Aoba Office

Chapter 2045 Death is everywhere (3)

I saw a pregnant woman, very young, in her twenties, sitting on the sofa, leaning on several cushions, tilting her head and looking at her mobile phone with a sad look.

The sofa is facing the TV, which uses a projection screen and is playing a recitation program. The anchor is gentle and quiet, reciting poetry in a beautiful voice. The background music is also pleasant and soothing.

The sadness on the pregnant woman's face did not resolve.

The call history was displayed on the screen of her mobile phone. Looking at the time, she just ended a phone call not long ago.

After fussing with the phone for a while, the pregnant woman straightened her back, picked up the remote control next to her, and switched channels.

The recitation program seemed to be on-demand content. After she switched the channel, the channel number popped up.

Several TV stations went around in a circle, and the pregnant woman jumped to the menu interface again and chose to watch it back.

She found the news station, found the midday news.

Soon, the familiar news titles sounded.

The pregnant woman pressed the fast-forward button impatiently, pressing play from time to time, watching for two seconds, and then fast-forwarding again.

The scene inside the office building flashed by, and the pregnant woman immediately pressed the play button.

The news jumped to the next scene, showing the scene of the survivors being helped out of the office building.

The pregnant woman threw down the remote control and stared at the screen, leaning forward, her nervousness palpable.

That brief moment of news was over quickly.

She immediately raised her hand, found the name in the address book, and dialed the number.

The other party's mobile phone is turned off.

The pregnant woman dropped her hands in disappointment, and the phone fell on her lap.

I saw the contact name.

Jiang Xintian.



I immediately thought of this possibility and looked at the pregnant woman.

Is it the colleague Xiaotian mentioned?

The pregnant woman was in a daze for a while, then dialed the phone again.

This time the name of the contact is easy to understand.

"Husband. Well, I'm at home. I've eaten. Mom just went back." The pregnant woman slowly stood up and paced back and forth in the living room while talking on the phone. She quickly brought up the news. "...My aunt called to tell me. She happened to see the news...well, I know."

The man on the other end of the phone was a little angry, and I seemed to hear the man's voice through the pregnant woman's ears.

"Ignore her. That's what my aunt is like. She calls everywhere when she has nothing to do and talks about anything. Just rest well at home. If something happens to your company, they will definitely contact you."

"Yeah. I understand." The pregnant woman said a few more words to her husband and hung up the phone.

She was still feeling uneasy, and felt a tightness in her chest as she watched the midday news that had ended.

I watched her run into the toilet, and soon heard the sound of retching coming from the toilet.

I have no body in this illusion. I am like a real spectator. I can only see what Mencet wants to show me.

I saw the pregnant woman kneeling on the ground, holding the toilet and retching non-stop.

Her hands were shaking, as if she was too uncomfortable or shaking from fear.

I heard her whimper.

Suddenly, the idea of ​​her penetrated my brain.

I saw Xiaotian.

Previously, based on Liu Yingjie's title, I thought that woman's name was "Xiao Tian". Now it seems that it should be "Xiao Tian".

There were other figures flashing through the mind of the pregnant woman. Liu Yingjie's face has appeared.

So much for those scenes.

She seemed to regard the incident as an ordinary accident and did not think of it as being haunted.

She just felt uncomfortable thinking about her colleague suddenly being killed.

That feeling of fear seemed to be in my head. Even if she has fear, it is only out of fear of death and fear of her own life, not fear of supernatural events.

I heard the phone ring.

Pregnant women are a little slow. Get up from the ground, wash up and come out, the phone has been hung up.

The missed call displayed on the screen was from an unfamiliar name.

But there is a record in the pregnant woman's address book, and it should be someone she knows.

When she saw the name, she expressed joy and anxiety.

"Xiao Sun! Are you okay? Great! I just saw Xiao Tian when I was watching the news..." The pregnant woman said excitedly, speaking very fast, almost venting her emotions at once.

I suddenly felt the breath of death.

"...Little grandson?" The pregnant woman said, but also realized that there was no response at all on the other end of the phone, which was a bit strange.

"Sister Jia, what are you talking about?" A confused female voice came from the other end of the phone, "Sister Jia, have you contacted Sister Xiaotian? She doesn't know where she has gone, and she hasn't answered the phone. The boss is going to be angry. ”

The pregnant woman held her mobile phone and stood there blankly.

"Have you called her? You need to be able to contact her and ask her to come back immediately." The clear female voice on the other end of the phone became urgent, "No more. I'll hang up first. You need to contact her and ask her to come back immediately. Ah. The leader is really angry."


The call was immediately hung up.

The pregnant woman looked at her phone, then looked up at the TV, feeling confused.

This time, fear really arose in her heart.

She called Xiaotian again.

The phone is turned off, the call cannot be connected, and the phone only hears a busy signal...

Her cell phone suddenly rang, startling her.

The name displayed this time is "Leader".

It should be the person in charge of that early childhood education center.

The pregnant woman hesitated for a while and then answered the phone.

The content of the phone call was normal, except that the dignified middle-aged woman's voice was very serious, with audible suppressed anger.

After hanging up the phone, the pregnant woman looked at the projection screen blankly, found the news and played it back.

She also searched for news online.

I saw what was on my phone and what I heard was the news.

Pregnant women, like me, receive these messages.

The more she looked, the more frightened she became.

The comments below the news are even more thought-provoking.

Some people easily make up ghost stories, and others easily debunk them.

Those outsiders seemed to be watching a story or a movie, without the nervousness of the people involved.

The cell phone rang again.

This time it was still an unfamiliar name.

The pregnant woman threw her phone to the side of the sofa and did not dare to answer it.

That name also belongs to her co-worker at the early childhood education center.

Ding dong ding dong——

The melodious doorbell echoed in the room, intertwined with the ringtone of the mobile phone, and combined with the replay of the TV series starting to play on the TV, it turned into an annoying noise.

The pregnant woman jumped up in fright, her stomach hurting.

She clutched her stomach and hurried to the door.

The figure at the door could be seen on the intercom. That pale and embarrassed face was none other than Xiaotian.

Xiaotian looked like she was about to cry and rang the doorbell eagerly.

The doorbell keeps on thinking. The walkie-talkie's display screen was not very clear, which made Xiaotian's face look a little distorted.

The pregnant woman trembled, but still pressed the conversation button.

Breathing sounds were clearly audible on both sides.

"Jiajia..." Xiaotian started crying, "Jiajia... Wu... Wuwu... Please, open the door... Please open the door... You, are you at home? Listen to me, Don’t answer their calls. Don’t answer their calls…”

The pregnant woman's hand trembled and she pressed the button to open the door.

With a bang, the lock of the security door was opened.

On the display screen of the intercom, Xiaotian was seen stunned for a moment before slowly opening the security door.

The pregnant woman leaned against the door, and soon she heard footsteps outside the door.

She looked out through the peephole and saw Xiaotian, followed by a knock on the door.

After a few seconds, the pregnant woman trembled, unlocked the door, and opened the door.

When Xiaotian saw her, she burst into tears.

Behind Xiaotian, the elevator door was closed, but the numbers were beating.


The elevator door suddenly opened.

Good night everyone~

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