Aoba Office

Chapter 2129 The disappeared person (2)

The resurrected people and the mostly restored airplane and house were all gone.

I turned my head and saw the aunt standing at the door of the residential building.

She may have run out after hearing the noise and peeping into what happened just now.

As soon as I looked at each other, she ran into the residential building like a rabbit. I don't know what she was thinking, but she ran out again and rushed out of the community without looking back.

I knelt on the ground for a long time, holding the wet soil with my hands, and felt my soul recovering bit by bit.

The threads that were pulled out did not come back. It was more like a plant. If the flowers and leaves are removed, as long as the roots are still there, they will always grow back.

It's just that the growth is a little slow.

But people who die may not come back.

I raised my head and looked at the place where my sister's clothes were hanging.

I didn't cry or even feel heartache. The weakness and pain in my soul have overshadowed my other feelings. But I couldn't look away. My mind went blank, and my consciousness could only feel pain, but I still stared at the muddy ground, and kept looking.

It wasn't until the pain subsided and I felt a little light that I got up from the ground.

The eastern sky turned fish belly white.

Before I knew it, the night passed.

The surroundings were still quiet and there was no sound of people.

I heard the sound of helicopters, and in the distance, there were cars, but it didn't sound like private cars or buses.

The sound of a radio came from overhead.

I craned my neck and saw the helicopter in the sky.

The other party seemed to have noticed it too, hovering in the sky and shouting from a loudspeaker.

I didn't listen, I just walked towards the gate of the community.

I didn't see that aunt. The sound of helicopters still lingered overhead.

I stopped at the wreckage of the car and put my hand on the car.

The newly recovered soul felt pain again.

I tried my best to control the output of my ability and watched the car recover bit by bit.

Then came the driver in the car, the store, the counter, the clerk at the counter...

"Ah -" the driver shouted, touching his face and chest with an expression of disbelief.

I stopped my ability, gritted my teeth and endured the pain, and walked to the passenger seat, "Reverse..."

When the driver saw me and the clerk pressed behind the counter, he trembled and started to reverse the car in a hurry.

He kept muttering, "What's going on?", "Am I dead?", "I'm alive," "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [ [... Backed up a few meters.

There was a snap.

I saw clothes and shoes on the floor.

My heart was still beating steadily, and my breathing was not disrupted.

However, when I bent down to pick up those things, my hands trembled.

I picked up my coat and the contents of the inner pocket fell to the ground.

I saw ID, wallet, and a small notebook.

I couldn't help but let go and stared at the two photos on the certificate for a long time.

" cough..." The clerk coughed and spit out blood.

There was a sound of cars outside, and the driver from before yelled something in fear and surprise.

Soldiers in uniforms and holding guns surrounded the store door and rushed in in an orderly manner.

I just glanced at these things, reached out and carefully picked up everything on the ground.

"There is a wounded person here!"

"This, sir...are you a person with abilities? You..." The soldier who walked over looked like an officer, but his attitude was not strong and crisp, nor was he afraid. Instead, he was a little at a loss. "Your ability is resurrection?"

I stuffed the ID into my pocket and prepared to open the palm-sized notebook.

"Is your surname Lin?" the man asked again, "I was in the open space of the neighborhood next to you..."

I saw the first page of the notebook, and the handwriting was Dad's.

The first line contains the date, which is my second birthday——

"Tonight, we had a car accident."

The second line is this sentence.

I couldn't help but hold my breath.

“We should be dead.

"This is what my younger brother told us. We died, our heads were crushed, we died on the spot and were burned in the crematorium.

“But we’re back.

“It was our son who brought us back.

"When we were hit by the car, his mother and I both felt pain, but the pain seemed fake and a dream. We were pulled by his legs. When we reacted, we were standing at home. He lay at our feet and cried, feeling very aggrieved.

"In the living room, there are still confiscated paper money and incense candles. My younger brother is in the living room, still packing those things.

"My son started crying. My little brother came in. I will never forget his expression.

“They thought they saw a ghost.

"We don't know how to explain it. We don't know what happened. My younger brother cried and told everything. It's hard for us to talk.

"The contract to buy the tomb and the cremation fee list are all spread out in the living room. They are all real.

"They're all buried...

“But we were pulled back by our son.

"He saved us.

"The two of us are already dead in the eyes of others, and the funeral arrangements have been taken care of.

"We explained to the little brother and proved to him that we are still alive. We all remember that we were knocked down. We lost consciousness afterwards. This is a memory that can match what the little brother said. After I was knocked down, I still remember that I looked at to the car tires but we have another memory of our son grabbing our legs and the two of us arriving home.

"Moreover, the date of the car accident that we remember was a week ago, and today is our son's second birthday. A week ago, just before we were hit, we were still talking about what to prepare for his birthday. This week , it’s a blank for us.

"My son is too young and can only hold his mother and cry. We are the only ones who have two contradictory memories. My younger brother has no idea that such a thing exists. He and other relatives helped organize our funerals. He mainly ran errands It was him. The urn he looked at when we were cremated was also the one he had been holding.

"It's not clear. We don't know what happened.

"At this time, the young man came to the door.

"He sent his little brother out.

“I don’t know what he did, but I just listened to him.

"He told us that his name was Ye Qing and that he came to see our son. He saw what happened and helped us deal with the aftermath.

"My little brother, that's how they disposed of our bodies. The ashes are still buried in the grave.

"He said it was easier to explain this way. He also prepared an explanation for our resurrection from the dead. Otherwise, everyone would be like us, with two contradictory memories.

“We do have two memories.

"He didn't lie to us about it. He also theorized what our son actually did.

"Our son... should have returned to the past from this point in time, pulling us from the past directly to the present. There is a gap in it. Fortunately, we died at that time and did nothing. The young man again Got us fake bodies, so for everyone else, nothing changed.

“He helped us, but not out of kindness.

“He wanted to borrow our son’s abilities.

“Of course we can’t agree.

"He talked a lot about people with abilities, supernatural beings, ghosts, and cultivation. We have just experienced this incredible thing, but we don't understand it very well. No matter what, we can't transfer our children Leave it to him. Even if we still carry him, we don't trust our son to have contact with him.

"He's a little too evil."

Goodnight everybody.

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