Aoba Office

Chapter 1868 New Tenant

I heard the dog bark again. The barking of dogs is accompanied by the cries of children.

In the middle, there was the cry of fear from this family.

The hauntings haven’t stopped. On the contrary, there is another ghost in this house.

The two ghosts have no interaction with each other and have no purposeful actions. An animal, a child, just follows instinct and makes sounds to show its presence.

Just like this, the whole family living in this house was almost driven crazy.

I heard muffled arguments and the sound of a fight.

No one came into the house where I was. The people who live in this house have a tacit understanding to stay away from this house.

The chaos ceased for a moment, and I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The footsteps went upstairs, moving slowly, making the wooden floor creak. The sound was covered by the cries of children and became intermittent.

After a long time, I heard footsteps coming to the door of the room. The door handle of the door was slowly twisted, and the door was slowly opened. The person outside the door hesitated and opened the door hesitantly.

The child's crying continued.

The door opened, and I found an old man with white hair standing outside the door. The old man looked at the crib, with a bit of fear in his eyes. He pushed the door open and walked in anyway. The open door allowed me to see his hands behind his back. There was a shotgun sticking out.

The old man took the shotgun to his chest, raised it tremblingly, and aimed it at the crib.

There was no sign of the child on the bed, only the sound of crying could be heard. The scene is very strange.

Even to me, this phenomenon seems bizarre. I couldn't feel the child's yin energy, nor could I see the child's form.


The old man fired his gun, and the shot went sideways, shooting through the window glass and smashing it to pieces.

Because of the recoil, the old man fell to the ground.

The child's cry suddenly rose in pitch and became extremely harsh. I felt like the house was shaking.

There was no Yin Qi, but amazing supernatural phenomena occurred.

The old man's courage to shoot was gone. He screamed, threw away the gun, got up from the ground, and ran towards the stairs. He turned around and reached the stairs. When he went downstairs, he rushed forward and could not control his balance.

I saw hands waving and grabbing picture frames on the wall. The picture frame could not support the old man's body. He fell down and brought several photo frames to the ground.

The old man's face hit the broken glass, and his body rolled all the way and fell downstairs.

I could only stand at the door of the room and look out, and saw the old man lying there, with his lower body still hanging on the stairs. He was motionless and looked dead.

It took a long time before anyone came home. It was the middle-aged woman who took the kitchen knife. She was stunned for a moment before she screamed.

However, the scream only rang out for a moment before it was muffled by the woman herself. She covered her mouth, closed the door quickly with her hands and feet, and collapsed on the ground. After waiting for a while and regaining her breath, the woman crawled closer to the old man and inspected his body.

He must be dead.

The woman sat there for a while, turned around, took her bag, looked for her cell phone, and made a call.

The scene changed and the door was closed again. I heard the movement in the courtyard and turned to the window.

That family is digging a hole again. This time they buried the old man's body.

It was already dark outside and they didn't use flashlights, but I knew they were burying bodies. And I couldn't hear what they were saying. They may not have spoken, but were breathing heavily out of nervousness. They seemed to have no intention of calling the police and were not prepared to deal with the old man's death through normal channels.

Not long after, I heard the old man coughing. This sound feels familiar to me. Because after entering this scene, I often heard such sounds. The elderly may have respiratory problems and cough every morning, as well as during the day and night.

The family's spirits became even more tense.

When people die, the sound doesn't stop.

I heard them arguing loudly downstairs. They spoke a language I didn't understand, but I understood what they meant.

This family has many children. Encountered the financial crisis, the originally happy family became stretched thin. Without the investment money, the college tuition fees for the two children could not be paid, and the medical treatment for the elderly could only be interrupted. They still have loans to repay and appear to have debts abroad.

The family fell apart little by little.

The eldest daughter, who lives a happy life, got divorced and had no choice but to return to her parents' home and share a room with her little sister. After she met her new boyfriend, she became pregnant, but was abandoned again. That kid is a liability.

Old people are also a burden. But the elderly have pensions. Even if they need to take medicine for a long time, which is a burden, the pension is still very important to the family.

There is also a younger daughter and a younger son. Neither of them is independent yet.

The ghost I saw was the younger son.

As for the eldest son in this family, he disappeared from the world after he owed gambling debts. The loan sharks found his parents and pestered the family.

This is a messed up family.

During the constant quarrel, gunfire rang out, girls screamed and men roared.

I heard the sound coming from the courtyard again.

Shovels dug up the soft soil and new bodies were lowered into the pit.

Not long after, the scene changed and I heard police sirens. A policeman broke in, and soon there were policemen in the courtyard.

The soil bags were dug up and the bodies were taken out.

When everything subsided, only the sounds of three ghosts were left in the house.

I listened for a while and heard footsteps.

The footsteps went up the stairs, and with each step, there was the sound of the picture frame being broken.

One moment, one moment... we arrived at the stairs.

There were more sounds of doors opening and closing in the next room.

I listened for a while longer and stood at the window, wanting to see what was going on over there.

I saw a little reflection on the window, but it wasn't clear.

After waiting for a while, I heard the sound of a chair falling.


The black shadow on the window expanded, and a body hit the glass window and bounced back.

The figure swayed.

Did he hang himself?

That young man?

Suddenly, the room I was in changed drastically.

The bunk beds and cribs were gone, replaced by study furnishings.

The door was open, as were the doors to the rooms on the left and right. I saw that those rooms had been redecorated. The wall next to the stairs is bare, no photos, and the wallpaper has been changed.

I heard children laughing and dogs barking.

When I got to the window and looked down, I saw a big, healthy white dog running in the yard. A child of three or four years old was clumsily chasing the big dog.

I caught a glimpse of a figure in the corner of my eye. I turned my head and saw the young man standing by the window of the next room.

He seemed to be laughing.

The smile quickly disappeared.

The laughing big dogs and children in the courtyard also disappeared.

I realized something and walked to the door of the room.

In the next bedroom, there was a child sitting on the floor, motionless. The big dog next to the bed was also lying motionless, like a still picture. In front of the child is a castle made of building blocks. There are also toy soldiers lying beside the castle.

Outside the houses, the whole town was dead silent.

The town of Thyssen has been infected by the plague.

I looked at the child and saw a figure beside the child. The ghost stood in front of the child and the dog, with his head lowered and motionless.

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