Aoba Office

Chapter 1871 Temporary Winner

Liu Miao found Tison's map and took the lead to lead the way.

The alien space in this town seems to have been broken, but it has not become normal and returned to reality. The ghosts in the houses along the street are proof of that.

"It's a bit far to get to the original site of Morris Town." Liu Miao found out our current location.

We didn't go far when we heard the sound of a car engine again. The police car that drove away just now came back. The policeman looked at us helplessly.

"What's the matter with you? You haven't gone home yet? Are you from out of town and staying in the hotel here?" The policeman put his arm on the car door and stuck his head out to ask us.

"We want to find Morristown." Wu Ling once again became the negotiator among us.

The policeman asked for the name of the place, shook his head and said: "We are here in Thyssen, there is no place called Morris nearby. You must be looking for the wrong place. I will take you to the hotel and stop running around. It's really..."

The thing is, we didn’t book a hotel here.

I glanced at Wu Ling.

Wu Ling reported a hotel name. They were obviously prepared for this. If there are no accidents, we will probably rest there after arriving in Thyssen.

The policeman nodded and motioned for us to get in the car.

Han Yun was also very dissatisfied and muttered: "It's so troublesome. How long will this be delayed? Where is that kid hiding? Hey, can your divination still work?"

Wu Ling ignored him and started chatting with the police.

"...Mrs. Winter is old, has a nervous breakdown, and is always awake in the middle of the night. She was a novelist when she was young. Haha! In fact, she is a full-time housewife and has only published one detective novel. However, it is not a detective novel. Published, it's a love story. She lives next door to the Reina family. After the Reina family became famous on the Internet, there was an endless stream of people like you. "This policeman named Tom is very popular. Chatty and not hostile to us, there was no ill will in him.

My previous guess was correct, he is used to this kind of thing.

The Reina family is the family of the young ghost. The family that came later, I heard their last name was Jackson.

"Jackson? Who? The Reina family's house has been empty for a long time. The current heir is a distant relative of their family who lives abroad and has never dealt with the house." Tom looked at Wu Ling, "What did you hear? The story? That house had always been the home of Rena's family. They went bankrupt during the economic crisis. Rena killed his wife and his eldest daughter by accident, and then he was caught. The son committed suicide in the house. The eldest son disappeared after he went into debt. The younger daughter was sent to an orphanage at the time. Well...she never came back."

"The house has always been empty?" Wu Ling confirmed.

Tom nodded.

"What year is it now?" Wu Ling asked again.

Tom looked at Wu Ling again, "What?"

"What year is it now?"

"2012." Tom replied with a strange look.

Eleven years ago!

I was shocked and clenched my fists.

In that scene, I didn't see the specific time, but now it seems that the problem in this different space is not only these souls, but also the overall time, which has been set back eleven years.

Tom complained to us on the way about the dangers of our behavior.

The tragedy of the Reina family has unknowingly turned into a supernatural story, attracting many people like us. Their house was neglected, and its appearance fit the scene of a ghost story, so things spread more and more. Mrs. Winter was very angry about this. She often gets knocks on the door from strangers asking about the Reina family. In the middle of the night, people would be heard running, screaming, and laughing in Reina's abandoned house. Just think about it and you know how bad it is.

"However, we all say that it was Mrs. Winter who first spread the word. She told others that she saw a ghost at Rena's house, and this rumor gradually began to spread. She also wanted to write a detective story in which Rena killed herself. Family stories," Tom said.

This thing doesn't mean much to us.

Wu Ling asked about the history of Tissante Town and whether any strange phenomena had occurred here.

Tom laughed loudly, "We are just a small place here, and there are not so many legendary stories. During the economic crisis, only the Reina family suffered heavy losses. They gambled and bought a lot of stocks. I heard that their eldest son owed usury .

The car stopped at the door of the hotel, and Tom said goodbye to us in a good mood.

At this time, it was already early morning, and the white fish belly could be seen in the sky.

"It seems that the time is wrong. The ghost has the upper hand." Wu Ling said.

Lina did not control the town, but instead let the young ghost control time.

"If it were him, shouldn't he go back to an earlier time?" Guo Yujie asked doubtfully.

"No, it should be at this time. It may be recently that the Jackson family is moving here." I raised a possibility.

I think the ghost prefers the Jacksons. He should prefer the Jackson family, which was very harmonious from beginning to end, than his own family, which fell apart and everyone showed their ugly faces. The collapse of the Jackson family was not because they had done something evil. They were victims and had done nothing wrong.

"It's better to go to the original site of Morris Town and have a look. Lina is probably there." Wu Ling said.

There is still a long way to go from the hotel to the original site of Morris Town, but it is much closer than before.

There were no taxis at this time, so we walked to the farm on the outskirts of the town.

On the road, those ghosts are similar to toy people, living "freely". Compared to toy people, they seem to be freer and have a certain level of consciousness.

When we arrived at the original site of Morris Town, we found that there were no traces of the town left here. Even Han Yun couldn't find the existence of different dimensions.

Wu Ling found the farmer here. The farmer knew nothing about the name Morris. He has lived here for generations, dating back to his great-great-grandfather's generation. Going back further, this place seemed to be a forest farm, not a small town anyway.

"No more?" Guo Yujie was confused.

It’s not like we haven’t gained anything here. Wu Ling paid, asked the farmer to borrow a dilapidated second-hand car, and drove back to Ruina's house.

As I deduced earlier, we saw people coming to view the house.

Next door to Ruina's house, there was an old lady standing by the window on the first floor, looking in all the time.

"You are..." After discovering us, a man in his thirties came over on his own initiative.

I recognized this was the man of the Jackson family.

When I looked up, I saw the ghost of the young man reappearing on the second floor of Reina's house.

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