Aoba Office

Chapter 2123 Predicting Death

I haven't experienced this feeling of fear in a long time.

It's not the fear of being watched by God in the future world and threatened with death, but another kind of fear that grows deep in the heart and grows crazily. This is pure fear, fear of the unknown, fear of the supernatural.

My consciousness has returned to reality, but my spirit has not returned yet.

This feeling is like a side effect of ability bursting out. But what I saw was not an extreme hallucination produced by my consciousness. Those scenes are real and are Chai Ying's experiences.

That woman, who experienced a supernatural incident in college, asked Aoba for help and submitted a commission. Yao Nie was noticed by Qingye and the others at that time. The whole thing was taken care of. But when she graduated, her classmates were all bewitched, and they were followed by green-faced ghosts. She was so frightened that she fled abroad.

The scene I just saw was a reenactment of the supernatural events she experienced.

But that's not real, it's just an illusion created by the Ghost King.

She was scared to death.

He died so easily...

I cannot make such an assessment. At that moment, I was completely connected to her consciousness and I was completely influenced by her.

The heart-stopping fear is real.

The vision pointed directly at the deepest fear hidden in her heart.

My hands tightened on the window sill.

"Did you find anything?" Chen Yihan asked.

I did find something.

There is another strength in my body.

"Xue Jingyue's ability is mine." I said with a wry smile.

This should be done by Ye Qing.

Xue Jingyue's ability was transferred to me. I now understand why Xue Jingyue collapsed to the point of committing suicide.

She felt the same way as the fat man who died, and this might be the first time she was able to use her abilities freely. Without the restrictions of her grandmother, her ability was no longer about seeing omens, but directly experiencing death personally.

It was a given that she would break down.

"Who's in trouble?" Chen Yihan asked.

"Chai Ying, one of Qingye's former clients." I replied. Seeing Chen Yihan frown slightly, I added, "It wasn't Ye Qing who did it this time, it was the Ghost King who attacked the ability users. I'm afraid it was the same before..." …”

Chai Ying can hear the footsteps of ghosts and green-faced ghosts, which is something that only people with abilities can do. Her abilities may be weak, or she may not have been further trained at all, but there is no doubt that she is a capable person.

During the Bai An incident, she was not found; the courier ghost did not kidnap her and send her to the future world; but this time, the ghost king may have taken full action, and she did not escape the bad luck.

I looked worriedly in the direction of the police station, but saw nothing.

The mysterious feeling of combining Nangong Yao's ability and Gu Mo's ability disappeared.

I hoped to enter that state again, but I immediately thought of Xue Jingyue's ability.

Her ability can predict disasters. If Slender Man and the others will be attacked and... die, I should also be able to see something. I can directly empathize with them like before, completely forgetting my own existence.

When I was thinking this, I felt that the scenery in front of me had changed again.

The world of black, white and gray reappears.

As they appeared one after another, I also discovered the changes in this.

More gray.

The sky, which was originally just light gray, suddenly turned into dark gray.

Like a gradually dyed canvas, in the distance, you can see a deeper, almost black sky, but when you get close, it turns gray.

Looking down again, I saw the color of the house.

Gray, gray, gray, black within gray…

The spreading round balls gave me a sense of familiarity.

My heart skipped a beat.

"There! The entrance and exit of a different space!" I immediately pointed in that direction and shouted.

At the same time, I heard another voice, which sounded at the same time as mine.

"Come out, you can go back."

I was startled and turned to look in the direction of the sound.

I saw gray houses, gray houses, gray houses... and in that house, a black human figure.

That direction is the police station.

Black humanoid...

My heart tightened.

"The Ghost King is here! At the police station! They are looking for Ari and the others..."

Before I finished speaking, I felt dizzy.

The breath of death emerged from my palms and swept through my body.

The sound of water sounded. The heater is blowing. The mirror was covered with water vapor, leaving only a white patch.

I turned my head and looked at the showerhead that kept spraying water.

With a little doubt, I walked over and turned on the faucet.

The faucet was turned off, but water kept falling from the shower head.

I became nervous, raised my hand to take off the shower head, and saw that the water flow had become much smaller.

It seemed like residual water in the shower was gushing out.

I heard a "chichi" sound in the water pipe. This sound only occurs when the faucet is turned on but there is no water.

I became even more uneasy, hung the shower head on the faucet, ran to the kitchen, and found the main water gate.

The floodgates were closed.

The sounds in the bathroom stopped.

I suddenly realized the cold at this time.

I have already put on my winter thermal underwear, but when I run to the kitchen, I still feel cold.

I shrunk my neck and was about to run back to the room when I heard the sound of water behind me.


I turned my head stiffly.

Water kept pouring out of the U-shaped pipe in the kitchen.

Tsk, cough...

The gush of water became intermittent, and a sound similar to an old man's cough came from the water pipe.

Tick ​​tock…

There was a sound of dripping water in the sink, which was crisp and strange.

The voices slowly died down.

I took a step back, cautiously, and reached the kitchen door when I heard a snap.

My slippers touched the water, and the water penetrated directly through the slippers and soaked into the soles of my feet.

I also felt wet fluid on my heels.

Without looking down, I could see the water stains spreading towards the kitchen, covering the entire kitchen floor tiles.

The water stain gradually turned into stagnant water, rising to the ankles.

I finally lowered my head and looked at the room full of water.

Standing water changes from clear to turbid in the blink of an eye.

Ripples appeared on the flowing water.

I sensed danger, so instead of running out, I took three steps and two steps at a time, treading water, and ran to the bedroom.

I caught one of the little ones on the bedside table in my bedroom.

The workmanship of the little figure is rough, but you can tell that it looks like a certain Bodhisattva.

I squeezed the little man tightly and closed my eyes tightly. My mind was filled with thoughts of the Bodhisattva appearing and stories of the Bodhisattva rescuing people from suffering.

The Bodhisattva in my hand seemed to be hot, making my palms warm. The warmth spreads from the hands to the feet soaked in the water.

Just then, I felt something touch my feet.

I was excited and opened my eyes.

The water in the room was up to my shins.

Something is floating on the water.

The thing that touched my feet was this.

It looks like...

Is it a painting?

Goodnight everybody.

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