Aoba Office

Chapter 1963 Death Calls (6)

Li Wangxi looked at the patient on the bed stiffly.

The man was very weak, frowning, and looked like he was enduring pain.

It would be too easy for Li Wangxi to kill him. She could think of various ways to kill the man on the spot without arousing suspicion. Even more cleverly, it would not be discovered afterwards.

Li Wangxi's hand stopped there while pulling out the needle, and she was extremely entangled in her heart. She was struggling and wavering, and she was also afraid.

"Nurse, is it not good? Do I have something?" The patient also realized that Li Wangxi had not moved.

Li Wangxi shook her head, took a deep breath, pulled out the needle, and took off the empty medicine bag.

"Do you want to hang it today? This is the last bag?"

Li Wangxi nodded silently, lowered her eyes, and walked out with the empty medicine bag.

She walked quickly and hurriedly. When she returned to the nurse's station, she saw that her colleague had returned.

Li Wangxi sat directly on the seat with the empty bag in her hand.

"Li Wangxi, what's wrong with you?" The colleague frowned and asked, his tone was much more serious.

Li Wangxi looked at her colleagues blankly, and then she realized that she was distracted. She stood up, went into the office inside the nurse's station, and threw away the empty bag.

Holding the edge of the big bucket, Li Wangxi's shoulders loosened, and tears were about to fall.

She couldn't control her emotions.

She couldn't kill people, and there was no way to calmly welcome her own death.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and I felt a little sympathetic to her experience.

Li Wangxi covered her face, knelt on the ground, and suppressed her crying.


The door suddenly closed.

I turned my head in surprise and saw the man who walked into the office at some point.

The man had no yin energy, he was not a ghost, but he had a strange aura.

Li Wangxi looked up in fear, and when she saw the person coming, she was stunned, not knowing what happened.

There were footsteps outside the office, the door was slapped, and the door handle was twisted.

"Hey! Who are you! What do you want to do! Li Wangxi!" Li Wangxi's colleague shouted anxiously outside.

Li Wangxi was scared at this time. When she tried to stand up, her legs softened and she fell to the ground.

"Miss Li." The man spoke, and his voice was familiar.

Before Li Wangxi could remember, I had already figured out that the man was the one who called from Li Wangxi's boyfriend's phone.

"Zhou Chang is already receiving treatment, and his condition is stable, and he is not in danger of death." The man said slowly, with little expression on his face as a passerby.

Li Wangxi was stunned again. Before she could feel relieved and happy, she felt a chill rising from her coccyx.

"You don't seem to have fulfilled your obligations yet." The man said slowly, ignoring the commotion outside the door.

Li Wangxi moved back and stared at the man in horror.

"My Lord has given you two more chances, which is already very generous." The man continued, walking towards Li Wangxi step by step, his leather shoes stepping on the ground, making a sound like a huge hammer, hitting Li Wangxi's heart.

Li Wangxi shook her head, tears gushed out, her lips trembled, she wanted to beg for mercy, wanted to call for help.

The man was unmoved, his expression did not change much, he walked towards Li Wangxi calmly, and forced Li Wangxi to the corner of the room.

Li Wangxi's back hit the cabinet, and she could not retreat. Her body was limp, and she was powerless to resist.

The man bent down, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Li Wangxi, like grabbing a chicken in his hand.

"Unfortunately, I have to do it myself to collect the reward." The man said, and a roll of parchment appeared in his empty hand. With a shake, the parchment was spread out and displayed in front of Li Wangxi.

I saw this scene, and I felt familiar and my heart skipped a beat.

Li Wangxi's eyes widened, and what she saw was the words on the parchment that she did not understand at all, but her brain could reflect the meaning of those words.

This was the contract she signed, and even at the bottom of the parchment, there was her signature.

Li Wangxi shook her head slightly, wanting to deny it. Denying her signature was also denying this reality.

The parchment suddenly began to glow, and the font changed from black to gold, as if it wanted to break free from the paper and become something.

I reached out and grabbed the man's wrist.

The man was startled, let go and threw away Li Wangxi, turned around and looked over, and tried to pull out his arm.

I used force, but he also pulled me and staggered. However, I didn't let go, and he couldn't see me, so he could only feel his hand being grabbed, and couldn't find my embarrassment.

"What is it!" The man shouted.

"What kind of demon are you?" I asked, and immediately corrected my question, "What kind of demon is your master?"

The man couldn't see me, but seemed to hear my voice. The resistance and struggle stopped, and he looked at his arm and the front vigilantly.

I was sure he didn't see me, and the focus of his sight was not on me, but a little offset.

"My master, Mingxite, is the great demon who dominates death according to Kaziana's records." The man said in a deep voice, "No matter who you are, if you are against my master, you will be punished by death."

It's really a demon!

I felt incredible, and a flash of inspiration came to my mind, and I vaguely caught something.

Demons are actually spirits, and they are spirits that have been passed down for many years. There may have been a lot of entanglements and changes in the process, but there is no doubt that they are spirits.

There may be demons carrying human souls or ghosts, such as the great wizard who combines himself with demons. But most demons are supposed to be just pure spirits.

Spirit is something created by God to fight against ghosts. It is the aggregation of human consciousness, or in other words, the embodied product of human consciousness.

In this future where ghosts have taken control of the world and changed the rules of the world and human cognition, spirits still exist.

God is still here, and the rules he made are still valid.

I have a gut feeling that this is important because future ghosts are afraid of God. But what to do, I have no idea now.

When I thought about it again, I was ready to give up. Everyone in Qingye was dead. Before, I thought about just going with the flow and getting by. At this moment, I instinctively felt that I should do something.

Yes, do something…

"I want to see your master, that Mensit." I said immediately.

The man was silent, seeming to be thinking.

I heard that weird whispering in a different language than mine, the sound was so far away that I couldn't make out the pronunciation at all.

But as the voice appeared, Yin Qi appeared on the man.

My heart skipped a beat, and I suddenly thought of Han Yun.

Although Han Yun has spiritual qualities, he was originally a human being and a ghost.

However, I have already seen one case of a person becoming a spirit after death.

Could it be that the demon named Phenxit also has such a spirit?

In this case, it is likely that like Han Yun, it changed from a spirit to a future ghost and was controlled and driven by that thing.

"My Lord agreed." The strange voice disappeared and the man replied.

At this time, the sound of keys was heard outside the door, and the door was opened.

Two security guards rushed in, and when they saw the scene inside the house, they yelled at the man, looking wary.

I let go of the man's hand, but didn't move away. He didn't resist the security guards. He raised his hands and was taken away by the security guards obediently.

Li Wangxi's colleagues rushed in, hugged Li Wangxi's shoulders, and asked anxiously if she was injured.

Li Wangxi was in a daze for a while, then burst into tears.

I felt a force pulling at my soul. In the brief few seconds before the soul returned from the dream, I saw two memories of Li Wangxi.

She would have been killed by the words in the contract. Words will become the real god of death, cutting off her head and soul. This past has been changed.

I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling of the ward, and felt that there was someone else in the room.

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