Aoba Office

Chapter 31 No. 035-Death of Wild Cat (4)

"Brother, what did you see that day? Can you tell me about it?"

"Oh, that's it. The man drank too much, and then he saw a wild cat coming to eat some meat scraps. He was unhappy and took it out on a kitten. The cat's head was broken and it couldn't run easily. It was pitiful. .”

"That's right. Do you remember where it went?"

"It's probably the green belt over there. Is that cat yours?"

"No, I just want to take a look."

"Oh, that's up to you. But there are really a lot of wild cats here recently."

"Is this the case?"

"Isn't it? There are often wild cats around my stall looking for food. Last time there was a chicken thief who stole a fish from me!"

"Haha! It's so interesting!"

"What's so interesting!"

On April 17, 2006, we searched for injured wild cats, but no wild cats or corpses were found. We found a pool of blood in the green belt and took samples. Sample number 03520060417.

On April 19, 2006, the blood sample analysis results were obtained, which was human blood. Collect blood samples from Kong Rongde and Su Zhuoqin. Sample number 03520060419 (1), 03520060419 (2).

Attached: Sample 03520060417 analysis report.

On April 20, 2006, the investigation revealed that Zhu Bin died suddenly in 2004. Contact Uncle Zhu Bin. Audio file 03520060420.wav.

"Abin died not long after he came back. My sister-in-law cried her eyes out. My brother died early. She raised such a son. If her son dies, shouldn't she die of pain? She hasn't been feeling well since. good."

"As far as we know, Zhu Bin died suddenly. He had been in good health before. Do you know his condition before and at the time of his death?"

"This... I'm telling you this behind closed doors, but don't write my name when you write."

"Don't worry, we will investigate many people and will not include the names of the interviewees when publishing."

"Oh, that's fine. I think A Bin was accepted by God!"

"How do you say this?"

"I watched him grow up. He has two sisters and a mother. He is the only man in the family. Can't he be pampered? He has been lawless since he was a child. When other young men in the village go out to work, they all work for the family. It's good that he is the one who sends money. He is the only man in the family. He does not leave the family land for farming, leaving those fields to his mother and two married sisters to help take care of them. If there is a harvest every year, the family still needs to send him money. Tsk. !”

"Is this what you mean when you say 'God will take it'?"

"It's not just that! He has never done farm work, never worked in the kitchen, and has never done anything like killing chickens or fish. I remember one time during the Chinese New Year, my sister-in-law killed a chicken, and he happened to see it. Oops, he was so excited at that time. He vomited! Really... He came back during the Spring Festival that year and was idle. His mother was cooking. She knew he was afraid and wouldn't let him enter the kitchen. He took the initiative to go in that day and helped kill a chicken. My sister-in-law's place He was called happy, and everyone said he was sensible. But that was not the case when I saw it. The head of the chicken he killed was chopped open, and his stomach was in a mess. My little daughter said he looked like in the TV series That kind of madness..."

"Perverted murderer?"

"Yes, yes! That's that kind of person! He killed many people!"

"Do you think he did some bad things in other places, so he was taken away by God?"

"Yes! Otherwise, a good person would die like that?"

"Besides killing the chicken, is there any other... um, evidence?"

"The evidence..."

"Dad, Grandma Qi's cat!"

"Hey, you girl didn't do your homework, why did you come here to listen to the corner? The adults are talking, don't interrupt!"

"Didn't I remind you?"

"Little sister, what does Grandma Qi's cat mean?"

"It's the cat raised by Grandma Qi in the east of the village. It's a big fat cat. It's very old and doesn't move much. The day I saw Brother Binbin, he jumped up and ran away. He's so nimble!"

"Oh, so that's it."

"The little girl is right. The old cat has become a spirit. The old cat must have felt something."

"We can't contact Zhu Bin's two sisters. Can you help connect them?"

"They are not happy to talk about it. Let me tell you the truth. When Zhu Bin was alive, they were often complained by their husband's family. Instead of helping their husband's family with work, they always went back to their parents' house to work for their younger brother. This is What's the matter? Their mother-in-laws have cursed Zhu Bin behind their backs, but once Zhu Bin dies, won't they dare to mention it? "

"Does cursing mean cursing?"

"Otherwise, what else could there be?"

"Oh, nothing."

On April 23, 2006, the audio file was analyzed and the results were obtained. 03520040415(1)G(1).wav.

"Last time, the file had results."

"Oh? What's that sound?"

"Listen to this."


"... Get out of the way! Ah! Bang!... rustle... rustle... Ah! Ouch, ouch, ouch!..."


"How about it?"

"It's still noise, nothing."

"Eh? Aye, you didn't hear that either?"

"No. What did you hear?"

"A voice! A man's voice!"

click! click!

"... rustle... rustle..."

"He said, Fei Wen, you are looking for someone to kill me. Ahem, let me do it all over again. Hiss - Fei Wen!!! You are looking for someone to kill me!!!"

"Okay, why are you so loud?"

"That's how he yelled."

"Have you heard this sound?"

"Huh? No."

"Isn't it Su Zhuoqin's voice?"

"No. Aye, you suspect it's Su Zhuoqin..."

"Well, it seems not anymore."

"Could it be Kong Rongde?"

"That's possible. But we don't have Kong Rongde's voice record."

"Then there's nothing I can do."

On April 25, 2006, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 200604252149.mp3.

"Hurry up and save me!"

"Mr. Fei Wen?"


"It's me! Come and save me!"

"Where are you now? What happened?"

"I'm at the express station! I saw cats! There are so many wild cats! They're just outside the express station! They keep barking, and they even climb up to the windows and just stare at me! Someone come and save me!"

Meow! Ouch! Meow!

"Okay, we'll come over right now. Don't be anxious or panic. Do you still have the amulet we gave you last time?"

"It's there! It's in my hand!"

"You've got it, it's okay, we'll be there soon."

On April 25, 2006, I rushed to the express station and found a group of wild cats, numbering more than twenty. One of them had a strange appearance and was not successfully captured. Confirm the client's safety and receive him at the office.

On April 26, 2006, inquired about the client's situation. Audio file 03520060426.wav.

"Mr. Fei, can you tell me what happened yesterday?"

"That's it... I was sleeping at the express delivery station and watching TV when I suddenly heard a cat meowing. I was very frightened. The cat meowed. I listened for a while and there was no sound, so I relaxed. I went to the toilet, and when I came out I heard something scratching at the rolling shutter door outside, as if something was trying to come in... It scratched for a while, but it probably couldn't be helped, so it stopped scratching. I thought it was gone and listened again. It’s time for the cat to meow.”

Please collect, recommend, and reward!

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