Aoba Office

Chapter 1863 Exposure

The memory ends abruptly.

Thunder Lily has turned into a monster, and can't even be called a ghost.

I looked out the car window at the street scene flying backwards, and I felt strangely calm.

It seems that I have already foreseen the arrival of this day, so before this day actually arrives, I will be nervous and worried, but by the time this day arrives, I have lost the ability to react.

I can no longer hide it.

I affirm this.

Wu Ling's cell phone rang at this time.

I thought of Lei Lily, and had a hunch that this call must be related to Lei Lily.

Liu Miao picked up the phone, said "It's Nangong", and answered the call. The phone was placed directly on speakerphone, and the four of us heard Nangong Yao's serious voice.

"There have been incidents of ghosts attacking people on the streets, and there are live broadcasts on the Internet, which have been seen by many people. This matter...cannot be hidden..." Nangong Yao said at the end, his voice was low and solemn.

There was a brief silence in the car and on the other end of the phone.

"Who did it?" Wu Ling asked.

Nangong Yao replied: "The preliminary inference is that they are the ghosts controlled by Gu Yan. The person who posted the message online was a fan account of Gu Yan. Those photos were also accompanied by text that read 'The end of Huaxin'."

"Fanxin?" Wu Ling was confused.

I thought of Lily Ray's attitude towards celebrities.

"Well, the deceased was a female college student. She usually watched movies, TV shows, and listened to music. She had been to Gu Yan's concerts, but she also liked other celebrities. She did not slander or criticize Gu Yan on the Internet. Did she in real life? It’s not clear.”

"It seems they have broadened their targets."

"Yeah. In addition, there are 21 new deaths this day, which is very problematic. Of these 21 victims, I found out that they either attended Nantian's concert, or bought Nantian's album and gave it to Nantian to attend. have voted in the selection activities. Their main target should still be Nantian fans.”

When Nangong Yao mentioned his brother, his tone was calm.

"Nan Tian was not attacked?" Wu Ling asked.

"Not yet. Maybe, he doesn't know it himself." Nangong Yao hesitated.

We still don’t know exactly what Nantian’s abilities are. Nantian may have another personality, another soul. In this case, some of the information Nantian himself said may not be credible. What his other soul did he himself would never know.

"How long will it take for you to handle it?" Nangong Yao asked.

"I got off the plane and am on the road now. I can't tell the specific situation." Wu Ling did not give a definite answer. "If everything goes well, including the distance, it will be at least four or five days later."

We also need to go to the place where Christina died and deal with Christina. The distance is the biggest problem and there is no way to solve it. The flight time of more than ten hours cannot be shortened.

Nangong Yao expressed his understanding and said that he would pass on the information about Lei Baihe to us, and ended the call.

Compared to the information found by Nangong Yao, I know better what happened to Lei Lily.

But when I saw the photos and words posted on social networking sites, I still felt the smell of blood.

Most people feel nothing but horror.

There are ghosts in this world, and ghosts kill people. Many people have probably thought about this kind of thing.

In the dead of night, when you hear strange noises at home or outside the window, you will imagine the danger lurking in the darkness.

This thought may also arise when a loved one dies. They would like to see the soul of the deceased come back, but they are afraid that the soul of the deceased will come back.

As for hearing ghost stories, horror legends, and watching ghost movies, my thoughts at that time may be more complicated.

No one will seriously think about whether there are ghosts in this world, and few people will investigate and study whether there are ghosts in this world.

The ghost, just like this, caught everyone off guard and rushed in front of them. Moreover, he also carried a corpse, showing everyone a naked murder.

Panic is inevitable.

"What will happen?" Guo Yujie suddenly asked.

"I don't know." Wu Ling replied.

"Have you not imagined this situation?" Guo Yujie was surprised.

Liu Miao shook her head, "We have been trying to avoid this happening."

"Now, it happened..."


"That's it?" Guo Yujie raised her voice.

Neither Liu Miao nor Wu Ling responded.

I was silent too.

Han Yun, who was sitting on Guo Yujie's lap, snorted, "What else can I do? Either kill the other party or be killed by the other party."

Guo Yujie looked at Han Yun.

"People like me are the minority." Han Yun pointed to himself, "The majority are like that." He pointed to the mobile phone in Liu Miao's hand.

"A collection of malicious intent, do you understand?" Han Yun further explained, "All of these, ghosts, monsters, and other things are. All are a collection of malicious intent."

"Why are you in the minority?" I asked.

Han Yun raised his head and said proudly: "This is called talent!"

I have nothing to say.

Wu Ling said: "This may really only be attributed to talent. If we want to explore it further, it has something to do with reincarnation. Maybe I did something in my previous life, so I became a ghost after death in this life, but I can still maintain my sanity."

Liu Miao has some different opinions on this, "I think it's nature. A good person will be a good person in any situation. Bad people didn't do bad things before, but they just didn't have the chance. There is also whether they are strong-willed or not."

The two people and one ghost have different views on this, and neither of them has reliable evidence to prove their views.

"So, there is still no way?" Guo Yujie brought the topic back to the original point.

"No. There are too many variables. And this is not an area we are good at. How to deal with it depends on the decision-making from above and the reaction from below. There is almost nothing we can do." Wu Ling said the truth.

When we face supernatural things, no matter how powerful we are, it will not have much effect on this matter.

"Do what we should do. The rest is up to others." Wu Ling concluded.

After saying this, the car has not reached its destination yet. We can only continue to waste away and wait for this journey to be over.

The car fell into silence again.

After a while, I saw a sign along the road.

"'Welcome to Thyssen.'" I read the sign.

"After we take a short rest in Tissent, we will go to the original site of Morris Town," Wu Ling said.

Han Yun showed an impatient look, "Then you rest, I'll go take a look first."

He is a ghost, an old ghost who has existed for who knows how many years. The hardship of the long journey seemed to be nothing at all.

"It's best not to act separately. There is an entrance and exit to a different space. There may be other ghosts entering that different space." Wu Ling objected.

Han Yun looked at Wu Ling and surprisingly agreed obediently, "Okay."

Does he also have fears about the future world?

Right. After all, there were many ghosts more powerful than him there.

The town of Tissante is not small in area, but judging from the data, the population is not large and it is not considered developed.

But when the car drove in, it was still surprising to see a ghost town-like scene.

Wu Ling stepped on the brakes and stopped the car.

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