" results...can't find anything, can't find anything...I...I'm scared...oh...I'm scared. I've...been urinating blood for several days..."

"Please stay calm, Miss Wu. We still have some questions to ask you."

Thanks for the long review of Zipo Wind Chime. (*^__^*)

I am so happy that readers of my article study the details in this way~ I also feel a little guilty..._(:3』∠)_

Internet article serialization requires digging a hole. As you dig, you sometimes forget to bury it. But fortunately, another advantage of online articles is that they can communicate more with readers. One person can judge the shortcomings, and two people can judge the strengths. Many details that the author has forgotten are clearly remembered by the readers.

(To be honest, my memory is much better when I was a reader than when I was writing. I feel like I am using two brains when writing and reading. ( ̄▽ ̄“))

Set a small goal today, and by the time this book is finished, you can fill in all the pitfalls~o( ̄ヘ ̄o*)

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