Aoba Office

Chapter 3 No. 091-Face in the Water (3)

"That night, my brother went to bed very early after he came back. The next morning, he also got up very early. We had breakfast together, and when we talked about what happened yesterday at the dinner table, he even laughed and said it was yesterday. I was dazzled and scared myself. I asked him what he saw, and he said he saw a snow-white face hanging on the tree, staring down at him, or in other words, staring at him, with a pair of black eyes. , like a hole, just staring at me. I laughed when I heard it, and my brother also laughed sheepishly. We all thought he was dazzled. There were no lights in the park, and there were security guards on patrol. , sometimes I would use a flashlight to take pictures casually, or someone would smoke a cigarette, and there would be a light. My brother was probably dazzled by it. Then he went to work and after work, and nothing happened for a few days. My brother talked about friends with the girl again, We made an appointment to meet in the park. That night...that night he ran back early again..."

"Has he seen that face again?"

"Yes, he saw that face again."


"Hiss-hoo-little brother, do you smoke?"

"No, thank you."

"Huh... My brother came back early. This time without saying anything, he rushed into his house and locked himself up. He and I slept in the same room at that time. Our family's conditions were better, because our family The old man inside was an office director in the factory, and he had a two-bedroom house. The two elders had one room, and our brothers had one room. My parents and I were watching TV, and he rushed in and slammed the door shut. He opened the door, but he wouldn't open it no matter how we knocked. I couldn't get in that night, so I had to sleep in the hall. However, I didn't sleep for long. His partner chased him to our house, and also rushed in. She started cursing when she came in, and all the neighbors came to watch the fun. My mother finally persuaded her to stop her and closed the door to talk. The girl wiped her tears as she spoke. I listened to her incoherent words for a long time. I figured it out. My brother was talking to her when he ran away. He took off half of his clothes. Suddenly he left the girl alone and ran away. Didn't this make people angry? After she finished scolding her, she became worried again. Speaking of my brother, when my mother said that he had locked himself in the house, he was also nervous and leaned on the door to talk to him. My brother made no sound in the house. My old man got angry and asked me to knock on the door. My brother just spoke, yelling at us not to come in. That roar... wasn't an angry sound, it was a fearful sound. Huh-"

"and after?"

"Later, my mother took the girl to the next room to talk, and then sent her away properly. I saw that the girl was very worried, but she still left. My mother sent her away, and then turned to us. Said softly, my brother probably... Maybe there was a sudden problem there, so he left the girl and ran away, and now he has locked himself up. I don't believe that's the case, but my parents believe it. Now, they were standing on the door, doing ideological work for my brother there, persuading him to go see a doctor and so on. They spent most of the night. My brother got annoyed and yelled again, and everyone went to bed first. The next day When he woke up, he opened the door, but under his eyes, he was as black as a person who was about to die. My mother became anxious when she saw it, and asked my father to ask for leave for my brother, and she immediately wanted to take him away. Go see a doctor. My brother also agreed. I went with him that day. Phew——"

"It's hard for people to know about my brother's illness. We didn't go to the factory hospital, we went to a big hospital in the city. It took a long time to ride bicycles from the factory. It was fine at first, but when we got to the city , there was a road in front of the hospital, which was rare at that time, because there were trees planted in two neat rows. I remember it was summer, and the trees were full of green leaves, covering half of the road, and the sun was shining brightly. When we came down, the road was full of lights. I later watched documentaries and filmed that road. It was the famous Love Road in the city at that time. People who were friends nearby would go there for a walk, just like those in our factory. Like a park.”

"Well, is it Kangxin Road?"

"Yes, yes! It's Kangxin Road! It was the first time I went there, and I found it a bit strange. Our family had always lived near the factory at that time. We were originally farmers. After building the factory, we became workers. , I don’t often come here in the city. My mother and I both thought it was beautiful, and the speed of the bicycle slowed down, and then there was a bang... When we both turned around, we saw that my brother had fallen. We were riding well, There was no other car next to him, so he fell. The bicycle was lying on the road, half of his legs were under the bicycle, and he was sitting on the ground, with his neck raised and his eyes straight. I was not far from him at that time, so I looked at him The blood on his face faded, and cold sweat oozed from his forehead, sliding down his face. His body was trembling, causing the bicycle to tremble with it, and it hit the ground with a rattling sound. There was wind, and the leaves rustled. He suddenly screamed..."

"Mr. Li, be careful about the smoke."

"Huh? Oh... Phew - I still remember his scream. I have never heard him scream like that. I remember that he entered the factory as an apprentice. Once, his hand almost caused the machine to be involved. He also He didn't scream, he was very calm, and shouted to the dazed people next to him to quickly turn off the machine. People in the factory said that he was brave and promising. But at that time, he was sitting on the ground, and when he screamed like that, everyone around him looked over. Phew - I went over to help him and put my hand on his shoulder. I found that in the summer, his body was as cold as ice cubes. Maybe I blocked his view at the time. He looked at me for a while, then slowly He calmed down. I helped him up, and he lowered his head, wiped his sweat, and became numb. My mother and I asked him what was wrong, and he said it was nothing. I later thought that he was in trouble again at that time. See that face.”

"Wait a minute, you keep saying your brother saw a face?"

"Yes, he told me that he saw a face."

"Isn't it a human head?"

"Human head... maybe a head. I haven't seen what he said. He always said 'face' when he talked to me."

"Well, okay. Sorry to interrupt you, please continue."

"Then we went to the hospital. My mother went to register him, and I stayed with him. He seemed to be absent-minded while waiting in line and seeing the doctor. The doctor was quite nice. He persuaded him for a while and explained the disease to him. It's normal, not shameful, and it can definitely be cured. Then wait in line for examinations and so on... We were walking in the hospital, and he suddenly stopped and stared at a hospital bulletin board for a while, then pointed to one of the photos and said he wanted to see it. This doctor. My mother and I went over to take a look. He was an ophthalmologist, a specialist of some sort. My mother asked him what was going on, but he didn’t answer and ran to register himself. My mother couldn’t catch up with him, so I caught up with him. , asked him what was going on, but he didn’t say anything and had already registered. There was nothing I could do, so I said I would go find our mother first and let’s go see some experts together. When walking back with him, he suddenly When I spoke, I said something incoherently. I probably had a disease in my eyes. I thought, if I’m not sick, can I even think about going to the ophthalmology department? What my brother said the other day when he saw a snow-white face suddenly popped into my head. When I came out, I scared myself to death... Huh--after that, I found my mother, and she asked me to go to the ophthalmologist with my brother. My brother refused to let us be around and kicked us out. I went to see the doctor alone with the doctor. When he came out, I was in a daze and had to register again, and the registration was for...psychiatry."


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