Aoba Office

Chapter 341 No. 015-Urinary Tract Infection (3)

On September 13, 2002, the incident was reported in the newspapers, and the Tourism Bureau, Health Bureau and police intervened in the investigation. Attached: a newspaper clipping.

On September 14, 2002, I contacted tour guide Wang Shiguo. Audio file 01520020914.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, thank you for accepting our interview."

"As promised on the phone before..."

"Of course, this is the remuneration we agreed upon. We will pay half first and the other half. We will pay you after the interview."

Rustling, rustling...swish...

"Yeah. Just ask whatever you want to ask."

"First of all, do you have the same symptoms as those tourists?"

"No. I don't feel that way...but tourists, not all tourists are sick, right?"

"Yes. Can you think of the difference? What do tourists with symptoms and tourists without symptoms do differently during travel?"

"I didn't notice it. The Health Bureau checks the diet, but it's not easy to check this food. They can't find it, and I can't remember it. People at the same table eat, some people eat this dish, and some people eat it. That... and in the scenic area, during free time, they buy their own food and drink, I can't possibly know everything."

"So, do you have any special impressions about this trip? Did anything happen that made you feel special?"

"No... I told the government the same thing. It's nothing special. It's just like leading the team before... It's the same every time. The attractions, food and accommodation are the same. There are some small changes because the seasonal things are different. .You can’t say that if you go see flowers in spring and see snow in winter, snow is special, right? I really don’t know what’s wrong.”

"Mr. Wang, if this is the case, then the remaining half of the reward we agreed on before will probably be wasted."

"How could you do this?"

"The clues you provided mean nothing to us."

"Then I can't make it up, right? Nothing really happened!"

"Nothing happened, nine people died in the same way?"

"That...I...I really don't know..."

"Have any of the tourists you led had similar problems before?"

"No, just this time... I have been thinking about it for a long time. The police have been questioning me for a whole day yesterday, and I have listed them one by one... I really don't know what went wrong. If I wanted to know, I would have said it a long time ago Yes. What good will it do to myself if I keep it secret? I am still suspected!"

"If you want to clear away the suspicion, please recall everything that happened in those five days. Please start from the trip and tell us everything."

"Huh... at the beginning... it was very ordinary at the beginning. Just like leading the team before, we gathered at the airport. I gave everyone travel agency hats and vests, and then told them the relevant disciplines. It's not discipline... It is to introduce the itinerary, explain the precautions, and ask them to come to me at any time if they need anything. I will give them my mobile phone number and the contact number of our local branch. Basically, it is a travel-related reminder, and then ask if there is any Do they have any medical history of airsickness? None of them have any serious diseases. The travel agency asked about it when they signed up. However, if we want to hide it, we have no choice. If we hide it, we are exempt from liability and it is written in the contract.… ...Later, we queued up to check in our luggage and board the plane. Nothing happened on the plane, it was very peaceful. After landing, we queued up to collect our luggage together and queued up to go to the parking lot. The bus sent by the branch was already waiting. The driver I know him and have worked with him several times. On the bus, he talked about the local attractions and folk customs, and introduced the day's itinerary. We landed at noon. We first went to the hotel to drop off our luggage, and then had dinner at the hotel. This time we took a very nice group They are cooperative, unlike the few I encountered in the past, who drag their feet and agree on the meeting time, are always late, and the whole group waits for one or two people, and everyone is unhappy."

"What's for lunch?"

"Just a very ordinary group meal... The police have sent people to investigate this. Just like the previous times I led the team, it is not local food. The hotel has always cooperated with our travel agency, so the cooking is from our Minqing side. Taste. I ate them together, so it shouldn’t be a problem with that meal.”

"Hmm. What's next?"

"The next step is the afternoon trip. We will go to a scenic spot near the hotel, the Yunzhou Museum. There are many things on display in it, and there is also the mausoleum of the Marquis of Yunzhou, which is quite large. The tour is a unified tour. I will lead the tour and I will also make the introduction. , everyone did not separate. If there were photos or other needs, others would wait a little longer. But no one had to wait for a particularly long time. I went to the toilet in the middle, and some people went there, but some didn't... I remember the police I asked this. But I don’t remember who it was. I didn’t go.”

"Just one attraction that afternoon?"

"No...after the museum, we went to Yuntan Temple to worship Buddha. I took him around for a while to see the big Buddha, the stone tablets behind it, and the attic. Then everyone dispersed and had free time. Which of them burned incense and worshiped Buddha, and who did other things , I don’t know...well, what I remember is that there were seven or eight people asking for signatures and then buying something..."

“What’s wrong with that temple?”


"Mr. Wang, did you hide anything from the police?"

"Sigh... The temple has an appointment with our travel agency... We get a commission. That's it. Basically there is such... cooperation in the industry. I didn't do anything. Yuntan Temple is really a scenic spot, with stone monuments and attics. It has a history of two to three hundred years. I didn’t explain nonsense, and I didn’t trick them into buying anything. If you believe in this kind of thing, it will work, but if you don’t believe it, it won’t exist, right?”

"Do you remember who the tourists were who were shopping? Does it have anything to do with what happened this time?"

"It probably doesn't matter. I remember that for one who died, he bought the consecration talisman, and there were also those who died and didn't buy anything."

"Yeah. What about your next trip?"

"I ate local food in the evening. It was also a restaurant that our travel agency cooperated with, specializing in tourist business. It couldn't be them... I ate that in the evening, and then went back to the hotel, and everyone had a rest. I told them , to act privately, tell me and let me know where they are going. Then, if you need me to be a tour guide, you must give a tip or something. None of them came to me at night, but to be honest, I I don’t know if they have gone out. It’s a tour group, it’s not a school outing, and I’m not a teacher, so I have to keep an eye on them, right?”

"What about the next day's itinerary?"

"The next day I had breakfast at the hotel, then got in the car with my luggage and went to the scenic spots in Yunbei. I drove for more than three hours on the expressway. When I got off the expressway, I found a flower base in the suburbs of Yunbei. I went there to visit first. Everyone takes photos, and if you are interested, you can buy some seeds or something. We have lunch there, a farmhouse. People in the city have never seen pigs running, so it is quite interesting to see live pigs. Chickens and ducks are all killed on site. Yes, the fish was also fished out of the fish pond that day. If you are willing to spend some money, you can make the ingredients with your own hands. There were two children in the group, and they ran to catch chickens, and they were really in a hurry. Look, everyone We were very happy. After lunch, we went to the urban area of ​​Yunbei and stayed in a hotel there. In the afternoon, we visited the city gate in the city center and then went to the Yunzhou Princess Mansion. Two attractions It’s almost like being in a temple. I walked around with you, and then everyone was free to move around, take photos, etc. In the evening, we had dinner at a local hotel, which is also a hotel that receives tourists. Then we went to the city gate to see the night view, and then we went back to the hotel.”

"Nothing special happened all day?"

"No, that day..."

"What's wrong? What did you remember?"

Thanks to Jiuzhu Agency, Bin~~, Yo Youling, and Yugu Xiaoqi for the rewards. Thank you everyone~

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