Aoba Office

Chapter 1870 The Failed Ghost King

This thought came into my mind. He had no intention of resurrecting them, and now he is even preparing to eliminate them directly to deal with the ghosts here.

I took a step forward.

At this moment, the ghost of the young man appeared on the stairs again.

The souls of the big dog and the child shook and turned into normal children and dogs. They seemed to have had their memories tampered with, or like a piece of video. They completely ignored our existence and ran upstairs laughing.

The two ghosts passed through the young man's ghost and entered the room.

The young man was still standing on the stairs looking down at us.

"That was..." Guo Yujie opened her mouth wide.

The young man flashed twice and then disappeared.

"The situation here seems to be very complicated." Wu Ling said, without giving a final conclusion. He just followed the original plan and went to the backyard to find Han Yun.

We walked through the hallway and living room and saw the floor-to-ceiling glass doors. There was a gap in the glass door, and through the broken gap, wind poured into the room.

The scene outside was desolate and very strange. Broken teddy bears hung on dead branches. I heard a dog barking, the sound seemed to be blown by the wind. Something was crawling under the rotting leaves on the ground.

Han Yun floated in the air, looking up at the sky. After a while, he looked down at the rotten soil under his feet.

Wu Ling pushed open the floor-to-ceiling glass door.


The glass door fell directly onto the dirt floor.

Han Yun turned to look at us.

"What did you find?" Wu Ling asked.

"Run away." Han Yun shook his head, "It's a little strange. There's something wrong with this place..."

Wu Ling stepped on the door panel and walked into the courtyard, pausing for a moment.

A few of us followed.

Entering the backyard, I also felt something was not right.

The Yin Qi here is turbid, as if it is mixed with the Yin Qi of many ghosts, but I did not see any complete ghosts, and I could not distinguish the traces of these ghosts from the turbid Yin Qi.

"I clearly found that kid just now." Han Yun was angry and very upset.

It's somewhat funny that he would call others a brat in this way.

"Are you leaving here?" Wu Ling asked, taking out a coin from his pocket.

"What is this?" Han Yun's attention turned to Wu Ling's hand.

"A coin for divination." Wu Ling simply answered, tossing the coin and catching it.

I saw a bird carved on the upward side of the bronze coin, which looked like a crow.

"Left." Wu Ling replied.

As soon as he finished speaking, a police siren sounded from behind. Several of us heard the sound of car engines and the sound of doors closing.

There was light shining on it, and soon I heard footsteps coming in through the mud.

"Hey! What are you doing! This is a private residence, leave quickly!" The shout surprised all of us.

I suddenly noticed that in the house next door, there was a figure flashing in the window. The policeman who came over was a foreigner, but I could understand him. He doesn't look like a toy man. I felt Yin Qi in him.

It's a ghost.


"Sorry." Wu Ling spoke first, answered directly, and calmly dealt with the police in front of him.

"Hey, who are you?" The policeman shined his flashlight in our faces, "Where are they from?"

Wu Ling glanced at the house and said, "We heard that this house is haunted."

I was surprised and glanced at Wu Ling.

Guo Yujie's reaction was even greater, and she turned her head to look at Wu Ling.

Liu Miao was calm and unresponsive.

The policeman probably couldn't see Han Yun and simply ignored him. He didn't pay much attention to our actions.

"What kind of haunting! Don't talk nonsense! Okay, let's go. This is not a place for you to play games." The police scolded and did not take hauntings seriously, but it was obvious that there were rumors of hauntings in this place.

Wu Ling was right.

Wu Ling nodded, without even giving us a wink, and followed the police's instructions and walked out around the house.

If you don't walk from the house, the journey becomes a little closer.

The plants around the house were dead, the wooden fence seemed to have been damaged, and the door had no purpose.

I looked at the exterior of the house and found that it was very dilapidated and there were graffiti on the walls. There are no more cobwebs on the trees in the courtyard, and there are no more weird teddy bears. This place has become more shabby, but it is much better than before, at least it is no longer scary and weird.

This is like a very ordinary abandoned house. After being abandoned, it quickly became dilapidated. Maybe there are gangsters causing trouble here, or maybe there are homeless people living here.

There are not many such single-family abandoned houses in Minqing. On the demolition land, there will be many half-demolished houses remaining for various reasons. It will take a certain amount of time to turn them into complete open spaces. This was the state of the house during that period.

We left the property, and the police got in the police car, warned us not to break in again, and drove off. His attitude was not serious, he was just doing business. Maybe this happens all the time.

The entire town was plunged into darkness, with no lights in residential areas, but there were still street lights. The toy people were gone too.

I feel a lot of yin energy. It was as if the turbid Yin Qi in the courtyard had been separated, and clear clouds of Yin Qi spread throughout the town.

The ghost of the young man is still in the house.

I turned around and saw a figure by the window on the second floor.

The sound of dogs barking and children's laughter came from the house, but they only rang once and then disappeared.

It's a bit scary to hear this kind of sound and see this kind of thing in this quiet night environment.

The ghosts seemed to be asleep, or maybe just like the police, they were used to it.

"What on earth is going on?" Guo Yujie was confused.

"Probably due to lack of ability." Wu Ling mused, "Lina's ability is not enough to control such a large toy town. She killed people, turned people into toy people, and spread the plague of toys around the world, but , her ability to kill is already at its limit."

This is very different from other ghost kings who set rules, expand their territory, are feared, respected, and worshiped by people, and control their ghost subordinates.

As Wu Ling said, she just kills people.

I remembered the brief but impressive carnival when the Toy Ghost King was still around. There is also the sight of the Toy Ghost King controlling various toys and attacking Morris Town in Slender Man's lost memory.

This kind of control is something Lina doesn't have.

Not to mention the toy ghost king who is the most obvious reference, all the ghost kings I have met before, Cheng Jiu, who seems to be the weakest, is worshiped; the taxi driver Song Zang, who has the least presence, also has a Set up complex rules of conduct and expand their influence.

Lina, it's just the plague.

When I thought of this, I looked at the house again.

The young man's ghost has disappeared, and he can't even feel the yin energy.

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