Aoba Office

Chapter 1912 New World (10)

There was a constant splashing sound, and there were people chasing her on the shore. Everyone came to their senses.

Li Yu also swam forward desperately. He was carrying the corpse and had exhausted his energy just now, so naturally he was gradually overtaken.

The first person to jump into the water grabbed Li Yu's feet and grabbed Li Yu in front of him.

He wanted to grab the skeleton, but before his outstretched hand could touch the skeleton, his body flew backwards. Along the way, he also bumped into people who were chasing him from behind.

"Help!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, but his figure turned into a tiny dot in an instant.

It was only then that everyone thought that they would be attacked by that fisherman once they got into the water. They panicked.

Li Yu didn't care about this and just kept immersed in swimming.

He was floating in the water and suddenly heard a cry.

The shouts came not from behind, but from the front.

Li Yu was startled. He looked up and saw nothing. After hugging the skeleton tightly, he sank slightly.

Not far ahead, there was a pipe sticking out of the water near the river bank.

This seems to be a sewage pipe, and the surrounding water is very turbid.

There were people and skeletons hanging against the mouth of the pipe.

They seemed to be washed here by the current and blocked in this area.

Li Yu saw his former partner. His body was pierced by the skeleton's hand bones. There was no blood and he seemed to be conscious, but unable to move.

He stretched out his hand towards Li Yu, and the skeletons also stretched out their hands.

Li Yu was so frightened that he backed away and did not go to rescue him. He seized the time and quickly swam through this area.

Li Yu heard curses coming from behind him, and calls for help came from behind.

The course of the river upstream has changed and branched.

Li Yu saw his cousin. He was also entangled by skeletons and blocked at a corner of the river.

The people chasing him on the shore yelled angrily, but some also spoke kindly and negotiated terms and cooperation with Li Yu.

Li Yu ignored it.

He swam to another tributary of the river, and the people on the bank could only yell and curse together, unable to cross the water.

Li Yu himself didn't know if the skeleton he caught was the body that the water ghost was looking for. But this thing is different from other skeletons. This thing can't speak, but it doesn't fall apart like ordinary skeletons. With this, the fisherman will not attack and cannot capture him.

This is it.

Li Yu hopes in his heart.

I feel the same yin energy on this skeleton as the water ghost. Compared to Li Yu, I discovered this thing earlier and determined its identity earlier. Even if Li Yu was not caught by the fisherman, the four of them would surely find the body if they searched like this. Li Yu was caught by the fisherman and happened to cross over the body, so he also seized the opportunity.

In this way, the water ghost should be free.

When I thought about this, the memory I was reading suddenly stopped when it should have changed.

Li Yu's condition is not right. He doesn't look like me in my soul state, nor does he look like the ghosts I've seen. He had some changes, but not a complete change of thinking.

He gradually felt tired and couldn't hold on any longer.

After swimming for so long, Li Yu still hasn't found a place to land. Something was wrong with his consciousness.

Li Yu also knew that he was dying, and his hands began to lose hold of the skeleton.

Holding on, Li Yu leaned to the shore. He was left with only one thought.

After flopping on the bank for a long time, Li Yu finally touched the river bank.

He was covered in dirt, looked terrible, and his face was still strangely pale.

He dragged the skeleton and his feet forward step by step.

There were water marks on the ground.

This seems to be the outskirts of the city. There are not many people there. There are farmlands in the distance. The nearby houses are not uniform residential buildings. They all seem to be privately built houses.

Li Yu's eyes were empty and he just walked forward. He seemed to be pulled by something, and he was heading in the right direction, and he was only heading in that direction.

The water stains on him and the skeleton never dried. Under the bright sun, both figures were dripping with water.

From the irregular three-story house next to it, someone came out carrying something. It was a middle-aged woman with a child behind her.

The child stared at the water marks on the ground for a long time.

The middle-aged woman turned around and cursed in a dialect, not seeing her child following her. She stepped forward, grabbed the child's ears, and scolded him a few more times.

The child screamed and pointed at the marks on the ground, "Grandma! Grandma! It's raining!"

The woman cursed again and turned her head to take a casual look. The object the woman was holding fell to the ground.

Li Yu turned a deaf ear to this movement and continued to drag the skeleton.

On the ground, there were wet footprints, traces of water drops, and an irregular water mark.

The woman looked up at the sky blankly.

It wasn't raining.

"Yeah!" the woman screamed, picked up the child and rushed back into the house.

Li Yu still didn't respond.

I saw that skeleton changing.

There are more and more pieces of meat on its body. Originally, there were just some minced meat connecting the bones to prevent them from falling apart. Now, the minced meat seems to have grown, slowly wrapping around the bare bones.

Li Yu was also unaware of this. There was only one thought left in his consciousness.

Walking from the suburbs to the city center, there are more houses and people on the road.

Li Yu's footprints fell on the cement road. The corpse already had a lot of rotten flesh, but it was still dripping.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

People around couldn't see the body, but they should be able to hear the sound. The traces of water drops are more obvious in their eyes.

Along the way, many people screamed and ran for their lives.

The commotion did not last long.

A young man emerged from the street corner, holding up his mobile phone and taking pictures of the water marks on the ground. They also pretended to focus on Li Yu.

I don’t think they can see Li Yu. None of these people have yin and yang eyes.

You can see water marks, especially footprints, and everyone knows that they were left by someone.

I heard their analysis. They were very excited and thought there was a ghost walking around.

"It must be a water ghost! He drowned, so there are footprints!"

"And this!" Someone pointed to the water marks on the body dragged out, "He still has something with him!"

"It must have been a love killing! The woman jumped into the river and died, and the man was taken away."

"Shit! Are these footprints a woman's? Are these sneakers? A man's feet!"

"That means a man has been cuckolded!"

The relaxed mood and irrelevant discussions of these people attracted many people.

The fear is fading. I look at the expressions of the onlookers. They are like onlookers in a car accident or fire accident. They are worried, but mostly curious. Some of them are inhumane and don't care at all that someone dies, they just relish in the scenes they have never seen.

This atmosphere is spreading.

No one blocked Li Yu's way, everyone surrounded Li Yu and followed him forward.

I feel uneasy.

The exposure of such things is a problem. Such emotions are another big problem.

Continue like this……

The police siren suddenly sounded.

The police car appeared ahead.

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