Aoba Office

Chapter 1867 Cause

This was a deformed monster that reminded me of the memories I had received several times before.

Could it be that this is another ghost that turned into a monster after death?

While I was thinking about it, I already let go of my hand.

The dog exists in this posture, making it difficult to move. It is not adapted to such a body and can only support its upper body, while the child's body is still lying on the ground.

"What we just saw is not like this." Guo Yujie said.

The big dogs we saw the first two times were just ordinary big dogs, without such deformed bodies.

The big dog whimpered twice, as if he was very aggrieved, and turned to look at his own body. It cannot speak, and it is not as intelligent as a teddy bear. It can only whimper like this in grievance.

Wu Ling checked the big dog's body. The two body parts were connected together without any trace of stitching in the middle, just like a complete whole, which is how it was originally.

The only person who can do such a thing is a ghost.

I felt the yin energy in the big dog. There is only one kind of Yin energy in the big dog. There is only this kind of yin energy in this house.

This makes me suspect that this is just a conspiracy. Perhaps, Lina, is using this method to lead us into a trap. It could be other ghosts... I'm not sure, because Yin energy can't be fake. There is indeed another ghost here. We still don’t know what the relationship between that ghost and Lina is.

Lina was able to kill the original toy ghost king. She came to power, but there was a ghost if she couldn't protect her. Now she wants to kill Lina and change the dynasty again.

When I thought of this, an idea came to my mind.

"We should still go to Morristown and find Lina's grave!" I said.

Lina destroyed the ghost king's body and completely eliminated the ghost king. If we can find Lina's body, we might be able to use the same method to eliminate Lina.

"Not here." Han Yun suddenly said, "Didn't I just say it? The space here is very strange. Hey, what happened here?" Han Yun asked the dog.

The dog raised its head and looked at Han Yun, sticking out its tongue to breathe.

"Big stupid dog, do you understand what I'm talking about?" Han Yun was angry.

The big dog looked at Han Yun and then at the crib.

The crib still had the same bloody look, and no new illusions appeared.

"Here?" Han Yun floated over the crib suspiciously, bent down and reached out to touch the mattress of the crib.

I only saw a layer of blood-colored mist around me, as if the blood on the bed had evaporated.

The child's cry started again.

A phantom appeared before my eyes.

I saw the child on the crib. It was a baby, just born. He lay on the bed crying. The wind chime toy hanging above was dirty and damaged, which was different from the previous illusion.

Soon, someone entered the room, cursing angrily.

It was a girl, not very old.

The first thing that comes to my mind is the idea of ​​having a baby out of wedlock and being a teenage mother. But after the girl screamed and cursed, an older woman soon walked in. The woman looked about thirty years old, with a haggard look on her face. She picked up the child, patted the child on the back, and coaxed the child.

The girl was still cursing, and soon the two started arguing.

With a bang, the door to the next door was slammed shut.

There were roars coming from downstairs. There was an older woman scolding the two people above.

A man's voice intervened, also roaring and reprimanding.

This family is noisy.

I heard a dog barking outside the house, which quickly turned into a whine.

The sounds eventually ended.

The argument ended and the illusion of the room changed.

I saw the child back in the crib. A bad smell came from the crib. The child defecated inside, and there were marks on the child's pants and crib sheets.

The girl came in again, this time carrying a bag. As soon as she came in, she threw her bag on the upper bunk bed and immediately pinched her nose and screamed.

She rushed out, knocked on the door next door, cursed a few times, and then turned back.

She stared at the child in the crib with disgust, and saw the child waking up from his sleep, smashing his mouth, and crying loudly.

The girl showed an even more bored expression, her brows knitted together. She turned her head to search, then looked at the crib. She raised her eyelids and looked at the string of toys hanging on the bed. The girl grabbed the toy, pulled off a gray-pink piglet, and stuffed it into the child's mouth.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard the child's cry become dull and stuck in my throat.

The child struggled.

The girl seemed to start to panic and realized what she had done. She grabbed the backpack on the bed and rushed out.

The bag she was carrying was hung in a picture frame on the wall of the staircase. The girl didn't stop and let the photo frame fall to pieces behind her.

The child's face was already bruised and he couldn't breathe easily.

He coughed a few times, turned his head, and spat out the piglet in his mouth. However, the piggy's neck was broken and a piece of cotton was missing.

The child was still struggling, but the crying had stopped.

After a while, the child became motionless and stopped breathing.

There was a peculiar smell in the room, and after a long time, I saw a woman who seemed to be the child's mother entering the room. She picked up the child sluggishly, and after a while, she realized something was wrong.

Her expression was only surprise, not sadness.

I saw her carrying the baby downstairs.

It seems that all I can see is the scene of this room. I can only stand in this room and look at other places.

I came to the window and saw the woman arriving in the courtyard. She dug a hole and buried the child in it.

The big dog was lying in the kennel next to it. The kennel was very dilapidated and the food bowl in front of the kennel was dirty and there was no food in it. The dog was very skinny and very different from what I had just seen.

The dog kept watching the woman's movements. After the woman left, the dog cautiously reached the area.

I felt my heart tighten again.

The dog threw the bag away and stuck its head inside. It had its back to the window and I couldn't see what it was doing, but I seemed to hear the sound of chewing. The dog was devouring the child's body.

I felt something and turned to look at the window next door.

I saw the back of a young man. The young man turned around at the window and returned to the room.

It's that ghost!


I turned around and saw the ghost of a child in the crib. He is still crying.

I wasn't the only one hearing the sound.

Girls, women, and people who had never met before and lived downstairs all heard the sound. The young man should have also heard the sound.

It's haunted!

That kid turned into a ghost!

The family panicked. I could hear whispers downstairs. They soon started arguing.

There was movement in the courtyard again.

They arrived at the courtyard and wanted to dig out the child's body.

The woman seemed to have forgotten where the body was buried.

They dug a lot and found only the child's blood-stained clothes.

Not long after, I saw them capture the dog. They hung the dog up. The middle-aged man took out his belt and whipped the dog hard.

A chubby middle-aged woman returned to the house and came out with a kitchen knife in her hand.

The man who took the kitchen knife grabbed the dog's head and slashed the dog's neck with the knife. Blood spurted out.

The dog's whining became softer and died away.

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