Aoba Office

Chapter 2036 The King of Children (17)

The thin man was still a little unable to recover and asked: "Is he... the same as Christina? Just, he fulfilled his wish and then disappeared?"

"Yeah." Chen Xiaoqiu replied.

The thin man scratched his head, "Is that a success? Was his method successful?"

"Successful." It was me who answered this time.

"Oh..." The thin man responded dryly, then looked at the faces of the three of us.

"How do you feel? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?" Chen Yihan asked Chen Xiaoqiu.

"No." Chen Xiaoqiu moved his fingers and answered easily.

She and Guo Yujie looked depressed, but their bodies were not affected. There was a chain of different colors on the two people, and the chain extended into the void and disappeared.

That's all.

Guo Yujie wiped away her tears and stopped crying.

I'm more worried about Guo Yujie's situation than Chen Xiaoqiu.

If every child appeared like this, Guo Yujie would be able to detect it every time, which would be a kind of continuous damage to her psychology.

She was originally the kind of person who was very stubborn. Although she was kind-hearted, she was also very stubborn. Every moment I know a child is dying, come to me. Ordinary people will become emotionally disturbed as a result. I'm worried that Guo Yujie will collapse one day because of this.

Guo Yujie sniffed and raised her head, "I'm fine. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

She twitched the corners of her mouth and showed a smile, as if she was making a declaration or cheering herself up.

I was shocked and breathed out, "Yeah. You have to work hard for a while."

Guo Yujie and the others all looked at me.

"I will solve everything as soon as possible." I clenched my fists.

As long as the whole world is completely changed as soon as possible, neither Guo Yujie nor Chen Xiaoqiu will have to bear this extra burden.

Chen Yihan looked at me and said, "The entrance and exit you are looking for is the one in Morris Town that has the best chance at the moment. Once you confirm the situation above and be prepared, I can help you contact the people you need and arrange your itinerary."

"What's the situation above?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

"Yeah." Chen Yihan didn't say much.

This topic is very impactful to them and can definitely undermine their confidence.

For me, it has no impact.

I've been through that world once. I don’t even consider how many of the people in power in various countries are influenced by ghosts, controlled by ghosts, or are simply ghost kings disguised as ordinary people.

God in the future has the ability to directly change the history of the entire world. What happens to a certain person in power in a certain period of time will not affect the situation of the entire world.

I nodded in agreement with Chen Yihan and said to them: "Then you go first. I'll sit there for a while."

Several people looked at me, and Chen Yihan was the first to leave. Seeing this, everyone else also said goodbye to me.

They all left one by one, and I was the only one left in the office.

I didn't ask Ye Qing what Chen Yihan cared about.

After sitting on the sofa for a while, looking at the coffee table, and thinking of the chain, my eyes gradually became empty.

"Han Yun... seems to have died of illness, right? He died of illness. He has been in poor health since he was a child and was very lonely. After he died, he wanted to find friends to play with. That should be the beginning..." I said to myself said.

That was the initial situation.

A child who was tortured by illness and could only lie in his room all day long.

he died.

Became a ghost.

Find friends to play with.

In the era he lived in, there were no hospitals or wards. Unlike now, single wards are much more expensive than six- and eight-bed wards. There was no activity room or volunteers like there are now in the pediatric ward.

Perhaps from birth to death, he was a lonely person.

"When you first met him, he was still like a child. He also wanted to be friends with an adult because he was envious of children. Really... when I looked at the file, I thought you I met an evil spirit." I couldn't help but laugh, "I was nervous when I saw her appearance in the video, but in the end..."

In the end, the negotiation was just verbal. Knowing that the client did not want to become a real child and had no intention of leaving with Han Yun, he accepted the reality with disappointment.

He probably "abducted" many children, but I never thought Han Yun was an evil ghost.

"...It was different when we were in Yangshan District..." I sighed.

The Han Yun I met was no longer a simple child.

What did he experience in Yangshan District?

In that island-like space, living people are constantly collapsing. The ghost king controls everything. There are still ghosts wandering around. Time keeps reincarnating, starting over and over again.

Han Yun was trapped in it with a group of children's ghosts.

He must have been looking for a way to escape from there.

"...Those kids looked happy and trying to scare me. They seemed relaxed..." I muttered to myself.

How could it be easy?

I'm afraid Han Yun has been supporting him.

That's why he doesn't look like a child anymore.

Then it’s Lina’s business. Children's toys have turned into plagues that continue to kill children.

Han Yun took the initiative and contacted us, wanting to deal with Lina.

He is no longer a child.

But all he really wants to do is be a child.

He has been wandering around the human world for hundreds of years and has so many companions.

But he, and those children, lost everything else.

The most important part of a child is lost.

"Has he ever looked for his parents?" I asked in the air, "His parents must have been reincarnated several times. Should... he can find a way to find them, right?"

Maybe it can't be found.

Can't be found anymore.

He remains in the state of a child, forever bereft of his parents.

He had to grow up for the sake of his partner and lost the heart of a child forever.

Now, he gave up himself for those children.

"... He is now the parent of those children. Welcome them and send them into a new reincarnation." I whispered, and only I could hear my voice, "Is he now... almost the same as God? It's just a rule, no personality anymore...'Han Yun'..."

This is something that makes people feel sad just by imagining it.

Perhaps one day in the future, Han Yun will regain his personality just like God. But that's not "Han Yun" anymore.

Maybe one day in the future, I will need to personally eliminate Han Yun, just like what I am doing now...

"Ability is born out of one's own wishes. Ye Qing, what is your wish? You want to destroy those supernatural things, but you also have an ability that can enhance their power." I asked the air.

As soon as I asked the question, I thought of an answer myself.

But I didn't go on.

"Can you travel to the past with me? Can you travel directly to the past time point...Are you...prepared to make yourself the new rule?" I looked at the empty seat on the sofa opposite, "Just like Christina , like Han Yun. As a powerful ghost, you have such a firm belief, right?"

Use your own soul to shape new rules for the entire world and create a world without ghosts.

Ye Qing's ability is exactly in line with this.

He may have just had a simple wish like Han Yun at first. They want to destroy the ghosts that killed their loved ones, but they also hope that their loved ones can turn into ghosts and still exist in another form.

As Mencet said, this is how humans have always thought about death, full of fear and longing, full of illusions and desires.

But at this point, he was ready to use his own power to change everything.

Will I still be there at that time?

Will he still be there?

I might even be deprived of my ability and forget him and all this.

The whole world is truly coming back.

Han Yun might be able to enter reincarnation instead of becoming a lonely ghost and sacrificing himself.

Only Ye Qing will no longer exist.

From beginning to end, it no longer exists.

Good night everyone~

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