Aoba Office

Chapter 1862 Ghost

The three people in the car could not hear other sounds and could only see the scenery inside the car clearly.

Outside the car, because the taxi suddenly braked, other vehicles had to stop. The horn honked twice, and some people cursed, but they immediately continued driving around the taxi.

People outside could see the panicked three people inside the taxi. A passing car stopped, lowered its window, shouted at the taxi several times, and knocked on the taxi's window.

His shouts, like the horns and curses before, did not reach the ears of the three people, but the sound of knocking on the glass window was heard by all three.

Lei Lily and her roommate hugged each other and screamed, and the driver was so frightened that he jumped.

They were panicked, thinking that some natural disaster had occurred outside, causing the entire world outside to turn dark.

There was a smile on the ghost's lips, and the Yin Qi on his body spread out.

The next second, the black car window seemed to be opened by a hand. It was still dark outside the window, but something reached into the darkness.

I couldn't see anything outside the car, and inside, the darkness prevented me from seeing what it was.

Until there was a click and a flash of light appeared.

Lei Lily and her roommate held their heads and screamed, not daring to look at what the light was.

At that moment, I saw the glowing thing clearly. That's the camera flash.

Click! Click!

Flashes flashed and the shutter clicked.

From the darkness, countless lenses stretched out and focused on Thunder Lily.

In the corners of the car, long lenses also came out, clicking and clicking.

The driver's eyes widened and he was so frightened that he couldn't control himself when he saw this strange scene. He even saw this kind of flash for taking pictures in the gap of the air conditioner in the car.

"Ahhh-" the driver yelled, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and stepped on the accelerator.

The taxi rushed out and immediately hit the car in front and received a violent impact.

The car stopped. All three people rushed forward due to inertia and were pulled back to their seats by the seat belts.

The seat belts tightened, binding them tightly to their seats, and all three struggled.

The ghost's target was obviously Thunder Lily. The driver and Lei Lily's roommate both broke free from their seat belts and got out of their seats. They didn't care about anything else at the moment, opened the car door and jumped into the darkness.

Thunder Lily watched them jump into the darkness, hands outstretched, crying and shouting for help.

The car door opened, but it was also dark outside.

Only the two people who jumped out of the car returned to the light, surrounded by a group of people.

The problem is the taxi itself. When they left, they escaped the danger.

Both of them were so frightened that they seemed to be mentally disturbed and could only cry.

The crowd watching the car accident were also frightened. They were stunned for a while before they noticed that there was another person in the car.

"Don't get up! Don't get up!" the driver yelled hurriedly.

It was too late for him to speak. Someone had already opened the car door, kindly trying to rescue the frightened Lei Lily.

After opening the car door and getting into the car, the man was also stunned.

"Yeah!" Lei Lily saw a person coming out of the darkness, screamed in fright, and immediately called for help, "Help me! Help me!"

The passerby had instinctively retracted his body.

Thunder Lily was almost desperate.

"That's wrong! This car..." The passerby broke out in a sweat at this moment.

"What's wrong? There's someone else in the car!" Others were puzzled.

They wanted to take further action, and the three opened car doors suddenly closed automatically.


The car door closed at the same time with a loud bang, and the huge force even knocked away the people surrounding it.

Several people screamed and fell to the ground.

This strange sight finally made people realize that something was wrong.

Thunder Lily yelled in the car, but her voice didn't come out at all. She struggled, and the seat belt tightened, tightening her body, becoming embedded in her clothes, and further squeezing her body.

Thunder Lily screamed.

The flash appears again.

This time, the camera was all focused on her, and the light shone on her face and body.

Lei Lily had to close her eyes due to the dazzling light, but the light still passed through her eyelids and stimulated her retinas. Her eyes stung, which made her screams intensify.

People outside the car could see Lei Lily's pain, and they also heard Lei Lily's screams, and they all backed up in fear.

"It's haunted! It's haunted!" the first person shouted, and the others followed suit and ran away.

This strange phenomenon can only be explained by poltergeist.

Thunder Lily's voice soon became hoarse. She was numb from the pain and the dazzling light, and her tears had dried up.

The police car and ambulance arrived at this time.

The car door seemed to be locked and could not be opened.

I saw them calling the fire brigade again and starting to tear apart the taxi.

The police set up a cordon and drove away the onlookers. There are also police and reporters everywhere asking what happened. The driver and Lei Lily's roommate were found in the ambulance and were being checked.

They couldn't figure out the reason, they just knew that something incredible and strange had happened.

The demolition tool got stuck on the car door and couldn't break it open.

Lei Lily's head tilted down, and her body had reached its limit. The long period of restraint caused problems with her body's blood supply.

People outside are anxious.

I heard another voice from the crowd.

I couldn't help Lei Lily, I could only go and see what happened again.

I saw the man holding up his mobile phone and showing everyone the photos on the phone screen.

In the photo, there is a painful Thunder Lily.

The photos have very high pixels, and there are a lot of them, taken from different angles.

The side angle may have been taken by a passerby. Although passers-by said they had never seen anyone taking pictures like that, it cannot be regarded as reliable evidence.

The photos from the front angle, as well as the photos taken from the angle below, could not have been taken by anyone at the scene.

Because of the position where Lei Baihe was sitting, to take such a photo, the camera could only be in the car.

"She's the only one in the car!"

"There's a ghost!"

"It's really haunted!"

Everyone was panicked.

I suddenly realized that this could possibly turn out to be a bad start.

Photos have appeared online and there are many onlookers on the incident. The most important thing is that in the supernatural circle, the person with the ability to control public opinion is gone...

This incident cannot be regarded as an accident like other things, and cannot be explained by something similar to "people were taking drugs at the time."

There is no way to hide it anymore.

This idea came to my mind.


I turned my head and saw that the car door was finally broken open.

"Doctor! Hurry up!" the firefighter shouted.

The doctors and nurses who hurried over carried Lei Lily out. Her clothes were cut open, allowing people to see the blood marks under the thick coat.

The ghost disappeared, but I saw Thunder Lily's ghost sitting in the car.

There were bright red marks on her body, the marks left by the seat belt. In addition, she also had strange white spots on her body.

The words are gradually appearing on the white spots.

I took a closer look and found that these were comments and messages on Thunder Lily's photos on the Internet.

Such messages kept appearing on Lei Lily's body, densely packed, and eventually, covering every inch of her body.

Thunder Lily opened her eyes, and there were words revealed in the pupils and whites of her eyes.

Then, new words appeared on the text.

Thunder Lily's clothes and facial features disappeared. She became a human-shaped three-dimensional screen, hosting countless comments.

One after another...

My scalp felt numb as I watched.

New comments appear with the same content.

"It's haunted", "There's a ghost", "Supernatural events"...

Ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost...

Lei Lily's body was engraved with this word, and her body became distorted, losing her human shape and turning into the word "ghost".

Supplementary update

Good night everyone~

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