Aoba Office

Chapter 2124 No bones left

The scroll floated in the water, as if it received a push from below, and turned over in the water, right side up.

The front of the scroll looked like the mouth of a water pipe, with water constantly gushing out, and aquatic plants, sediment, and small fish and shrimps poking out of the surface of the drawing paper.

I took a step back and recognized what the wrinkled scroll was.


More water gushes out of the scroll. The sound of water waves not only sounded in the room, but also came from the painting.

I vaguely heard the sound of the ship's whistle muffled underwater.

In the blink of an eye, the water in the room reached my waist.

The Bodhisattva statue in his hand was still heating up slightly, but there was no way to stop the rising water level.

I clutched the Bodhisattva statue and ran towards the gate.

Halfway through, I had to swim forward.

By the time my hand touched the door handle, the water level had risen to my neck.

I tugged at the door handle in panic.

The door opened a crack, but was immediately pushed shut due to the water pressure.

I tried several times but couldn't get the door open.

The waves of water hit my face, catching me off guard and swallowing several mouthfuls.

I coughed and more water came.

The Bodhisattva statue fell into the water and sank to the floor.

Something touched my body again.

I waved my hands, trying to find a way out.

I don't know when the scroll floated over again and wrapped around my arm.

I grabbed the drawing paper, and then I remembered that this thing was the real culprit.

Just destroy it...

I tore hard.

In just two strokes, the water level reached above my head and filled the entire room.

I couldn't tear the paper apart.

I tried my best to think that this thing was useless waste paper and that it had other functions, but I was pushed to the wall by a wave of water coming out of the scroll.

My back hit the wall, causing me to open my mouth.

I drank a lot of water.

In a daze, I saw the turbid underwater space around me, filled with countless fish, shrimps, aquatic plants, and sediment.

The furniture sank or floated, and suddenly began to move in the same direction.

The scroll of painting floated in the water, no longer spitting water out, but in turn, sucking in everything around it.

The table touched the drawing paper, became a pattern on the drawing paper, and continued to move, as if it was sucked into the depth of the drawing paper, gradually became smaller, and finally disappeared.

A whirlpool appeared in the water.

My body was also sucked into it.

The sofa, the little fish, and I collided.

I felt dizzy and the feeling of suffocation became stronger.

In the pain, I only had one comforting thought left:

Brother doesn't matter...and Brother Qi...

Eventually, consciousness breaks away.

I floated in the water, watching the vortex centered on the scroll suck everything in.

The room was empty, nothing was left, even the floor and walls were partially peeled off.

On the still wet ground, the wrinkled scroll lay quietly.

The screen is blank.

Suddenly, something appears from the left side of the screen.

It was a human face.

With his eyes half open, his body floated across the drawing paper.

Water waves appeared on the drawing paper, and something appeared on the edge of the drawing paper. Only half of the outline could be seen, entering the center of the drawing paper.

Color appeared for the first time on black and white drawing paper.

The blood-red color, accompanied by broken flesh and broken bones, floats on the surface of the drawing paper.

The turbulent and chaotic picture gradually calmed down, and in the center of the picture, the propeller was motionless, with a little red meat residue hanging on it.

Then, it started spinning again.

The drawing paper seemed to be affected by this external force, and was directly twisted into pieces and ceased to exist.

I retched and couldn't help spitting out a bit of bile, which landed on the windowsill.

The cuffed hands tightened, and a sound was heard from the handcuffs. Cold metal against my skin.

Chen Yihan reached out and grabbed my wrist along with the handcuffs.

"Lin Qi, what do you want to do?" Chen Yihan asked.

"Go find them. They're going to die... they're going to be killed..." I swallowed a few times, suppressing the feeling of nausea and suffocation.

I can't be handcuffed here any longer.

I'm going to find the thin guys.

Chai Ying will be killed, and so will Shouzi and the others.

The fat man is already dead, I can no longer watch them die...

The thought of slacking off before was gone now.

Chen Yihan said that everyone can die, as long as I clear everything in the end.

I had given up on myself before, thinking about how the world would be, closing my eyes, covering my ears, and pretending that nothing would happen.

Whether I die or Fatty and the others die, it is an unstoppable necessity. I don't want to struggle in vain.

But seeing such death with my own eyes...

Thin man, he still thinks I can save him...

I looked at Chen Yihan and said, "Let go."

"You'd better solve this problem in other ways. If you break the handcuffs and leave privately, the attitude towards you may change. The arrangements in Morristown..." Chen Yihan analyzed calmly.

"What if the deceased I saw was Chen Xiaoqiu?" I interrupted Chen Yihan.

Chen Yihan closed her mouth but didn't let go.

"Chen Yihan, what if the deceased I just saw was Chen Xiaoqiu? Is she going to die soon?!" I asked.

Chen Yihan looked directly into my eyes, "You can save her once, but you can't save her a second time. I have to admit that Ye Qing's method is the most appropriate. If necessary, how many people and who will be sacrificed in the process will matter. acceptable."

I stared at Chen Yihan in disbelief.

"Weren't you ready to give up completely before? Are you excited again because of what I said or because you saw their death?" Chen Yihan asked, "Now that you have seen it, have you figured out how to save them? ? Just to stop those ghost kings from attacking once or twice? We can't afford such a war of attrition. We are the only one who can stop them, and they have countless ghost kings who can kill us. Lin Qi, you still can't. Don't you understand? Ye Qing puts everything on you because we can only choose this desperate approach. Otherwise, why would those people in Qingye sit still and wait for death? They are also fighting, but they chose death. Do you really not understand the meaning?"

I gritted my teeth, "Of course I understand! But now, Ari and the others——"


Outside the window, there were screams.

Riots broke out far away, and in addition to the collective screams, there were also people running together.

Chen Yihan and I turned our heads and looked over at the same time. I only saw people pouring out of the streets, as if they were running for their lives, running wildly and losing their minds.

The next second, I saw the black yin energy and the sky becoming increasingly gray.

The sound of chains kept ringing, as if the chains on everyone's souls were tightening and colliding with each other, making an unsettling noise.

In the clanging sound of metal, like an auditory hallucination, I seemed to hear the roar of monsters in unison.

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