Aoba Office

Chapter 2035 The King of Children (16)

"Me?" Chen Xiaoqiu raised his eyebrows, "Underworld no longer exists. My ability... do you want..." As she spoke, her expression changed and she looked at Han Yun in surprise.

I don't see anyone else understanding what Chen Xiaoqiu wants, nor do they know what Han Yun wants to do by asking Chen Xiaoqiu for help.

Han Yun remained calm, as if he had lost all his emotions and was just carrying out official duties, and said: "The original underworld was a transit station. After it disappeared, the reincarnation of the soul was different from the past. Judging from the results of my observations, All the souls of the deceased will go through this stage of becoming ghosts. No matter what thoughts they had when they died, they will become ghosts after death and survive in the world. When the last bit of power is worn away, they will disappear. It may be to become a new existence, find an opportunity, and start a new life. This is how animals reincarnate.”

This sounds a bit mysterious, but it is not difficult to understand. It is to take out the underworld link from the original reincarnation process.

As far as the chains I saw were concerned, they were exactly in line with Han Yun's speculation.

In the new reincarnation, the shackles of God are missing.

Perhaps, God in the future will have a more powerful and stable personality, possessing all the abilities of the Ghost King. As long as it controls the ghost king, it can control all lives, so there is no need for the underworld to be a transit point, nor does it need to put shackles on all souls one by one. In the process of growth and life, every soul will conform to the general trend and comply with the regulations of one or more ghost kings, and will naturally become a life controlled by God.

When I thought about this, I realized what Han Yun was going to do.

"I will open up a new underworld. After the children die, they will follow the guidance and enter the underworld I opened. In this way, they will be prevented from becoming ghosts. There is a missing link, negative emotions such as hatred It will be reduced a lot," Han Yun said.

"Can this stop the spirit?" I looked at Han Yun with mixed emotions.

"If you enforce it, you can stop that spirit. My rules are the first priority. For the children's souls, the acceptable rules are very limited. I occupy most of their souls, and the influence of that spirit on them will be Weakened." Han Yun's tone was neither confident nor hesitant. He was still calm.

After saying this, he stretched out his hand and looked at Chen Xiaoqiu, "I need a passage." He looked at Guo Yujie again, "There is also an entrance."

"Me?" Guo Yujie pointed to herself.

"Your abilities, as well as the hide-and-seek rules I imposed on you before, can make you the entrance. You are also the most suitable entrance." Han Yun explained.

Guo Yujie looked at Chen Xiaoqiu, waiting for her to make a decision.

"I have two questions." Chen Yihan frowned and said, "First, what impact will your method have on the two of them? Will they also be affected by the rules you set? Second, how do you determine Can this plan be successful? What you just said is just your assumption. You are not sure that this method can work, and that you can fully achieve what you said, right? "

Han Yun looked at Chen Yihan expressionlessly, "I believe I can do it, and I must do it."

"Were you the one who killed the last ghost in the hospital?" I asked, "Also, were you the one who restored the little girl's consciousness?"

Han Yun nodded, "My rules override the power of that spirit."

"How did you kill that ghost?" Chen Yihan asked again.

"He collapsed." Han Yun lowered his eyelids, "When the two forces conflicted, his soul collapsed."

Chen Yihan frowned even more tightly, "What do you mean by the conflict between the two forces? The source of the spirit's power is the prejudice of adults. The prejudice against children and the prejudice against protecting children gather together to give children the ability to kill. Strength and a desire to kill, right? Where is your source of strength?

Han Yun did not answer, but stubbornly stretched out his hand.

I saw Chen Yihan open his mouth and wanted to say something else.

Guo Yujie had already taken the lead and reached out to hold Han Yun's hand.

"Yeah. That's it." Guo Yujie nodded, as if talking to herself, "I will be the door."

Chen Xiaoqiu just thought for a moment, looked at Guo Yujie, and then extended his hand.

Chen Yihan blurted out "Xiaoqiu" but did not continue.

The thin man and the fat man held their breath and looked nervously at the hands they were holding.

"Thank you." Han Yun said softly.

Suddenly, I felt a change in the auras of the three of them. I saw the chains on them. Guo Yujie and Chen Xiaoqiu had an extra chain on their bodies. The chain extended from Han Yun's body, and after hanging on the two of them, more branches were revealed.

The chains were moving, tightening.

I suddenly thought of something and called out "Han Yun", my heart suddenly lifted.

Han Yun looked at me and smiled, "Thank you."

I opened my mouth, but my throat suddenly got stuck and I couldn't make a sound.

Guo Yujie lowered her head, tears falling on her knees. Her hand squeezed Han Yun's hand hard.

Chen Xiaoqiu had no expression on her face and just looked at Han Yun silently. After a while, she closed her eyes slightly.


The chains on Han Yun suddenly tightened, directly severing Han Yun's soul.

His soul seemed to be integrated into the chains, and the chains floating in the void loosened and formed strange shapes.

What I can see with my naked eyes is that Han Yun's soul is like a reflection in water, causing ripples due to a stone.

When the ripples calmed down, Han Yun's soul also disappeared.

The chains were entangled, forming a black hole and disappearing in place.

Guo Yujie and Chen Xiaoqiu held hands, but there was a child's hand missing from their palms.

The thin man asked blankly: "Why...he disappeared?"

"There is no such person anymore." Chen Xiaoqiu held Guo Yujie's hand, opened his eyes, and spoke softly.

After saying that, she turned to look at the door of the office.

I followed her line of sight and turned my head, only to see a mass of moving chains. I couldn't see the soul of the deceased with my naked eyes. I could only see a ball of chains being pulled by a thick chain and moving towards Guo Yujie.

"Got you."

I heard the child's cheerful voice and vaguely saw a hand resting on Guo Yujie's arm.

Guo Yujie raised her head and looked at her side with tearful eyes.

Using Nangong Yao's ability, I could see a small black hole opening in the office.

The chain almost couldn't wait to get into the black hole.

I heard the child's voice again. I heard him shouting "Mom, Dad" excitedly.

The black hole closes.

At that moment, there seemed to be a response coming from the black hole.

A very simple "Hey", followed by complete silence.

It’s the last day of this month. If you have a monthly ticket, don’t forget to vote~

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