Aoba Office

Chapter 2165 Life (End)

The call was transferred to Xue Jingyue.

"...We must have taken the wrong key. Ari took your husband's and thought it was mine. I don't know who took my key." I said helplessly.

"Oh, wait, let me look for it. He was drunk when he came back last night... Please call a driver last night. He is really..." Xue Jingyue said while rummaging for things.

I heard the constant ringing on the other end of the phone and said with a smile: "He is really happy. Getting married, honeymoon...he even talked about kids."

"Yes. We will go to the hospital for a check-up next week to prepare for pregnancy..." Xue Jingyue's voice became shy, "Thank you for introducing the doctor."

"No. One of my colleagues happened to have a baby last year. She said that Dr. Cheng is very patient and attentive. Her father is also the chief surgeon of brain surgery at Minqing Hospital, and her mother is an expert professor of pediatrics. She has a good family background."

"Yeah. Yeah." Xue Jingyue responded and chuckled. She suddenly sighed, "My grandma passed away several years ago... It would be great if she could be reincarnated in my belly." She became sad.

I remembered what Fatty said last night.

Xue Jingyue was raised by her grandmother since she was a child, and she has always been very close to the elderly. The relationship between grandfather and grandson is particularly good. The first time she talked to Fatty about her family situation, she talked about many things related to her grandma.

In the words of a fat person, Xue Jingyue at that time was almost like a verbose thin person, but 10,000 times cuter than a thin person.

"She likes you so much, she will definitely." I said firmly.

Xue Jingyue burst out laughing, "Thank you. Ah!"

There was a soft buzz from the phone.

"I found it. Is the pendant with a leaf on it yours?" Xue Jingyue asked.


"A gift from your girlfriend?" Xue Jingyue teased, "Aguang also said you don't have a girlfriend."

"It's a gift from an old man. Aren't I doing demolition work? There are two old families whose sons have opened a company. It's a small gift for their company's welfare."

"Oh. Then do you want me to introduce you to one?" Xue Jingyue said in a sincere tone, "Among my friends are singles who are good-looking and have good personalities."

"No need." I laughed and shook my head, "I'll pick up the keys from your house when I get off work."

"Then you can have dinner with us today."

"My sister is coming back."

"Let Xiaoyun come with you."

"No, she has her final exam this week and is going home to endorse it."

"Oh. That's okay. Just come over here after get off work."

After chatting for a few more words, I hung up the phone.

Coincidentally, I also walked to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants at this time.

The Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants is particularly lively today.

The moving company we contacted from the demolition office scheduled the move today.

I walked in and greeted people all the way.

Director Mao from the neighborhood committee came early and was chatting with several residents.

I recognized those two aunts as the ones I had to take special care of today.

"Aunt Zhang, Aunt Cui." I greeted.

Aunt Cui covered her mouth and smiled like a little girl, "Xiao Lin, I asked you to stop calling me that. If our son has a child, he won't be much younger than you. You can call us grandma."

"No way. You are all still young, so it's just right to call you aunt. If you want to put on makeup, you can just call me sister." I joked with them.

"You are so sweet, why haven't you found a girlfriend?" Aunt Zhang sighed, pretending to be a matchmaker for me.

"Where are Uncle Ye and Uncle Tang?" I asked hurriedly.

"Still packing it up." Aunt Zhang shook her head and waved her hands with a look of disgust, "It's just his precious record player that he refuses to throw away. Now he's trying to figure out how to pack it up."

Aunt Cui echoed: "It's the same with Lao Tang in our family. What's the use of keeping those books of his? My son bought him a tablet. What can't he read? He's old-fashioned and can't play. He also talks about holding books. It tastes in the hand.”

"Same, exactly the same. The one in our family wants to listen to records and wants his son to buy them for him. Where do you get the records now?"

They several elderly women started a big discussion about killing their husbands. I took advantage of the opportunity to escape from this encirclement.

Several colleagues from my team also arrived at this time.

I talked to them a few words and went door to door to visit the people I moved with today.

The community is gradually becoming lively, and there are always people who are noisy and very involved. Every time something was carried downstairs or onto the car, someone shouted to be careful. From time to time someone will remind you not to miss anything.

A group of us ran around the community, keeping an eye on the situation of each house.

After everyone and everything got on the bus, the motorcade lined up in a long line and officially set off.

The demolition resettlement house is in the southern suburbs. It is a newly built residential area with all supporting facilities in place. The demolition households have moved in one after another some time ago.

