Aoba Office

Chapter 32 No. 035-Death of Wild Cat (5)

"It was one sound at first, and then it turned into four or five. So many cats were meowing at the same time! That sound! Hoo... I heard someone upstairs opening the window to curse, and throwing garbage down, but the cats stopped for a while, and then started to cry again. It started to meow. There were only cats meowing around, and they seemed to have gotten into the courier station. Then a cat jumped on the window sill and stared at me through the glass. I...I...I also hope that the people upstairs can take care of me. The cats drove away, but they seemed to be dead... There was no sound, there was no sound around, there was only the cat meowing! No one was there! They must have done something!"

"Didn't those cats do something else?"

"No, no, there is no time! They have scratched the door! The one on the window sill is still scratching the window! They want to come in and kill me! Just like they killed Kong Rongde and Su Zhuoqin... I will also be killed! "

"Mr. Fei, please calm down. Drink some water and take a rest."

"Hoo...ho...can I stay here with you?"


"That's great...ha, that's great! Thank you!"

"One more question. Did you see a weird-looking cat yesterday? There was blood on it, and it was lame when running. The fur was dark. It might have turned dark because of the blood."

"That's it! That's the cat that jumped on the window sill! It's been trying to get in!"

"I see."

"Mr. Fei, we have heard about a situation before. The area where you rent has recently seen an increase in the number of wild cats. Have you noticed this?"

"This... I think I heard Su Zhuoqin mention it. He said that wild cats are easy to catch. In the past, I just caught the one I caught, but now I can choose the one that suits my eyes."

"Do you remember when this started happening?"

"It seems that it was not long after I moved in, right? He mentioned it. At that time... I wasn't addicted at that time, so I just listened to it casually. I had an impression because I thought he looked like a human being. , I didn’t expect it to be so perverted.”

"Did he ever mention that they killed special cats when they tortured cats? Or something else?"

"No. I didn't hear them say that."

On April 26, 2006, a blood analysis report was obtained, confirming that the blood samples collected in the green belt were the same as those of Kong Rongde.

Attached: Sample 03520060419 (1), 03520060419 (2) analysis report and comparison report.

On April 28, 2006, Zhou Yanghui was contacted. Audio file 03520060428.wav.

"Brother Su is dead?"

"The body has not been found yet, but the person disappeared in a very strange way. One of his co-tenants also disappeared in the same way."


"Mr. Zhou, do you know something? I hope you can provide us with some information so that we can find Mr. Su Zhuoqin."


"Mr. Zhou, our investigation has revealed that both you and Mr. Su Zhuoqin have abused cats."

" have all found out, so what else do you have to ask?"

"We believe that this incident may be related to cats, but we are currently unable to find the root of the matter."

"The root cause? Tsk! What root can there be? Isn't it the fault of those beasts? Look at me, look at this! This is what those beasts scratched out! My eyeballs were gouged out!"

"We deeply sympathize with your experience. Mr. Zhou, can you tell us what happened in detail?"

"What happened? What do you want to hear? Haha, are you here to see a joke? I don't think you are here to see Su Zhuoqin at all, are you?"

"Mr. Zhou, you have lost an eye, but you are still alive. Your former companion Zhu Bin died suddenly that year, and Su Zhuoqin and the co-tenant have disappeared, and their lives and deaths are unknown. With all due respect, can you continue to do this? It’s doubtful if you get lucky.”

"Get out of here! Get out!"

"If we can solve this matter, you can feel at ease, right? Why don't you cooperate with our work and tell everything about it? Maybe we can help you too."

"There's no need for you to pretend to be kind! Get out of here!"

Bang! Bang!

"Hey, boy, you dare to try it!"


"Boss, this guy..."

"I saw a cat outside."

"Hiss! What, what did you say..."

"I couldn't see clearly and it disappeared after spotting me. The cat was a large, part-colored cat with short hair and looked healthy."

"'s still's really staring at me..."

"Zhou Yanghui, now, can you talk about your experience?"

"...What can we talk about? Didn't you see everything? That cat dug out my eyeballs! It's a's targeting me!"

"I already know this. What I want to know is what you did with Su Zhuoqin, Zhu Bin and others, and what happened after you returned to your hometown."

"I...I don't know how this happened...Su Zhuoqin, Su Zhuoqin likes to torture cats! He started it first! That guy Zhu Bin is also a pervert! I vomited when I saw it for the first time, but on his face, I I saw it, he was laughing! I didn’t want to, but we live together and work in the same place. Su Zhuoqin is the old man in that restaurant. I can’t be unhappy with him because of a few beasts, right? I don’t want to, I really don’t want anything to do…”

"Do you remember that big mottled cat? Was it one of the cats you killed?"

"It's... that cat... I remember it was very quiet when Su Zhuoqin caught it, without making any sound. It didn't react at all when it was abused by him and... Zhu Bin. Su Zhuoqin scolded him, and Zhu Bin also I thought it was boring, so I killed it hastily. It looked very strange to if it wanted to be killed, and even deliberately bumped Su Zhuoqin's knife."

"This was before Fei Wen moved in?"

"Fei Wen? Ah... it was before he moved in."

"Did anything happen after you killed it?"

"There was nothing wrong before I came back, but when I came home during the Chinese New Year, the cats in the village barked at me and bared their teeth. The people in the village looked at me in a weird way. I told them that the person I shared the flat with had a cat, so maybe It smells like cats. On the first day of the new year, when I came back from New Year's greetings, I saw several cats lying on the wall looking at me. That cat was among the cats. It barked, and the cats jumped towards me. . They scratched me and opened my eyes... Huh... Huh... My parents and brothers walked faster than me. They were already home by that time. They turned back to look for me when they heard me shouting. What were they doing there? With a whoosh, those cats all ran away. I was blind, and my family wanted to kill those cats, but the people in the village thought I had done something in the city, so they were caught by the cats in the village. I Dad was silent. They also thought I had done something evil. Aren't they just a few beasts? Just a few beasts!"

"Then what?"

"My father forced me to go to the village cemetery, kowtow to my family's ancestral graves, and beg them to protect me... He also forced me to kneel at the entrance of the village, burning paper money and kowtow... He also paid to feed the cats, good fish and good meat. Serving...I don't know which one played a role. The village cat stared at me when he found me, but no longer came close to me. I didn't expect that it was still kept staring at wouldn't give up... …”

"Boss, are you looking for that cat?"

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