Aoba Office

Chapter 2044 Death is everywhere (2)

The young man stretched out his hand towards the glass door, as if to touch the reflection on the glass to see if it was real.

As soon as his hand touched the cold glass, it fell to the ground.

The people from the barber shop rushed out, a little at a loss.

An ambulance soon arrived, followed by police.

I saw Zhang Yu again.

He was sitting on the sofa, holding his cell phone, a little confused.

He dug out the call records and called back. I could feel his weird mood.

After the phone rang twice, he hung up and dialed again.

The name displayed on the call interface was "Zhang Youcheng". After the call was connected, Zhang Yu shouted: "Hey, son, dad has something to ask you."

"Huh? What's going on? Why can't you use your phone?" A reply came quickly from the other end of the phone.

"No. Well...didn't you call me before and tell me to be careful when I answer the phone..." Zhang Yu hesitated, but as soon as he said these two words, the person on the other end of the phone became anxious.

It seems that the things that Mencet caused before have not disappeared, but still happened.

She became the real God of Death through the channels she controlled.

Maybe she's doing it now.

I thought of the young man who had changed.

"...No, he didn't let me trade or anything. He said he was Da Zhang. You have seen the photo before. That classmate of mine..."

"Dad, that's a scam call. Don't believe it." Zhang Youcheng said immediately and gave several more warnings.

Zhang Yu gradually relaxed after hearing this, "Oh, scam, I know, I know. I thought it was really a big deal... It's okay, it's okay. Have you eaten?"

The father and son chatted for a few words and then hung up the phone.

Zhang Yu felt relaxed and ran to the kitchen to cook.

The illusion before my eyes changed again.

The young man lay in the morgue, wrapped in a body bag.

I shouldn't have been able to see anything, but suddenly I looked through the body bag and saw the body inside. The young man has restored his original appearance.

Two men walked in at this moment, holding documents and looking like they had seen a ghost. They hurriedly opened the body bag and were all stunned.

"That's wrong. How..." One of them said, and after finishing speaking, he immediately went to look through the documents again.

The two of them started working and were both sweating.

Examine the body, take samples, take notes...

"It was obviously..." The two people looked at different photos and then looked at the corpse. They both shuddered and looked at each other with disbelief and fear in their eyes.

A person can be forgiven for misremembering. It's possible that both of them remembered it wrong.

But there is something wrong with the photos taken by the machine, the DNA collected, the fingerprints printed and other data. This can only be described as haunted.

The two men were very uneasy and forced themselves to leave with the report. They both forgot to pull up the body bag again.

I looked at the young man's face, and my vision slowly blurred.

"...Brother Qi? Brother Qi!"

I came back to my senses and looked at the thin man sitting next to me.

"Brother Qi, what's wrong with you? Are you using your powers again?" asked the thin man.

The fat man sat down across from us and looked at my face.

I looked at my palms and didn't hide this from them.

"Are you there?" The thin man took my hand and looked at it for a long time.

The fat man also leaned over to take a look.

The two of them seemed unable to see what Mencet had left on my hand.

"I can't see it."

"I didn't see it either."

"The thing you're talking about, isn't it that the fraudster became the person in the victim's mind? It just so happened that that person died, so he died." The fat man quickly changed the subject, "It was done by Phenxit. ? Phone calls, fraud, death... these are her usual methods."

I nodded.

This must have been done by Mencet, but I don't understand why she let me see this. Moreover, this behavior pattern is also very different from her past behavior pattern.

"It's not exactly the same." I immediately corrected the fat man, "It used to be considered a fraud, but it's not like this... She used to be Party A and signed a contract with someone. Isn't this the case for devils and demons? Now it has become …”

When I said this, I stopped and looked at my palm.

Now she becomes death.

Simple death, complete death, has nothing to do with anything else, and does not need to go through any "intermediary" or "procedure". She can kill people as long as she wants.

No, an "intermediary" is still needed. The "intermediary" is not the original contract, but the phone call.

"...Communication." I murmured, "It should be communication."

"Communication has been restored. There are still people talking about the previous death deals on the Internet. But there seems to be no new news." The thin man took the mobile phone over, opened the web page, and grabbed a bun to eat.

The three of us put our heads together and looked at the screen of the thin man's phone.

"The last message should be this." The thin man scrolled for a while and clicked on a message on a social media homepage.

It was just a forwarding message. The original message was that his friend met Mensit, made a deal, and is now dead.

The thin man touched the phone screen, and the page jumped to the person's homepage.

He was about to switch back, but I stopped him.

I saw this person’s new repost.

This person seems to be a horror movie enthusiast. He reads horror novels and horror movies, plays horror games, and collects such horror stories on the Internet.

His new content is the horror legend of office buildings.

My eyelids jumped as I watched.

Because the original message contained a photo of the office building where the courier ghost was. The person who posted this content is a former employee of a financial company in the building. He said that he had long felt that the place was very strange and gave people a very uncomfortable feeling.

I clicked on the relevant link, and when I saw the news that popped up, I knew it was not a report from a regular news media, but a message released by an unknown self-media.

But it was well written and the guess was correct!

"Are there many living people in the building?" The thin man looked at me in surprise.

The fat man read out the content: "...The police sent out a total of three survivors that day, and carried out 19 dead people. Apart from that, no one else came out. There should be more than 20 companies in the office building. , the incident happened on a working day, and the employees in the building..."

"And here." The thin man pointed to the section below. "The owner of a nearby restaurant also said that there are very few people coming out for lunch in the building, and there are also very few people coming in and out of get off work. They thought there was a back door..."

"I guessed it..." After I said it, I felt something was wrong, "It shouldn't be a guess."

"This kind of self-media won't sit at the scene and count people's heads, right?" said the thin man.

I feel uneasy.

Not that sense of death, but another sense of unease.

I immediately felt a pain in my palm and saw the illusion again.

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