Aoba Office

Chapter 2140 Monster (3)

The child bit his lower lip and didn't answer my question. He just stared at me stubbornly.

I'm a little unsure.

What is uncertain is not the identity of the child's father, but when exactly his Ghost King father had him.

Cheng Jiu also has children, and he still has children with people in the real world. Cheng Lin has disappeared into the real world with Yangshan District. He could be alive, he could be dead, he could be here.

"Is he dead?" I didn't ask the doubt in my heart and asked a cruel question.

The child immediately roared like an enraged beast and rushed towards me.

I pressed his head with one hand and held him in place. He waved his little fist, but he couldn't hit me at all.

The answer to that question was presented to me.

I watched the child's tears falling on the ruins and didn't let go. He didn't give up on attacking me either.

It was the first time I encountered such a situation, but I felt extremely calm and a little sad.

I thought of Mu Ai. That child also lost his father and could only wander under the building controlled by the courier ghost.

"Qining...Qining..." the parrot's cry came.

I looked back and saw the monster getting weaker and weaker.

"It deserves it! Go to hell!" the child shouted loudly, his tone full of hatred.

"Is he the only one here? No other... monsters?" I asked.

The child grabbed my hand and stared at me without answering.

It seems not.

"Just like that, all those people escaped?" I asked again, more like talking to myself.

Those who escaped may not have escaped because of fear of monsters, but to take advantage of the opportunity to escape the control of the Ghost King.

"They are all cowards! They ran away with others!" the child shouted at the top of his lungs, the hatred in his tone was no less than before.

I thought, "Is there another ghost king who ran away with someone?"

The child gnashed his teeth.

That's right, there can't be only one ghost king in a city. There are only a few ghost kings like costume ghosts, and most ghost kings are not strong enough to control the entire city.

In this way, what is happening here is very easy to understand.

"You all know, right? These monsters will not always exist. Sometimes they are violent, sometimes they are weak. There is nothing you can do about being attacked. But if you are prepared, you can evacuate in advance." I said tentatively.

The child still gritted his teeth and just stared at me without showing any signs of weakness.

"Your dad, why don't you leave?"

"Why should we evacuate! This is our home! That's a monster! Those monsters... We are not traitors like you! You traitor!" He screamed, grabbed my arm, jumped up and wanted to kick me.

His broken leg didn't touch me, it was just dangling in the air.

"How many 'traitors' like me have you seen?"

"Hmph! I've seen a lot! I know you people! You just want to go there... You want to go there and live again. Just go ahead and dream! Many ghost kings have already gone there! The same... It's the same here as there!" the child continued to shout.

I still wanted to ask more questions, but then I heard the parrot's cry become shrill, and the cats and dogs began to bark uneasily.

"Hahaha! It's going to die! It deserves it! Hahahaha..." The child laughed, and the laughter was not like a child at all.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw that the chains on the monster had become solid again.

I heard the sound of chains, and as soon as my eyes blurred, I saw the thick chains that originally extended behind me changed positions and extended towards the northwest.

The chain changes as if it is charging, from translucent to solid.

The monster that had been breathing intermittently also resumed its steady breathing.

Its eyelids trembled and it slowly opened its eyes.

The smiling child suddenly became mute. I was still holding his head, and he was holding on to my hand. I could feel his body shaking with fear.

"Qining! Qining!" The parrot cried happily and flew into the air.

Cats and dogs also jumped up and down, celebrating their owners' recovery.

The monster's hand moved, supported the ground, and slowly got up.

He didn't look at the pets, or me.

After standing up, he looked up to the sky and roared like a wild beast.

The sound was deafening.

Further away, as if in response to the monster's roar, other beasts roared.

I looked towards the direction where the chain extended, and an idea came to my mind.

There must be an entrance to a different space!

That is the channel for the energy transmission of these monsters!

I couldn't help but throw away the child and flew up, trying to follow the chain to find a new appearance.

As long as I find it, I can use my ability to restore the real world to the starting point.

Yes, that should be it.

Standing in the future world, use the ability towards the entrance and exit of a different space.

This is the right thing to do.

In the real world, no matter how I use my abilities, the substance I can affect will become limited.

The most important thing is that there, I can't stop the newly generated entrances and exits to different spaces, and I can't stop these ghost kings from invading the real world I changed again.

I couldn't help but fly for a while, and saw that the appearance of the chain had changed.

The chains were taut, as if an external force had been applied.

The chains that were originally full of metallic texture began to look dim again.

No, the entrance to the different space is closed!

I wanted to speed up, but looking at the endless chains, I knew I couldn't make it in time.

It just passed, the entrance and exit to the different space were closed, and I couldn't do anything.

At this time, an astonishing yin energy came from behind.

I turned around suddenly and saw the huge bat wings spread out in the sky.

This scene is like a science fiction movie, but it is real.

The bat wings formed by the yin energy almost cover the sky and the sun, but they have an unnatural feeling, like a soap bubble that bursts with a single poke.

The monster's roar shook the chains.

I saw the bluff bat wings evaporate.

There was a loud boom and dust flew not far away.

I glanced at the almost translucent chain, gritted my teeth, increased my speed, and rushed in the direction I left just now.

It didn't take long for me to arrive in the smoke.

The gravel hit the ground, and the smoke was blown away by the wind.

The roar of the monster continued intermittently in such an environment.

There was another sound of a building collapsing, and the direction was slightly deflected.

I hurriedly flew towards the newly exploded dust, and saw a gray thing crossing a parabola and falling down.

I have sharp eyesight and quick hands. I caught this thing and felt the sticky touch all over my hands.

The feeling just passed over my hand and disappeared quickly.

"Qining..." the parrot chirped softly.

Its ghost disappears in my hands.

I saw blood and feather fragments in my palm. These things also disappear quickly.

The wail of the dog and the shrill cry of the cat disappeared in a flash.

Shadows appeared before them, scattering the dust.

I saw a tail gradually disappearing at the foot of the shadow.

With a bang, the shadow in front of him collapsed.

The chain hung down weakly, making no sound.

It’s a typhoon day, everyone, please pay attention to safety.

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