Aoba Office

Chapter 337 Pond (1)

What Chen Xiaoqiu is talking about is a very real social problem, and this problem has existed for a long time and has not been solved.

It's like the inevitable birth, old age, illness and death. Accidents always happen. Whether it's a car accident or drowning, someone always dies.

Just in the pond in the Forest Park, as far as I saw in my dream, three people died in nineteen years, including Tian Yifan, which is not a low ratio. This is even though Forest Park has installed railings near the pond and there are often people in the park.

When I heard what Chen Xiaoqiu said, I couldn't help but feel that more people died from such accidents than from any supernatural events. If there is a priority, then this kind of safety issue should definitely receive more attention than solving supernatural incidents.

The thin man had nothing to say and could only snort at Chen Xiaoqiu.

"Why don't we go take a look at the duckweed burning this time?" The fat man changed the subject.

Chen Xiaoqiu nodded, "You can go and have a look. The specific time should be in the afternoon, we will go there in the afternoon."

Shouzi and Guo Yujie stayed in the office as usual, and the three of us found an excuse to go to the Forest Park. We wanted to pick up Gu Mo on the way, but Gu Mo seemed to be severely damaged by what happened yesterday and looked weak. He didn't seem to be pretending, so we had to give up.

"Did you succeed?" Gu Mo muttered.

I replied: "Well, I had a dream yesterday, and I also know what happened in the pond yesterday. You...I also heard those sounds, but they didn't seem to be so lethal."

The duckweed monster is noisy, but there is no feeling of magic sound entering the brain, and the decibel is not particularly high.

"My hearing is different from yours." Gu Mo lay on the bed.

He didn't play games or watch TV today, and he looked really hurt.

"Then you should have a good rest." I looked at Gu Mo's pale face and said nothing more.

When we arrived at the Forest Park, we found that the situation near the pond was a little different from yesterday. Tian Mingchun was not there. After asking, he found out that he was not notified at all this time and was stopped outside the park by the police. The director was still there, but his expression was very frightened. It was the turn of autumn and winter. He kept wiping away his sweat, not knowing where all the sweat came from.

Chen Yihan directed the scene calmly.

Because what is being burned is not a flammable plant such as wheat straw, a combustion accelerant must be poured on the duckweed first. The smell is not like gasoline, and the color is transparent. I don't know what that is. I don’t have to do this, there are uniformed staff spraying the liquid into the pond. There was also a fire brigade standing by with a serious attitude. Everything looks professional and reliable.

When ready, the fire was thrown into the pond and landed on the duckweed, and the fire burst into flames instantly.

The flames were fierce, but they did not rise high. They all stuck to the duckweed.

Because Gu Mo was not here, Fatty and I couldn't really see anything with our eyes alone. The inside of the pond was covered in the red and yellow of the flames, and the green of the duckweed could not be seen clearly, let alone anything else.

The effect of that kind of combustion accelerant is very good. The duckweed burns very fast, and it is burned layer by layer visibly to the naked eye, creating a distance from the shore.

The water never appeared, and the pond was really full of duckweeds, nothing but duckweeds.

It took seven to eighty minutes to burn away all the duckweed in the pond, leaving not even ashes.

The bottom of the pond was exposed, and the silt deposits, coupled with the ashes from the burning duckweed, looked dark, without plants or even stones.

In this way, some protruding hard objects become very conspicuous.

Chen Yihan glanced at Fatty and me first. I couldn't see anything with my yin and yang eyes, but I recognized the two protruding hard objects. One was Tian Yifan's bones, and the other, judging from the location, was where the female ghosts buried their companions.

Tian Yifan's ghost has disappeared, and it is impossible to find out the corpse, but it is difficult to tell the corpse of the female ghost. Even in those nineteen years, I didn't see any yin energy in that area, and I don't see anything now, but who knows what will happen after it is dug out?

I walked over and whispered this to Chen Yihan. Chen Yihan was thoughtful and asked someone to dig out Tian Yifan's bones first.

Several staff members wearing galoshes and thick plastic aprons went down to the pond and followed Chen Yihan's instructions to exhume Tian Yifan's bones first.

As I expected, nothing happened during this process.

But after the bones were dug out, everyone couldn't help but sigh.

Next, you cannot just stop working because you are not sure whether it is safe or not.

Chen Yihan specifically instructed that all staff entering the pond should wear safety ropes, and there would be a group of people watching around them, just in case. Workers began to clear the silt from the river bottom, and more silt continued to be transported to the shore.

After digging about thirty centimeters in this way, the waterproof membrane was dug out in that small area.

"It's over." The staff member tapped the waterproof membrane with a shovel.

"Is this pond completely artificial?" The fat man looked at the entire pond.

There is a waterproof membrane at the bottom. As the fat man said, this pond is a completely artificially dug park landscape.

But when it comes to the scenery, I really didn’t see it. The railings are in a circle, duckweeds are floating everywhere, where is there any landscape?

"It was originally going to be connected to the lake over there." The director heard this and interjected, "The pond here, the artificial lake, plus the Luoqu River at the source and the drainage pipe, are all connected together. One integrated living water. There will be some fish here for fishing, and the lake over there is for boating. The design plan is like this, but it cannot be connected."

We all looked at the director.

"The old director wanted to fill it in. I wanted to make use of it. After checking the previous design drawings, I found that it was already in the plan." The director explained to Chen Yihan, "Filling it in won't work. At first My plan didn’t work out, so I gave up.”

"What's the reason why the plan was not implemented?" Chen Yihan asked.

"It's a line problem. Once this side is dug, the underground cables will have to be rearranged and detoured. The price is too high." The director gestured, "The project was divided into several phases. The lake was dug first, and then We dug a pond here. Halfway through, we found cables, so we had to stop the construction and circle the pond separately. We built a new water pump here."

I don’t know if the director was already familiar with the layout of the pond, or if he was cramming yesterday and took out the design drawings and memorized them. Now he spoke clearly and pointed out the location of the water pump.

I looked over and saw that the pond was surrounded by stones. At the two locations pointed by the director, there were round holes between the stones, which seemed to be water pipes.

"I don't know when something went wrong with the water pump. The normal water change was slow. I had to pump water, just like yesterday. Halfway through, the water pipe was blocked. I opened the water pump and checked it. I also asked someone to dive under the pool. I've checked, but haven't found anything. This situation is so weird. And when pumping water, you can hear the sound of the water pump, whining, like someone crying..." The director started wiping sweat again, looking very nervous. But he tried to restrain himself, "I think it may be the duckweed. It may not be the common kind of duckweed, but a special species."

Now that the duckweed has been burned, there is no test material to study why the water pump repeatedly strikes. The director's afterthought makes no sense at all.

However, except for the problem with the water pump, everything else can be explained. This pond is a project that was not carefully planned from the beginning, and ended up being messed up and became what it is today.

Everything seems normal and reasonable.

My eyes moved to the area where the female ghost's body was.

Today's update is complete, good night everyone.

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