Aoba Office

Chapter 2166 Extra·September 28, 2018, 8 pm, Shanghai (1)

In the vast world, buildings made of beast corpses stand.

On the top of the tallest building, there was a man with goat's horns standing on it.

He kept his head raised, facing the gray sky.

The wind blew, causing the long white hair covering his body to flutter.

A head poked out of the building, also with a pair of horns.

The man stretched his neck hard, pulled at the edge of the building with both hands, and shouted several times at the man standing on the roof.

The man turned a deaf ear to this and murmured: "I'm back..."

They have similar appearances but speak different languages. Just by listening to the pronunciation, you can tell that these are two completely different language families.

The man lowered his head and looked down at the world.

"I only came back here. It's a time, I can't give the initiative to the other party."

The man in the building got out of the window. He grabbed hold of the uneven outer wall and climbed up to the roof.

When the wind blew, he was a little shaky, so he could only lower his body and stay as close to the roof of the building as possible.

He barked a few more times in odd, low syllables.

The tall man turned his head and responded in the same language.

The man below shook his head, returned the same way, and got into the building.

A strong wind blew, and something seemed to be surging in the cloudless gray sky.

The man raised his head again and stared at the sky.

"How long do we have to wait..." He exhaled, a strange light flashed in his eyes, "Come to the next world quickly."


September 28, 2018, 8pm.

The long week before the National Day holiday is coming to an end, but there is no holiday this weekend, and it is not the end of the week yet.

The bell rang in the campus, and the class ended. Students who had no classes and students who were changing classes rushed out of the classroom.

The wide road outside the teaching building was immediately filled with crowds.

But within a few minutes, the dense crowd dispersed and became sparse.

The two girls turned from the main road and entered a small road that was also two lanes.

There are many students going in the same direction as them and in the opposite direction.

According to usual habits, these students will ignore the existence of sidewalks and walk to the asphalt road, walking with bicycles.

There are too few cars and too many people on campus, so traffic rules have become a decoration here.

But not many people do that today.

The two girls who were walking on the asphalt road just now also stepped onto the sidewalk.

A black car was approaching from the front, its lights on and its horn honking impatiently.

The two girls frowned.

"Whose car is this?"

"He must be from outside."

If it were the teacher's car at school, it wouldn't be so rough. Teachers are also used to the way students walk on the street.

The car in front of me was impatient. It turned on its headlights and kept honking its horn. The student got out of the way and the driver immediately stepped on the accelerator.

Not long after the car started running, a fierce cat meow was heard.

"Oops! I ran over the cat!"


"Stop the car!"

Several students shouted.

The car drove away without stopping at all.

Under the dim streetlight, a small pool of black appeared in the middle of the asphalt road.

The two girls turned back in shock. The crowd had already gathered around them, and they only caught a glimpse of the kitten's body.

It was a black kitten.

May also be in other colors.

Just because of insufficient light, or... other reasons, it looks like a black puddle.

The students surrounding the kitten started talking. Some offered tissues, and some simply took off their coats.

A girl squeezed out of the crowd and walked to the roadside, sobbing softly.

The two girls looked at each other.

"Would you like to go take a look?"

"Forget it...someone is already...uh..."


Their mood became depressed, they stopped talking and walked silently to the teaching building.

People are coming into the classroom one after another.

Both of them heard the discussion.

The students who had just seen that scene were either sad or angry.

Both of them were absent-minded in the two big classes. Most other students do the same.

The teacher read from the text, and as usual, he didn't take such an elective course with an awkward time seriously. He didn't pay attention to the students' distraction.

Everyone in the classroom waited until the end of the first period.

"There will be no rest today. get out of class will end ten minutes early." After the teacher said this, he continued to read the lesson plan.

Counting the time, today’s last class is finally over.

The two girls packed up their things and walked out arm in arm.

"I'm going to the toilet." One of them said.

"Go back to work."

"No. I didn't go up just now." The girl looked at her companion pitifully and handed over her bag.

The companion could only take the bag helplessly, "I'll wait for you at the door."

The girl ran away in a flash.

Her companion carried two bags and walked slowly to the door of the teaching building.

The other students had almost dispersed, and soon, she was the only one left at the door.

She looked down at her phone, and the light from the phone shone on her face and reflected in her pupils.


A black shadow fell from the roof of the teaching building and landed on the steps in front of the girl.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Blood flowed on the steps.

The inhuman body was lying on the steps, motionless.

The girl didn't seem to hear or see anything, and was still staring at her phone.

The corpse on the ground is also a little strange, like snow melting and slowly becoming transparent.

The body should be that of a woman. The long-haired woman was wearing winter clothes, but the cotton-padded jacket didn't look like something a young woman would wear in this era.

The woman is face down and her appearance cannot be seen.


The girl who was using the toilet ran out and took the bag from her companion.

The two held hands again and walked down the steps together.

They stepped over disappearing bodies and disappearing bloodstains.

Behind them, where the girl was standing just now, a figure wearing a cotton-padded jacket and with long hair hanging loose appeared. The dark eyes were always staring at the backs of the two girls.

"It's a bit cold." The girl who was still holding the phone shrank.

Her companion touched her arm and said, "I asked you to wear long sleeves. Goosebumps are rising."

"Who knew it would be so cold today? I turned on the fan in the morning..."

The girl wearing a coat suddenly shrank her neck.

"I feel cold too."

They happened to reach the same section of road as before.

I don't know who put a newspaper on the asphalt road. There seemed to be something hidden under the newspaper.

The two girls looked there at the same time, and then looked at each other at the same time.

The other students had already left, and they were the only ones left on the road.

None of them spoke, and they didn't know who started running first. They both started running as hard as they could.

They ran through this section and reached the main road of the school. The dormitory area is right in front of you.

There were many more people on the road and it became popular.

Just at the entrance of the dormitory area, many people gathered, making noises, and heart-wrenching cries could be heard from the crowd.

"what's up?"

The two held hands, their bodies were close to each other, and they could feel each other's violent heartbeats and breathing.

"It killed someone. He was crushed under the car." The student next to him replied.

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