Aoba Office

Chapter 338 Pond (2)

The cleanup of the pond bottom is also there.

The mud was dug up and everyone exclaimed.

Compared to Tian Yifan, this corpse was more severely decomposed. This shouldn't even be called rot. All that was left of the corpse was the bones, which were still somewhat mutilated.

The staff pulled the body to the shore. Chen Yihan had been prepared for this operation, and there was also a forensic doctor present. Just now, Tian Yifan's bones were preliminarily identified by the forensic doctor, but apart from the approximate time of death, knowing that the deceased was a child, and that there were no external injuries on the bones, nothing else was found. After cleaning this body for a while, the forensic doctor also made a similar judgment: it died earlier than Tian Yifan, it was an adult woman, and there were traumas on the bones, but whether the scars were left during life or after death, it needs to be Further inspection cannot be done in such a simple environment as the pond.

The pond was cleaned for a whole afternoon, but nothing was found except two corpses.

In my dream, I saw some small fish, shrimps, and a few water plants, but now I don’t know if they were burned down by fire or eaten by the duckweed monster. There is nothing else in the pond except silt.

The waterproof membrane covers the entire pond, including the surrounding stone circle. The staff could only cut open the waterproof membrane at the bottom, exposing the compacted soil. Under Chen Yihan's order, they dug deeper but found nothing. Then I pried open the rocks nearby and pulled off the tarp, but there were still no clues in the circle of soil.

After the sky darkened, searchlights were turned on and the staff took out the water pump. The water pump is very old and lacks maintenance. It is not a high-end product. This seems to explain the strange things mentioned by the director.

Overall, this is an ordinary pond.

Chen Yihan looked at Fatty and me frequently.

Neither of our yin and yang eyes saw anything.

I couldn't help but look at the body bag next to me.

The appearance of female ghosts here can be explained by the fact that their shame has drifted here, but how did their shame come here? With this old water recycling system?

This question cannot be explained at all for a while. Maybe the real answer is just a coincidence.

The work has come to an end here.

The director was the happiest and most frightened one.

The child's body can be said to be Tian Yifan, this is basically certain. What about the female corpse?

The principal had to struggle with this, and repeatedly talked to Chen Yihan, but Chen Yihan did not answer and only said that he would investigate, so the principal could only continue to struggle.

"Can this pond be filled in?" the director asked.

"Fill it out." Chen Yihan said.

The on-site evidence collection has been completed, not to mention that Chen Yihan knew the identity of the female corpse from me, so of course he would agree to fill in the pond.

The work team dispersed and the three of us went back.

I had taken leave before, so I didn’t have to go to the office anymore, I just went back to my home.

"Why do you think that human skin appeared in the pond?" Fatty asked casually while driving.

"Maybe you can check this." Chen Xiaoqiu looked at me, "Is that file still with you?"

"Do you want to continue Aoba's investigation?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's over when they found the human skin. Now that we've seen the body, we should check that. You said last time that they found a person involved?"

"She's an old lady, I don't know if she's still alive." I said, "The files are at home. I'll go back and take a look."

The files I brought out from the dream last time were not only the ones I hadn't read, but also the files I had returned before. I "bumped" them out. It is convenient to check this.

After I returned home, I sent Chen Xiaoqiu the identity of Jiang Meifen and some information about her great-aunt Tong Jiang. I guess this matter still depends on Chen Yihan using the public security system to investigate the person.

Without Chen Yihan, we would really be stretched in many things.

But even with Chen Yihan, there are some things we can't do anything about.

For example, Tong Jiang passed away in 2015.

Almost immediately after being questioned by Qingye's people, Tong Jiang passed away.

I think, maybe it was because the heavy burden in my heart was suddenly relieved, or maybe because I suddenly recalled the horrible and painful memories of my childhood, the old lady passed away.

Tong Jiang's family is gone, and it will be very difficult to investigate again.

