Aoba Office

Chapter 25 No. 078-Following me like a shadow (5)

"Hey, what are you talking about? Xiaorui is already very scared. Can you please stop making sarcastic remarks?"

"There are many evil spirits wandering around in this world, and those who are weak-minded are easily haunted by evil spirits. So far, all the things that have entangled you have been doing is scaring you. I'm not sure what it is yet, but I don't know what it is. There is no doubt that its target is your fear. The more afraid you are and the more you care about it, the stronger it will be. Miss Zheng, if you can't face it bravely, I don't know how far it will grow. "

"What do you mean? It...will it kill me?"

"Xiao Rui, don't be afraid."

"There is no denying that this will happen. So, Miss Zheng, please be brave."

"You make it easy! How brave I am! It's not you who encounters this kind of thing! How could I not be afraid? If it were you, wouldn't you be afraid?!"

"Scare...Xiao...Xiao Rui..."

"Hoo-! Hoo-!"

"I'm very pleased that you have such momentum. It would be even better if this momentum is directed at that thing."

"Hey, stop talking!"

"What do you know... you don't understand how I feel at all... ugh..."

"Little sister Zheng Xiaorui, if you are so scared and just waiting for others to save you, I suggest you commit suicide directly. I can recommend you some places with strong yin energy and choose the right time to commit suicide. You may also become the person you are afraid of. That kind of thing. In this way, you won’t be afraid in the future, right? After all, you may encounter supernatural events in the next life after reincarnation. It’s better to become a ghost directly, then you will have nothing to fear.”


"That's enough! Xiaorui, don't listen to his nonsense. Xiaorui, it's okay. We can find other psychics. Someone will definitely be able to save you!"

"Hey, boss..."

"Have you cried enough?"


"If you've cried enough, go home and look for something extra or missing. This is very important. Please take it seriously. Only you can do this by yourself. No one can help you. .If you don’t want to die, be brave.”


"Ling, send them out."

"Okay. You two, please."

"Xiao Rui, let's go and don't come back again."


Da, da, da...bang.

"Boss, there's no need to be so harsh on a little girl, right?"

"Did you see something?"

"Alas...that little girl's yang energy has been weakening."

"Is that what caused it?"

"I didn't see anything. I guess she was in a bad state of mind, and the yin spirits she encountered passing by were slowly draining away her yang energy. If this continues, she won't be able to live long without such weird things."

"Ah...what should we do?"

"She can only rely on herself. There are many people, even if we deal with the evil spirits for them, we can't save their lives."

"Is it similar to having a serious illness? There is no treatment, but it has already damaged the body. If it is not taken care of well..."

"That's it."

On January 15, 2014, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 201401151603.mp3.

"Hello, Miss Zheng."


"Miss Zheng?"

"I... found... something..."

"Oh? What is it? Is it convenient for us to go to your house now?"

"Well, come here. The things...are masks and kimonos..."

"Okay, we'll be there soon."

On January 15, 2014, arrived at the client’s home. Audio file 07820140115.wav.

"Ms. Zheng...Ms. Duan, hello."

"Well, you are here."

"Did something happen in the past two days? You two look very bad."

"I didn't find anything, Xiaorui... found these two things..."

"Mask and kimono?"




"What? Boss!"


Bang bang! Bang! Bang!


"W-What is that? A fox?"


"Xiao Rui, don't be afraid, it has been caught."


"Is this a fox? Did he just run out of this mask?"

"It's a vixen. A vixen is weird and likes to play tricks on people."

"Is this the thing that harmed Xiaorui?"

"It seems so."

"Is there any problem with the kimono?"

"The kimono also has a strong yin energy. It is an old thing that has experienced several owners. It is not suitable for people like Miss Zheng to use such old things."


"So, can you solve this?"


"Is Xiaorui going to be fine?"

"It's okay for now."


"Zheng Xiaorui, do you still remember what I said last time?"


"If your will is weak and your mind is unstable, you will easily be targeted by evil spirits. If you don't want to encounter this kind of thing again, be brave. Ghosts and spirits are not that scary. After all, they have no body and are not as good as the living ones. Human. But if you're scared, they can kill you."


"I will protect Xiaorui well!"

"Oh? Okay. Come on then."


On January 15, 2014, the fox spirit was killed and the fox mask and cherry blossom kimono were destroyed. Event ends.

Attached: Photos of fox spirit, fox mask and cherry blossom kimono.


Several enlarged photos are included at the end of the file.

The photo of the fox spirit is a bit blurry. The fox spirit looks like an ordinary red fox. One hand is pressing its neck, and it shrinks into a ball. Its big tail is wrapped around its body. It looks very scared and it is holding down its neck. people.

The fox mask is a white mask with squinting eyes that is very common in J country. It is painted with red patterns. It is very beautiful and does not look like anything scary at all.

The kimono gives me an uncomfortable feeling. The background color of the dress is black. There are several pink petals on the upper body. There are many cherry blossoms stacked on the skirt. The cherry blossoms are flying on the sleeves. On the back is a cherry blossom tree with dense branches and leaves. The front is stacked. The cherry blossoms are an extension of its branches. The top crown of the tree grows all the way to the shoulder, as if a hand is desperately stretching to grasp the person's shoulder.

"If you get scared, they can kill you."

The words of the "boss" echoed in my ears, reminding me of the cold feeling in the office. Is it because you are afraid that you feel that way? Is there really a ghost in that office?

"Psychological factors." I said to myself.

It would be ridiculous if there were ghosts in the ghost hunter's territory. Although the Qingye Supernatural Agency has failed, it is not like that unreliable scam shop, and the members do not seem to be incompetent.

The feeling of being in the office is a psychological factor, and the discomfort I feel when looking at kimono photos now is also a psychological factor.

I lowered my head and was about to close the file when I suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the kimono photo. I looked carefully and found two people standing under the cherry blossom tree, one standing on one side, both holding the trunk with their hands, half of their bodies blocked by the trunk. Compared with the cherry blossom trees, these two people are too small, and they are both wearing black and red flowers, so they easily blend in with the background.

For some reason, my heartbeat started to beat faster. I always felt that this was an incredible discovery.

"Brother, aren't you still asleep? You have to go to work tomorrow, right?"

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