Aoba Office

Chapter 1913 New World (11)

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? You're blocking the road." Two people got out of the police car, shouted to the crowd, and squeezed into the crowd.

Seeing the scene in the crowd, the two policemen were stunned.

The person who called the police obviously did not say that this place was haunted. He may have just seen people gathering here and moving slowly, and called the police on the grounds of obstructing traffic.

The police were confused, but the young men told the police what they had discovered in great interest.

"...It must have been a love killing! Someone jumped into the river and died!"

"Where did the river come from here!" someone retorted and automatically joined the discussion.

“Otherwise it’s the swimming pool!”

"A bathtub is fine too!"

The police quickly stopped the discussion. They didn't seem to know what to do, and looked suspiciously at the young man who spoke first.

"Are you doing something weird? What did you do?" an older policeman asked, reaching out to touch the top of the water stain.

A group of people around him exclaimed.

The policeman was startled and immediately stopped. But his hand did pass over the water stain.

Nothing happened.

He didn't touch anything, and the water damage didn't change.

Li Yu was still holding the body and moving forward mechanically.

The policeman frowned and touched the ground again.

The ground is wet, that's for sure.

The atmosphere also changed due to the actions of the police. No one had ever thought before that this was some kind of mischief and not really haunted. Maybe some people have thought about it, but the people who think about it obviously won't stay here to watch the fun, and they should leave long ago.

More and more suspicious eyes fell on several young people.

"Really not!" The young man raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Is it something? It's like that, chemistry or something."

"Is there something painted on the ground?"

Everyone's thinking began to change in that direction.

The police became stern, asked what happened, and warned several young people. They began to disperse the crowd.

But this job is not easy.

There were only two police officers, and they could not use force against the onlookers.

"Everyone, please disperse! This way is blocking the road! If you continue to do this, we can only punish you for violating public security regulations! Everyone, disperse! Disperse!" the police tried their best to persuade.

There were also trumpets blaring all around.

The crowd did not disperse, but because there were police and police cars here, more people watched the excitement. The people around are talking a lot, and those who are here to watch the excitement will give the people behind them some knowledge and briefings. The two policemen were shouting at the end of their conversation.

After all this commotion, I noticed that the crowd had stopped.

Many people stayed away and curiously looked at the extended wet footprints.

"Ouch!" The person in the front screamed and jumped up, "It's so cold! There's something!"

People along the way screamed.

Li Yu had already passed through them with the corpse.

His eyes were dull, and he didn't notice the person in front of him, nor did he notice that the corpse he was holding was becoming more and more human-like.

But, it was still a corpse, a rotting corpse.

Rotten meat hung on his body and stuck to Li Yu's clothes.

Looking at the irregular rotten flesh, I always felt that the corpse had expanded much more than before. The rotten flesh on the body not only wrapped the original bones, but also wrapped Li Yu's soul.

The screams of those people triggered a new round of chaos.

The messy scene gave the police a headache.

They grabbed several young people and asked them sternly.

Some young people looked sad, while others had playful and smiling faces. They couldn't explain it and didn't take it seriously.

"Call for backup." The older policeman said helplessly.

They don't have any solution for this kind of thing.

Now the official has not made up its mind whether or not to disclose the supernatural events, and how to disclose the supernatural events. For official staff, "supernatural" is just a daily term, and their work manuals definitely do not include instructions on how to deal with supernatural events.

For new crimes, the police's ability to respond is much stronger than it is now.

This is "crime" on another level.

Several more police vehicles arrived, and a larger crowd gathered.

This city is not a big city like Minqing. There are not only old men and women, but also many young people who are watching the excitement. No one is in a hurry to go to work or school, and no one feels that the police are handling cases here and they need to retreat.

However, more police came, and the manpower was finally able to handle the large crowd at the scene.

"This thing has turned a corner!" a policeman shouted with a headache.

Li Yu turned a corner and continued to move forward.

"How did it happen? Let's call the appraisal department or something to take a look!"

"Why don't you call a sprinkler truck to wash it down?"

The police were discussing what to do.

I heard the sound of the intercom on them. It seems that a senior leader has stepped forward to deal with the matter and provided a solution, delineating a route that needs to be blocked.

I have Li Yu's memory, and after getting closer to the city center, I also have a map in my mind.

The route drawn by the police leads from here to the central green space.

I looked at the intercom.

Has anyone from the paranormal community intervened? Or is it that someone high-level who knows about paranormal phenomena is aware of the connection between the two?

I heard several police officers talking about the central green space that had long since been cordoned off.

The hauntings and dead people there were attributed to chemical poisoning. This is somewhat similar to the incident at Mowen Film and Television City.

Li Yu's route was blocked by the police. The only thing that can be sealed is the road. There are so many buildings on the roadside and there are so many people that it is impossible to evacuate them all.

The police followed Li Yu's footsteps.

Midway, another command came over the intercom, asking several teams to evacuate the people in a certain area.

Is that where the action begins?

Who is coming from the supernatural world?

The memory of what I saw changed at this time.

Li Yu has reached a quiet section of the road. Surrounded by two office buildings, there seemed to be no one in the office buildings.

In the isolation zone pulled up by the police, eight monks in robes were sitting in the middle of the road.

They chanted sutras and meditated, with their eyes closed. When Li Yu approached, they seemed to feel something. After opening their eyes, the sound of chanting suddenly became louder.

Li Yu paused.

The sound of the scriptures is mysterious. The rosary beads in the monk's hands turned and made a soft clicking sound. The two sounds merged, covering the sky and the sun, and poured into people's ears.

I frowned slightly, not feeling uncomfortable, just a little uncomfortable.

Li Yu had a painful expression and his body was shaking. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the monk.

He had stopped.

With a pop, Li Yu fell to his knees and howled in pain.

I saw the policemen further away moved and looked in this direction in surprise.

Their eyes changed, and their eyes fell on Li Yu, not just looking at the footprints.

Li Yu showed his figure in front of ordinary people.

The police were surprised and did not react for a while.

Several monks continued to chant sutras, unmoved.

Li Yu's head felt swollen and painful, so he let go of his hand and wanted to hold his head.

The body did not fall to the ground. It is completely connected with Li Yu's body.

The slow-growing carrion begins to grow at an accelerated rate.

Those fleshy bodies are like mushrooms in documentary footage, growing in an instant and covering the objects they are attached to.

Li Yu's body was wrapped. He became a conjoined man.

The corpse had a new change. The bones seemed to have disappeared and turned into pure rotten flesh. The rotten meat was still integrated with Li Yu's body.

This scene is like Li Yu growing a sarcoma. Soon, the sarcoma also integrated into Li Yu's body.

Li Yu's appearance turned into a rotting corpse, and the inside was completely fused.

He stopped trembling and howling. He knelt motionless and suddenly let out a weird laugh.

I felt the change of Yin Qi in Li Yu's body. His mind also changed.

Li Yu has discovered his extra strength.

There was a voice shouting in Li Yu's head.

Li Yu's rotting body suddenly collapsed, as if it was chocolate, melting directly.

The puddle was flowing on the sidewalk, and soon it fell onto the asphalt road, like sewage, and entered the sewer entrance.

"No! He's running away!" A monk's expression changed.

I looked up and looked behind the monks.

Behind them, the manhole cover bounced off, and something flew out, knocking the monk to the ground.

Good night everyone~

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