Aoba Office

Chapter 2139 Monster (2)

The monster was humanoid, but several times taller and stronger than an average person. It has black skin, long hair on its back, and two lips that extend from the base of its ears to the back of its ears and are very prominent, like a duck's beak.

Qining's pets circled around the monster, barking worriedly. Compared with monsters, they are too small, and their cries may not be heard by monsters.

The sound of the monster's breathing can drown out their screams. As it breathed, dust flew up and hit the dilapidated half of the building opposite, forming a circulating wind that traveled throughout the city.

I glanced at the huge chain I was holding on to. One end of the chain is still far away in the void, with no end in sight. The other end is on the monster.

The chain at that end is not fastened to the monster, but extends from several circles of chains on the monster.

I counted it over and over again.

That's right, there are nine circles of chains on the monster.

This is a characteristic of ordinary people...

At least in the real world, ordinary people have nine circles of chains, while those with abilities have ten circles.

I couldn't help but look at my body again.

Ten laps, no more, no less. Plus the one on this chain...


I suddenly realized the problem.

I have always ignored this issue before.

I have always thought that these chains are chains that God puts on everyone to control everyone's destiny. However, for ordinary people with nine circles of chains, the ends of the chains extend and disappear into the void. A user with the ability to have ten chains will have an extra chain fastened on top of the chain.

These are completely different things.

I looked at the monster lying on the ground and saw the little blood stains that penetrated the chains and fell on the ground.

It was very weak, but its injuries were not serious.

internal injury?


I looked at the huge translucent chain in front of me with mixed emotions. This translucent texture is not because the chain is particularly thick, but because the monster in front of him is particularly weak. Or, the opposite is true. It's because the chains have become translucent that the monster is so weak.

"Qining, Qining! Qining!" the parrot cried, panic in its voice.

It whined, and so did the cats and dogs.

The parrot quickly flew back to me, grabbed my sleeve, and shouted "Qining" heartbreakingly.

I was silent for a while, jumped off the stone, and landed next to the monster.

The monster was unconscious, breathing heavily, and did not notice me or these pets.

My hands pressed on the thick circles of chains.

The ability was activated slightly, and the chain changed slightly.

But I clearly felt another force in it.

I guessed right, it was the chains that supplied the monster, not the other way around.

Now, the supply of the chain is cut off, and it can only continue to consume itself.

I looked up at the direction where the chain extended.

It was a gray sky, another world.

So, will it die?


I looked at the parrot, "This isn't the first time it's been like this, right? He...will become a human, right?"

I couldn't help but ask the doubts in my heart.

The parrot called "Qining" and "Qining" for a while, flapped its wings, and was very nervous. It seemed to want to say something, but it couldn't express it. It was like a child, eager to explain the situation.

I looked at the huge monster again, tentatively, and put my hand on it.

I was careful to release my abilities.

I don't want to completely erase it.

Recover a little, turn back time a little...

I saw that the wounds on the monster's chest and abdomen had healed and were no longer bleeding. But it didn't become human. It's not getting healthy either.

My heart sank.

I still feel the power of the chains.

It relies entirely on chains to maintain its body.

The scene in the dream flashed through my mind.

Countless ghosts were sucked into the entrances and exits of different spaces.

Also, in the Yixun Express building, what Brother Qiang said about his work content.

Body and soul separated...

My heart skipped a beat.

"Where is his body? Where is Qining's body?" I immediately asked about the parrot.

I don’t remember whether Qining’s body was left in Guangyuan Mountain or whether it followed him here...

damn it!

If there is no body...

"No more! No more!" the parrot flapped its wings vigorously and shouted.

My heart sank and I looked at the weak monster.


Woof woof!


These pets surround monsters. The two dogs kept jumping back and forth, rubbing their heads against the monster's black skin. The cat licked the monster, then turned its head and looked straight at me.

The parrot was still flying around me, but gradually it stopped, landed on the monster, and screamed in a low voice with a sad voice.

"He won't..." I wanted to say that he wouldn't die, but the words got stuck in my throat.

How could he not die?

Although this future world is attacked by monsters, it is still fine.

The entrances and exits to different spaces will not always be open, nor will there always be one entrance or exit open.

Even if it is always open, how can God provide so much power to these monsters?

The God in the future world can be consumed by Ye Qing, let alone the one in the real world?

Monsters are also mortal.

Killed by the Ghost King, or... died of natural causes.

I turned my head and looked at the strange face of the monster, not knowing what to say.

The pets gradually became quiet, just leaning against the monster's body and whimpering softly.

"It's dying!"

I heard a shout, a voice full of joy and hatred.

I turned my head and saw a child standing in the ruins.

I couldn't tell his gender for a moment.

With his messy short ear-length hair and ill-fitting clothes, he looked like a homeless man.

"Who are you? Why are you helping those monsters? You madman!" The child picked up the stone and threw it at me hard.

The stone went right through my soul.

"What's your name?" I asked calmly.

In this child, I vaguely saw the chains of the soul. The two-layer soul chain represents the body and soul.

He is not a ghost, but he is not a child who wandered here from the real world.

He is a child of this world.

The child was angry, cursed a few more times, and threw stones at me.

I floated over.

The child did not run away and continued to yell and curse.

"You want to kill me? Okay! Kill me and I will become a ghost! I can kill you!" The child raised his head and shouted at me.

"Don't you know that ghosts can die too?" I asked.

I don't have much qualms about scaring a kid.

I looked at him as if I was looking at another ghost king.

It is indeed correct to think so.

He is going to die, give him some time, and maybe he will become the new ghost king.

The child seemed to be blinded by hatred. After my words, he finally remembered fear.

He took a step back, then stood up straight again, not to be outdone, and looked at me.

"It's useless for you to do this. I know you are afraid. I don't care whether I kill you or not. Tell me what happened here and I will let you go."

"Hmph! I live here, I'm not going anywhere!"

"Are you willing to die here completely?" I asked again.

The child froze again.

"Answer my question. What happened here?"

The child glanced at the monster and replied angrily: "What else could happen! The coward ran away with the people. They... all the ones they could run away..."

"What about you? Why don't you run?"

"My dad is here." He raised his head again, "If he doesn't run, I won't run either."

My eyes fell back on the child's chains.

The end of the ten-circle chain extends into the void, but the direction it extends is different from the chains on the monster and me.

And on these ten turns of the chain, I saw a shallow mark that remained.

Those who can?


Ghost King.

I made a judgment, this is the trace I have seen before.

I looked at the child's eyes and made a guess, "Is your father the Ghost King?"

Goodnight everybody.

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