Aoba Office

Chapter 24 No. 078-Following me like a shadow (4)

"We will investigate this. But Ms. Zheng's situation, whether it is a supernatural incident or not, she should receive psychological counseling."

"I, I know...I will tell her parents..."

On December 21, 2013, a search was conducted inside the school and a bird's nest and broken amulets were found, which were normal.

On December 22, 2013, we obtained the school surveillance video and found nothing unusual.

On January 13, 2014, the investigation of the client’s whereabouts in the past six months before the incident was completed and the client was contacted. Audio file 07820140113.wav.

"Long time no see, Miss Zheng, how are you feeling lately?"

"I'm fine now. Thank you. I'm much better with the amulet. And the psychiatrist... the psychiatrist talked to me, maybe I was influenced by horror movies. Anyway, thank you for the amulet. I... Can I buy a few more? I thought about it and kept it as a spare... The doctor also said that it would be much better if I could have someone to rely on psychologically."

"Of course. But before that, let's talk about other things. We invite you here this time because we have some questions to ask you."

"Ah, just ask."

"In October 2013, you and Miss Duan participated in the tourism festival in Minqing City, right?"

"Well, yes. We went to see the float parade and went to the exhibition hall during the day."

"That's a problem? We didn't do anything that day."

"Whether there is a problem or not, you have to look at our subsequent conversation to determine. When we first met, we said that you may have done something that you didn't even notice, so you encountered that strange thing. matter."

"Isn't this because I watched a horror movie?"

"Please don't be nervous, Miss Zheng. According to our investigation, your most obvious abnormal behavior in the past six months was your participation in the tourism festival."

"What's so unusual about the tourism festival? It's run by the government, right? The foreigners who come are all organized by their government! Could it be that they..."

"Little sister, I haven't seen you for a while, have you forgotten what I said again?"

"I...I think the psychiatrist was right. It was because I dragged Xiaorui to watch horror movies that she behaved like that."

"Since you two have participated in the Tourism Festival, you should also know that the exhibition activities during the Tourism Festival not only display the scenery of various countries, but also introduce and experience folklore activities. Among them, the religious culture of various countries is also included. We currently suspect that, The two of them did something during that period and were targeted by evil spirits from a foreign country."

"We all did the same thing that day. It makes no sense that Xiaorui encountered something like that. Am I okay?"

"I've called you two here today just to eliminate this suspicion. Please tell me in detail what happened during that period."


"Then let me tell you."


"We went to the exhibition hall on weekend mornings. I remember that day we went to the exhibition halls of country A, country B and country I. If you want to talk about religion... we just saw the Milan Cathedral in country I, which is a three hundred The movie Sixty Shades Curtain, after which the staff gave everyone souvenirs, which were refrigerator magnets and postcards from the cathedral, everyone took them, and they were all the same. Not much else, most of the time While we were lining up, the two of us didn’t talk to anyone and were watching videos together on our phones. When we watched the floats at night, we saw some religious things on them, but there were too many people there at the time.”

"What about the next day?"


"We found your consumption records. You two went to the exhibition on the first day of the weekend, and you also went to the second day, right?"


"What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"The next day...the next day we..."

"I can't remember. Have you really checked the consumption records?"

"Yes. The consumption records show that you two ordered tickets for the night temple fair at J State Pavilion the next day."


"I, I don't remember. Did you find the consumption record? Are you sure it's ours? How did you check it?"


"This is an online reservation record. The registered name and mobile phone number are two digits, and the pre-sale tickets were later taken away."

"How is this possible...I...I don't remember at all..."


"Ms. Zheng likes country J culture, right? Your backpack, keys, and bedroom furnishings all have items from country J stars. The star you like is a special guest at the temple fair that day. Judging from your financial resources and time, you are Probably go to the temple fair that day.”

"I...but I...don't remember at all..."

"It seems that what happened to you is related to this temple fair."

"...Then, what should we do?"

"We first need to find out what you did that day."

"Little sister, your face doesn't look good. Did you remember something?"


"It's better not to hide it, otherwise we will be misled or delayed, which will not be a good thing for your good friend."

"Shishi...Shishi, do you remember what happened that day?"

"When I saw this... I remembered something..."

"Just say whatever comes to mind."

"That night, we went to the temple fair. There, just like this poster, there was a long road with many lanterns hanging, very beautiful, and the end was the shrine. I remember... I remember we took photos at the torii gate and bought I bought candy apples, fished for goldfish... I also went to the shrine to buy a pair of ema, the kind that bless friendships that will last forever..."

"Is that the problem?"

"Is that all you remember?"

"Well... by the way, kimonos! We changed into kimonos! There are shops for renting and selling kimonos in front of the temple fair. The two of us... I forgot whether we rented or bought them. Anyway, we changed our clothes and wore clogs. Xiaorui was not used to it and almost fell down. She and I held hands and laughed...smiling and said something...after that...there was a performance at the end, which was the kind of geisha-like dance in J country...Xiaorui My favorite star is performing, and many fans are there shouting..."

"Don't you have any relevant souvenirs at your home?"

"No. If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't even remember it."

"Me neither... The temple fair has been over for so long, and everything in the shrine has been demolished. Is it... is there no way I can be saved?"

"Because it is an event organized by the governments of the two countries, private companies participating in the temple fair will also register. It is not difficult to find those from Country J. Please rest assured, Miss Zheng, if necessary, we will go to Country J to handle this matter .”

"However, as far as the information we have found now, there is no problem with the qualifications of the shrine and the stall owner. Especially the shrine is a copy of a famous shrine in country J, and two priests and witches were invited from there. So we think "The problem may lie in something you bought or something you did, or it may even have nothing to do with the temple fair, but something happened to you on the way to or from the temple fair."

"Then, what should we do?"

"First of all, please go back and look for anything extra or missing at home."

"Well, okay. Xiaorui..."

"Miss Zheng, you don't have to be afraid, the amulet always works, right?"


"Then it will continue to protect you. In the meantime, we'll get to the root of the problem and you'll be fine."

"Yes, Xiaorui, you will be fine!"

"Yeah. would be better if I didn't go to the temple fair..."

"Xiao Rui..."

"Miss Zheng, even if you don't go to the temple fair, you may not be safe."

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