Almost all the people in that village moved away because of the war. After years of war, it is not known whether those people survived, whether they left any descendants, and whether they mentioned the village to their descendants. Even if it is mentioned, the cruel punishment of skinning someone would not be told to children.

The thread ends here. I suddenly understood how helpless people in Qingye sometimes are. It may only be one sentence in a file, but in personal experience, it is really very helpless.

There are no clues in reality, so I thought about looking for them through dreams.

But I have never seen a real scene of skinning, and my impressions of female ghosts are short and shallow. Most of them are horror. Even when I read the archives, I was more horrified than sympathetic. I tried for several nights, repeatedly recalling the encounters with the female ghosts, and listened to the recordings in the archives several times, especially the part where Tong Jiang accused the villagers of their bestiality, but I could not enter the dreamland no matter what.

At this point, I had no choice but to give up.

There was no progress at night, but the work progressed rapidly during the day.

Pre-coordination work for all plots has been completed, and the next step is the official demolition work.

Director Ma established a good relationship with the media and first published the demolition news in the newspaper. He did not mention the demolition office, but introduced the situation of workers and peasants from No. 1 to No. 7, a total of seven communities and seven plots, as well as future plans. blueprint. In addition to being on the news, publicity boards have been posted in seven communities.

The propaganda board our group received was put up by Fatty and Guo Yujie when they went to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. According to them, a road was built, like a fence.

At the demolition office, in addition to publicity, the letter of intent to investigate has also been prepared and will be distributed to all property owners starting next week. In this regard, there are neighborhood committees that cooperate with our work. In order to facilitate management and statistics, most users will go to the neighborhood committee to fill in the form. For the remaining ones that are inconvenient, we will contact them door-to-door.

This demolition move is a bit big, and we hope to produce good data. Whether it is the approval rate, relocation rate, or demolition speed, we hope to set a new record and become a beautiful and outstanding political achievement.

Of course we have to work hard for this. After the division of labor, it was decided that the fat man and the skinny man and I would run out, which also prevented me from going to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. Guo Yujie and Chen Xiaoqiu went to the neighborhood committee.

On the first morning of the intention investigation, Peng Dongyuan appeared at the door of the unit with a black cloth on his arm, indicating that someone in the family had died, and blocked our way.

As soon as I saw Peng Dongyuan's expressionless and haggard face, I thought of Tao Zheng.

"Ms. Peng." I took the initiative to speak, but I didn't know what to say.

"He is dead. Can I know what is going on in that house now?" Peng Dongyuan's tone was very polite and her voice was very soft.

I motioned Peng Dongyuan to get in the car.

The fat man driving the car and the thin man sitting in the passenger seat were both quiet. There was only a little sound of the air conditioner blowing, the sound of the engine, and the sound of my voice in the car.

"...It's all over. The cornucopia shattered on its own."

I didn’t talk about my abilities. I only said that I had asked an expert to look at it. I didn’t mention the burst of water pipes in the six villages of workers and peasants. I blamed the disappearance of the rain basin on its reaching its limit.

"I don't understand much about this, but it should be that something similar won't happen again. Your son... just like Tao Hai said, he has accumulated bad virtues and will be reborn in a good child in his next life."

As for Tao Zheng's inexplicable disappearance, I think he disappeared together with the cornucopia, but as for Peng Dongyuan, I can't say that your son's soul is gone.

Peng Dongyuan was silent. After a long time, she finally said, "Just let me down at the intersection ahead."

I hesitated to speak.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I just want to know how my son died. I have remarried and now have a husband and a family. It is impossible for me to leave the whole family behind just for Tao Zheng." Peng Dongyuan said rationally.

The car stopped. After Peng Dongyuan got out of the car, he said goodbye to us, flagged down the taxi, and left.

"Is she really okay?" the thin man asked.

"I don't know. I hope it's okay." I sighed.

Thanks to Momotou, Shiqianweiyi, sryxnyx, Convenient Ming, Gudeng Shuangmu, Xie Yiran, and Lala Lala Kitty for the rewards. Thank you everyone~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

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