Aoba Office

Chapter 2130 The disappeared person (3)

"Mr. Lin."

Someone held my shoulders down and I had to raise my head to look at the speaker.

My mind is still filled with the contents of that diary.

The diary was written by my father when I was two years old. I don't remember any of this. Let alone two years old, I don’t even remember what happened on my fifth birthday.

When my parents died once, I was mentally prepared before, but this truth was still difficult for me to digest.

I looked at the officer beside me and said nothing.

The other party was also a little embarrassed.

The higher-ups probably haven't decided yet how to deal with those of us with abilities. As for the grassroots below, they have only a partial understanding of everything and are still confused.

"Please come with us to the headquarters first," the officer said.

"Minqing, is it over?" I asked calmly.

The officer didn't answer, but his expression answered my question.

The people's celebration is over.

When I was unconscious, the entrance to the different space in Minqing should have been opened. The ghost kings swarmed over.

The young man in the hospital said that many ghost kings besieged one ghost king... It should be the third or even fourth ghost king of the restaurant who was killed.

This is not surprising.

That deformed new thing came to the real world so early, expanded its sphere of influence so much, and brought almost everyone under its control. Any ghost king who comes to the real world must first eradicate this powerful enemy.

In addition, I killed two people and replaced two people. No matter how powerful God is in the future world, it is impossible for the Ghost King in that position to maintain his original strength. There should always be some changes.

God himself in the future world is constantly being weakened.

Penetration and integration are two-way.

They have no way of unilaterally infiltrating and invading us, only brainwashing us, and maintaining their original will. Even without this penetration, it is difficult to persist in something like will.

"Is it just Minqing?" I glanced at the soldiers.

Once the ghost king of the catering industry is eradicated, freedom will be guaranteed for most people.

Thinking of the black sight that disappeared without touching me, the successor ghost king was eradicated, probably for this reason. His biggest backend is no longer able to support him. Of course the other ghost kings want to destroy their enemies and get a share of the pie.

This is a good thing for us.

I looked at the diary in my hand.

"Mr. Lin, if you have any questions, please wait until you get to the headquarters. Someone will answer them for you." The officer stretched out his hand and motioned for me to follow them.

I didn't resist and was pushed forward. My eyes are still on the diary.

The diary is not filled with entries every day. Later, the date was lost and turned into an essay.

"That Ye Qing is too young. We don't know whether we should believe him. We don't treat him as a child, but we don't treat him as an adult either.

"He was smart, not like a kid at all. He let us think about it. And then he left.

"Not long after, several police officers came to our door. They didn't wear police uniforms, but they had police ID cards. They told us that we were robbed, knocked unconscious that night, and almost trafficked into the mountains and into the mines. Our things were taken away by two wanted criminals. Now the truth is revealed.

“They were talking to themselves, very seriously, not letting us interrupt or paying any attention to us.

"Later, my little brother came back, hugged us and cried, saying that we ran away alive and came back to see our son. He kept thanking the police.

"Everyone in the family knows that we were almost trafficked, and it was not us who died, but two traffickers.

"We can't deny it. Things happened like this out of nowhere.

"The only good thing is that we were right about my eldest brother. He also encouraged us to sue the police and forensic doctors and ask for compensation from the state. When we didn't agree, he went to make trouble on his own and was detained for several days.

"When everything calmed down, that Ye Qing came to visit again.

"His tone was never harsh, but he was persuading us. He said that our son's ability at such a young age is a talent, and his ability is so powerful, it is also a talent. The stronger the talent, the greater the danger. . Sooner or later, someone else will find him, and someone will use more forceful methods to kill him.

"He said it very seriously. But we are also worried about what he said.

"Our son, this is forcefully pulling people back from the gate of hell. This pulling back also involves time and space...

"In those days, in addition to meeting relatives and friends, we were watching movies. Movies about superpower heroes, movies about time travel, and other miscellaneous movies related to this. Although they are all stories made up by people, the content in them is The logic still makes some sense.

"We are worried. But we are also afraid of that Ye Qing.

"We were in fear for several days. His mother took a long leave and stayed with her son all day long. I stopped working overtime and traveling on business. We just surrounded our son.

"His mother said that she saw Ye Qing when she went out to buy groceries. She was pushing a stroller and suddenly saw Ye Qing standing across the road, and she was scared to death. That Ye Qing nodded to him and left.

"Later on, I saw him several times. He was elusive. At first, he even came to visit and sometimes brought things. Later, a few times, he just stood far away and just watched.

“No one in the family knew about him.

"As time goes by, sometimes his mother will ask some things. We also want to inquire about some things.

"Ye Qing said it himself, everyone in his family has passed away. His parents, grandparents, grandparents, and aunts, uncles, cousins, and cousins ​​who are far away are all gone. He said that when he was a child, he participated in several No funeral. Later, his parents stopped taking him.

“His parents were the last to die.

"He was still young at the time. His parents' work unit and the neighborhood committee helped handle the funeral. He was then sent to an orphanage.

"My wife sympathizes with him a little. He said these are all because of his abilities. We are also worried. But since we came back to life, our son has never done this kind of thing again."

The armored vehicle moved steadily along the city's roads, and I heard the sirens outside.

Occasionally, the armored vehicle would stop, and someone from the convoy would get off, but soon after, the vehicle would start moving again.

I turned through pages and pages.

I can feel that my parents' attitude towards Ye Qing is softening.

"I sometimes forget his purpose. My wife does too.

"When I came home from work today, I saw my wife cooking in the kitchen. Ye Qing was holding our son and spinning around in the living room. My son was lying on his shoulder. When he saw me, he reached out and patted Ye Qing. Head, call me, also called Ye Qing.

"I don't know who taught him. We usually don't let him have contact with Ye Qing.

"I heard him call Ye Qing brother, and it felt weird."

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