Arriving at this area, the convoys began to split up. Our group has already divided the work and followed different cars to different areas of the community.

I was following Aunt Zhang and Aunt Cui. The two families chose a house on the same floor in the same building, with doors next to each other, which was closer than the house they lived in in Gongnong Liu Village.

The car stopped downstairs in a residential building. I got out of the car with two couples and watched the movers deliver their furniture upstairs one by one.

The house is renovated and the windows have been open for ventilation for a long time. It originally had some basic furniture, but now it is filled with the two's own furniture, and people can live in it directly.

"My son also said that he bought new furniture. It smells like new furniture. I don't know how long it will take for people to live in it."

"These old furniture have been used for so many years and are still in good condition. Why should we replace them?"

“Young people just spend money randomly.”

"What's wrong with being young? You're still old enough to get married."

The two mothers began to bury their sons again.

"Auntie and uncle, once you have done this, I will leave first. If you need something, just call me." I sent them into the house and prepared to leave.

"Don't leave, it's time to have lunch." Aunt Cui grabbed me directly.

"When I first saw the car coming in, there was a restaurant outside." Uncle Tang said.

"That's it. Call all your colleagues. These young men are so nice. Our two sons have been busy all day long, but no one has been seen."

"Hey, my son called." Uncle Ye took out his mobile phone and answered the call, "Hey, hey? Are you back? Have you got off the plane? What, we are moving today and have already arrived at our new home. It's really... people Xiao Lin helped us move. Yes, your Uncle Tang and the others are also here. The address is this... Oh, the building number, the building number is..."

"No. 35, tenth floor, 103 and 104." I looked at Uncle Ye's questioning eyes and interjected.

"Oh. No. 35——"

"Let Xiao Lin tell them." Aunt Zhang directed.

"Okay, okay, let Xiaolin tell you." Uncle Ye handed over the phone.

I took the phone and said, "Hello."

"Mr. Lin, right? My parents have mentioned you many times. I'm sorry to trouble you during this time." A polite male voice came from the mobile phone.

"Nothing, you're welcome." I replied.

"I would also like to trouble you to report your room number. I was so busy that I didn't pay attention to this matter." He said apologetically.

"Yeah. It's nothing. Ah, this is the tenth floor of No. 35, and your home is No. 103."

"Okay. Thank you. Tang Yu and I will come over now and take the tunnel. We should be there in more than half an hour. Are you free at noon? We would like to treat you to a meal as a thank you."

"No need. I just do my job. My aunt and uncle are also very nice people. They take care of me." I said a few words of courtesy and was interrupted by Aunt Zhang and Aunt Cui.

They took the phone away without any explanation. One directed my son, and the other pulled me, and insisted on treating me to a meal.

This wasn't over yet, we hadn't even gone out when we heard someone shouting downstairs.

Aunt Cui and the others were not the only ones who wanted to have dinner together.

I was dragged away by these aunts and mothers in a daze, and followed a group of people into a small restaurant near the community. I vaguely heard Aunt Zhang shouting from behind: "Don't come to the house. We are going to the restaurant now. You go directly here." Come to the restaurant at the side door. You can see it as soon as the car comes in. It’s quite a big hotel and there’s a big carp posted on the door.”

In the hotel in front of me, the red carp stuck on the large glass window looks extremely cheap, but it also gives people a unique sense of reality.

I stared at the carp for a long time, and came up with a ridiculous idea: I was probably a carp farmer in my previous life.

There is nothing in my memory about being killed by a carp. Maybe, I only raise fish, not kill them?

"Xiao Lin, what kind of wine are you drinking? White or yellow? Or beer?"

I was woken up by Uncle Tang's slap and said quickly: "I'm still at work..."

"Then have a drink."

"Everyone drinks, everyone drinks. Stop drinking too. Drinking all the time is not healthy."

Three large tables were filled with uncles and aunts chatting away.

My phone rang, I picked it up and saw it was a message from my sister.

She sent a sullen expression.

No need to explain, I know she did well in the exam this morning.

I laughed.

This is the reality.

The ridiculous thought just now was swept away.

I have no memory of anything from before I was born.

In my last life, I must have been the most ordinary ordinary person.

No one is harmed, no one is harmed, and you live your life peacefully.

My sister, parents, and friends don’t have that kind of memory either.

This is the best life.

The main story is all over, there will be two extra chapters tomorrow, and then it will all be over. _(:3 ∠)_

Goodnight everybody.

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